[花絮] Moniak~友情之力啾偉大

看板Phillies作者 (古 典 愛 樂)時間5年前 (2019/01/20 23:40), 5年前編輯推噓1(102)
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Phillies' top pick Mickey Moniak could be poised for big leap in 2019 Jim Salisbury / January 19, 2019 ... 前面略 He's 20 years old for gosh sake, and won't turn 21 until May. If he had gone the college route, his junior season would not even have begun yet. Moniak那張稚嫩小鮮肉的臉 的確符合年紀 ~ 未滿21 Moniak's late-season success was fueled by something intangible. He took a deep breath, put faith in his talent, stopped putting pressure on himself and had some fun playing ball again. It all started last summer when a group of his pals from high school in the San Diego area traveled across the country and visited him in Clearwater. 摸尼亞去年球季後半突然靈光乍現 砂礫絲貝瑞認為跟一件場邊的花絮有關 去年夏天 他高中時的一票死黨 從聖地牙哥大老遠 跑到佛州清水基地找他 "There were 10 of us in a two-bedroom apartment just hanging out," Moniak said with a laugh. 我們十個人 差點沒把兩人床的小公寓~給掀了 Moniak's buddies came to all the games that week. They heckled him from the stands and he went on a tear at the plate. It felt like he was back in high school, playing pressure-free ball. 真夠意思 這群好友一呆就是一整週 每場(小檸檬)比賽都進場去看 在場邊觀眾席上叫囂起鬨 Moniak恍如回到了高中淑代 於是手起刀落 斬敵上將於千軍萬馬中... Moniak想起當初 選秀前的幾個月 意氣風發 英姿颯爽 ; 棒起處 強投灰飛湮滅 。 "沒道理我不行 ... 入行後 我都渾渾噩噩在做什麼?! " (設計對白) "Their support helped me realize that it's still baseball, have fun with it," Moniak said. Moniak was in Philadelphia this week to participate in the team's prospect education seminar. He had been to Citizens Bank Park after the team drafted him in June 2016. Back then, he was 170 pounds. He has added muscle to his frame and is now 6-3, 205 pounds. His left-handed swing has produced just 10 homers in his first two full minor-league seasons, but the added strength could one day lead to more power as he continues to climb the development ladder. 摸尼亞用膳時倒是沒有渾渾噩噩 努力加餐飯 想不到選秀時竹竿一副工具人似的170磅 現在已來到了205p 也許有朝一日 他會發現突然變得很會貓全壘打 就像前幾年的金吉利一樣 ( ㄟ 金弟 可見發憤讀書隊的可口可樂主場成績 確實是mirage ! ) (太鳥了 笨恐表示不酸都不行 看倌會暴動 pupu ) It's unclear where Moniak will open the 2019 season. It's possible that he gets some more time in the Florida State League with the idea of playing himself to Double A Reading before the season is over. 沙利斯貝瑞表示 今年球季結束前 若能持續找回自己的Moniak 也許在AA的名單上 就能找到他的profile 各位對狀元郎失望的廣小費迷們 就讓我們再對他寄予些許期望 與滿懷祝福的念力加持吧 \^^/ -- David Brian Cone Mets KC Jays NYY BOS SP Ht: 6'1" Wt: 190 Bat: L Throw: R Born: 1-2-63 Kansas City YR Team W L ERA IP BB SO 1999.7.18 Perfect Game 94 Royals 16 5 2.94 171.2 54 132 1994 Cy Young Award 98 Yankees 20 7 3.55 207.2 59 209 1998 AL Wins Leader Ttl 14-Year 180 102 3.19 2590.0 985 2420 '90'91'92 StrikeOut King -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 編輯: Carreras (, 01/20/2019 23:41:37

01/20 23:58, 5年前 , 1F
01/20 23:58, 1F

01/21 00:01, 5年前 , 2F
阿摘 笨恐亂翻 請勿鞭打 (拍打跟餵食~可以!)
01/21 00:01, 2F

01/21 12:44, 5年前 , 3F
01/21 12:44, 3F
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