[題目] 塑性力學

看板Physics作者 (雲)時間16年前 (2008/04/21 21:46), 編輯推噓0(000)
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[領域]塑性力學 (題目相關領域) [來源]課本習題 (課本習題、考古題、參考書...) [題目]For plane-strain deformation(dε2 and σ3=0),sketch the von Mises yield locus for the first quadrant in σ1-σ2 stress space. (a)Indicate how dε1 and dε2 would appear according to normality. (b)Determine the plastic work per unit volume as a function of principal stresses and strain increments. (c)Explain your answer in (b) with reference to the plot in (a). 我的解答: (a)Indicate how dε1 and dε2 would appear according to normality. 解: dε2 and σ3=0 瓶頸: 要如何繪圖表示? (b)Determine the plastic work per unit volume as a function of principal stresses and strain increments. 解: dω=σ1dε1+σ2dε2+σ3dε3 ∵dε2 and σ3 =0 ∴dω = σ1dε1 (c)Explain your answer in (b) with reference to the plot in (a). 解: dω = Fx dx 瓶頸: 要如何繪圖表示呢? (寫寫自己的想法,方便大家為你解答) 以上瓶頸部份,麻煩版友們幫忙作解,謝謝!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1839h7f9 (Physics)