[外電] PISTONS CORNER: The 'Fro probably wo …

看板Pistons作者 (台北不是我的家)時間18年前 (2006/01/20 15:33), 編輯推噓3(301)
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原文出處: http://0rz.net/c8102 -- ATLANTA -- Six months from now, Pistons fans will know for sure whether the player -- and the hair -- they've come to recognize most as the catalyst to the franchise's recent success will end his career in Detroit. 亞特蘭大報導 -- 六個月後,活塞球迷們將會確定他們認為是球隊近來戰績優異催化 劑的班蛙 -- 以及他的正字標記爆炸頭 -- 是否將在底特律結束其職業生涯。 But for now, center Ben Wallace said his impending status as an unrestricted free agent isn't something that weighs on him. 不過現在中鋒班蛙表示自己即將成為不受限制自由球員的身分對他來說並不造成困擾 。 "Right now, I'm not really thinking about any of that," Wallace said. "I'm just out here trying to have fun, play basketball." 班蛙說"現在,我還沒認真去思考那個問題,我只是試著享受上場打球的樂趣。" Still, listen to Wallace speak in his quiet, deliberate way, and you can hear signs of hope, statements that seem to suggest there's no reason to think Wallace will seriously entertain options from elsewhere in June. 當然,聽著班蛙平靜的說法,細細思量後便可發現他心之所嚮,藉由他發表的言論我 們可以發現根本不需擔心,因為6月時班蛙不會認真去考慮接受其他球隊的提案。 "I enjoy being here," Wallace said. "I enjoy these guys that I'm playing with. I owe everything to these guys here not talking about this, not making a big buzz about me being a free agent. We just go out there every night, and (I) do whatever I can do to help this team win." 班蛙說"我很樂意待在這,我很享受和這些傢伙一起打球的樂趣。我應該將每件事歸功 於隊友,不該把成為自由球員這件事大肆渲染。每一晚我們只管上場打球,我會盡力而為 ,幫助球隊獲勝。" Coach Flip Saunders believes retaining Wallace won't come down to better money or sunnier locales. He thinks his status and the system in Detroit will be the biggest factors. And that bodes well enough for Detroit that Saunders said he's not concerned. 老桑教練相信班蛙不會因為一張更優渥的合約或能在氣候更良好的地方打球而離開, 他認為班蛙在底特律的重要性及這支球隊的球風才是更主要的因素,而上述兩點底特律具 備的條件已經夠好了,所以老桑表示他並不擔心。 "When you find a situation that is conducive to how you play," Saunders said, " and people respect you, and they treat you (well), and you know you're appreciated ... you don't run away from those types of things." 老桑說"當你找到了一個自己的表現對於球隊有舉足輕重的影響的地方,人們敬重你也 對你很好,而且你知道自己受人賞識...你不會想離開這的。" Wallace fired his agent, Steve Kauffman, last week and said he isn't rushing into hiring anybody new. He's started to receive some calls from interested agents, and he's talking to several. But in Wallace's mind, the most important place for him to take care of business is on the floor. 班蛙上週火了他的經紀人S.Kauffman並表示他不急著僱用一個新的經紀人。他已經開 始接聽一些有興趣應徵當自己經紀人的電話,不過在他心中,最重要最在乎的還是在球場 上的表現。 If he does that, he said, the rest will take care of itself. 他表示如果他那麼做,其他人最好自求多福。 "I've had a little taste of success," Wallace said. "But I think the reason I'm where I'm at, the reason I do the things I do, is because I'm always hungry for more. I feel like every night when I step out on that floor, that I can do a little bit more. I think I can do a little something extra. That's what I'm hoping for." 班蛙說"我已淺嚐過勝利的滋味,不過我認為我待在這裡,做這些事情,全都是因為我 總是渴望獲得更多勝利。每一晚我踏上球場的地板都覺得自己可以做得更多、更好,那就 是我所期望的。" -- LARRY WHO? Any emotion in playing against former Pistons coach Larry Brown, now with the Knicks, must have waned in the first meeting Dec. 2. Saunders first clue? No one brought up the reunion until Wednesday. "Last time, they brought it up every day for two weeks prior," Saunders said. 誰是Larry? 任何與在紐約尼克任教的前教練L.Brown對抗的情緒都已在他們第一次交手時消逝了, 瞧瞧老桑怎麼說?直到禮拜三,都沒人提到要再次和Brown見面,他表示"上一次,他們從 對戰前2個禮拜開始就每一天都談到這件事。" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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遊戲中可不管你人情不人情的= =
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