[徵才]Post doc at plant pathology UC Davis
徵求Post‐doctoral Bioinformatics position in Fungal Genomics
and Transcriptomics
目前所在的lab(Stergiopoulos lab@ Department of Plant Pathology, UC Davis,
http://sterg001.wix.com/stergiopoulos-lab),徵求一名生物資訊相關post doc,
(刻苦耐勞之類的吧,但同時這幾年發表也不錯) 所以我老闆特別要我找台灣人來實驗室。
會跟我明年一起合作這個計畫,希望能徵求一位生物資訊相關的post doc,
主要會做RNA splicing方面的分析。UC Davis對於NGS方面的資源與器材非常的充足
直接聯絡我老闆Ioannis Stergiopoulos (stergiopoulos@ucdavis.edu)
Department of Plant pathology,
University of California, Davis
UC Davis main campus
Salary:依照UC postdoc 薪資表,UC的post doc有工會,學校必須依照工會的薪資表
最少$49,188 US dollar per year
The Stergiopoulos lab at the Department of Plant Pathology at the University
of California Davis is seeking for a highly skilled and motivated post-doc
in the field of fungal genomics and transcriptomics.
The lab studies the molecular mechanisms of fungal pathogenesis on plants
with an emphasis on characterizing computationally and by functional analyses
critical molecular and cellular functions required for virulence.
As part of our studies we use a systems-level approach that integrates
comparative genomics, genome-wide transcriptome profiling, targeted proteomics
, and functional analysis of selective gene candidates to study the mechanisms
that control gene expression and transcriptome diversity of fungal virulence
associated genes.
The successful candidate will work on sequencing using cutting-edge
next-generation sequencing technologies and assembling at the chromosome level
the genomes of important fungal pathogens of agronomic importance as well as
mining these genomes for candidate pathogenicity genes. The candidate is also
expected to analyze and mine dual RNAseq data of compatible plant- pathogen
interactions that are already available in the lab. The position will become
available in January 2019 and is initially for one year, renewable for
a second year upon satisfactory performance.
Salary is based on experience and qualifications according to UC Davis
pay-scales. UC Davis provides a highly vibrant intellectual atmosphere,
a pleasant college environment and career development activities specifically
designed for post-doctoral scholars.
Highly motivated candidates with an interest in applying cutting-edge
next- generation sequencing-based technologies to host-microbe interactions
research are encouraged to apply. Ideal candidates should have received
recently a Ph.D. in bioinformatics, computational biology or related fields.
A strong record of scientific accomplishment by peer-reviewed publications
as well as experience in analyzing high-throughput genomics and
transcriptomics data is a plus for this position.
Candidates should also be proficient in at least one of the common
programming languages used in bioinformatics (C, C++, Java etc.)
and have excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Interested candidates should send to Prof. Ioannis Stergiopoulos
(istergiopoulos@ucdavis.edu) a single pdf file that includes a cover letter,
their full CV, a statement of research interests,
and contact information of three references.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PhD/M.1539037777.A.098.html