Re: [問題] 和國外教授寫信

看板PhD作者 (XD)時間9年前 (2015/10/20 21:28), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串14/15 (看更多)
※ 引述《vaakaa (我要歐趴)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《vaakaa (我要歐趴)》之銘言: : 前一封我先自刪了 : : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 彙整了一下各位前輩的建議後, : 為了這第二封信,我試著重寫了一版. : 試著精簡了,但是拍完馬屁之後還是有點長= = : 想請各位前輩幫忙看一下. : 我已經開始在找其他老師了 : 但想先確認看看我寫類似信時 : 還有沒有觀念上的問題: : ------------------------------------ : Dear Professor Dr. Eibert: : My name is vaakaa, currently a third-year Ph.D. candidate in Communication : Engineering at the National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. I am focusing on : the research of leaky wave antennas and interested in applying for a position : as a visiting researcher at the Institute for High-Frequency Engineering. : I have read some of your great articles published at the IEEE TAP and IEEE 個人覺得像"great"這種虛無的字不是很有必要,就算真的要拍馬屁也要言之有物 : MTT which covers a wide range of topics, including numerical and theoretical : electromagnetics, advanced RF measurement techniques, MIMO antenna and leaky : wave antenna designs. I am also interested in the design of leaky wave : antennas and one of my research results has been accepted in IEEE TAP in : August 2015. It will be my honor if I can join your research team. : I am applying for a grant that allows my stay for an academic year at a : German university working on my research project. With the grant, the : Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C. (MOST) and the Deutscher : Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) will subsidize me to stay in Germany. : Attached is my curriculum vitae for your reference. Thank you very much for : your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. : Sincerely Yours. : -------------------------------------------------------------------------- : (註1:IEEE TAP和IEEE MTT是這位老師應該熟知的期刊縮寫) 只針對申請獎學金回你,前面的我懶了,而且已有人給了很好的建議。 For the expenses in Germany, my plan is to apply for the (Grant全名), a scholarship worths XXXXX EU dolars per year, lasting for (多長時間) (這點重要,如果對方是個負責的group head,他會評估是否夠支付當地的基本生活費, 否則你拿了少少的錢過來,他不花錢養你也不行,會很頭大。) This scholarship is jointly provided by MOST & DAAD, and the outcome will be released (結果出來的時間。). The link of the scholarship website is shown below (把網址連結打上證明你沒唬他). Please also see attached my CV and the research I am currently conducting in Taiwan. I really look forward to discussing with you in detail about the possibility of doing research in your group. Sincerely, 基本上寫這種信就是站在教授的立場去想。他收人的基本條件會是什麼呢? 1.起碼的語言能力,至少學術英文不能太差。 2.研究經驗、publications,證明你不會來炸了他的lab或製造混亂 3.特殊背景,是否符合他的需求?能為他帶來什麼好處? 4.你是否是個有想法的researcher,還是個被動的伸手牌? 5.$$$$$ 總之,祝你好運,我之前寄過很多信都石沉大海,所以既使這個人沒回信也別太灰心。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

10/20 21:40, , 1F
10/20 21:40, 1F

10/20 22:01, , 2F
我猜我光3,4點就有非常大的努力空間... 感謝分享...
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