[外電] 關於影片編輯的六件事

看板Pistons作者 (企鵝)時間17年前 (2007/03/01 14:32), 編輯推噓12(1203)
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http://www.nba.com/pistons/news/sixthings_videoediting.html Six Things About...Video Editing 關於影片編輯的六件事 by Desi Segundo III You may have heard those stories about guys getting a leg up on the opposition by "watching tape," but what does that consist of? Paul Rivers and his assistant, Jason Hervey, are the two-man team solely responsible for handling all of the club's footage and video operations. Rivers is in his second year with the Pistons after being the video coordinator for the San Antonio Spurs during their 2005 championship season and before that with Tom Izzo at Michigan State University. 你也許知道這些人和"看帶子"這份苦差事對抗的故事,但是你知道他們是由哪些人組成的 嗎?Paul Rivers和他的助理Jason Hervey兩個人共同負責全部的運作。這是Paul Rivers 在活塞做影片操作的第二年,在之前他是待在馬刺隊。而更早以前是在Michigan State University和Tom Izzo共事。 Are we getting air miles for this?: 這句不會翻 How expensive is all the equipment for the video editing room? In a word: very. Rivers' laptop is a regular Dell computer with a lot of memory and a sophisticated high-end graphics card. Let's estimate the laptop to cost $4,000. The video editing software costs roughly $20,000, and that's just for a stand-alone editing system. Now let's make sure that all the coaches, scouts and certain members of the basketball staff such as Joe Dumars and John Hammond have a laptop. Ten computers should cover the Pistons staff. That brings the total to roughly $240,000. 這間影片編輯室有多昂貴呢?簡短來說:非常貴。Rivers的筆記型電腦擁有高階的儲存裝 置及繪圖卡,價值4000美金。而影片編輯軟體大概要花掉2000美金。這僅僅是對於一套獨 立編輯系統而已。現在來確認幾位球隊陣容中的重要人物像是Joe Dumars 、John Hammond,他們都有筆記型電腦、以及給全體活塞工作人員的10台電腦,這些大約價值 240000美金。 Pistons games from last season, this season and opponent's games over the same span are stored on eight portable Firewire drives. They are roughly $215 per drive for an additional $1,720. There's also a portable DVD duplicator and video capture box that Rivers takes with him on the road. Those are roughly $600. Then there's lots of DVDs. Rivers and his staff go through roughly four 100-disk packs per season for a total of $200. That brings the approximate total to a whopping $242,500. There also are High-Definition flat screens hooked up to TiVo boxes to record other NBA games. 從上一季到這一季的比賽通通被儲存在八個手提式的安全保護系統裝置中。每一套系統大 約要花掉額外的215美金,而裝置的費用大約都是1720美金。還有一個Rivers隨身攜帶的 手提式的DVD燒錄機和電視錄像盒。這玩意值200美元,全部管理系統大約是242500美元。 這些都是超高畫質的平面螢幕,並且可以連接到TiVo boxes來進行錄像。 The Michigan State Spartans spent between $500,000 and $600,000 on a video editing room, becoming one of the first college basketball programs in the country to have this technology. When Rivers was with San Antonio, the Spurs spared no expense and easily spent $1 million. The Pistons have two video editing rooms, one in the Palace and another at the practice facility. That's enough money to earn five first-class roundtrip tickets with Northwest Airlines to anywhere in the United States. Michigan State Spartans花了大約50到60萬美金在影片編輯室上,成為了第一個擁有這 項技術的大學籃球節目。當Rivers在馬刺時,馬刺不惜費用的花了100萬美金。而活塞則 有影片編輯室,一間在宮殿而另一間在工作區,以及充足到可以買飛到美國的任何地方的 西北航空公司的5張頭等來回機票的經費。 Welcome to the 21st century: 歡迎來到21世紀 The Pistons still have a lot of information on VHS and beta tapes but the process of transferring games to DVD is underway. Teams went the digital route due to ease of use and portability. To avoid confusion, games are limited to one game per DVD. Five years ago, Rivers' laptop at MSU had a whopping 20-gigabyte hard drive, which was considered a lot of disk space at the time. The one he currently uses stores up to 100 gigabytes of information. 活塞隊仍然有很多VHS和BEAT版的帶子正在加工成DVD中。小組使用了數位製程來讓他們更 具可攜性。為了避免混亂,他們讓一片DVD只放入一場比賽。五年前,Rivers的筆記型電 腦硬碟儲存量有20GB,存放了那些經過深思熟慮後才放置的東西。而現在他電腦裡儲存了 100GB的資訊。 The Firewire drives are 400 GBs each and there are eight of them hooked up to River's laptop at the practice facility. Rivers also utilizes a 150 gig flash drive, bringing the storage total to 3,450 GBs. Games take up roughly 3.5 gigs of space so a full regular season would take 287 GBs. The championship season was 105 games long - 367.5 gigs. That alone fills one of Rivers' Firewire drives. 在工作室中有防火牆軟體保護的八部各有400GB容量的機器中,可以和River的筆記型電腦 相互連結。River還有150G的隨身硬碟,這些裝置加起來容量有3450GB。每場比賽差不多 要用掉3.5GB,而一整季比賽要用掉287GB。而活塞奪冠那年打了105場比賽-365.5GB。每 個單獨檔案都被River的防火牆保護著。 Something for all occasions: 適合各種場合的某些事情 "I am a bit of a pack rat," Rivers admitted. Rivers has video from the past ten years in his practice facility office that he shares with his assistant and Coach Kevin Wilson. Whether it's for a trade, free agency or as an off-season teaching aid, Rivers has something for every situation. An example would be Jason Maxiell, who was compared to Charles Barkley earlier in the season. "Maxie (Jason Maxiell) has probably watched him a few times but not enough to know what his game is. I have stuff here that I can put together and give to Jason so that he's got a visual … [if] we can make a parallel to guys from the past that'll help them in their careers." River認為:"我是少數愛將不需要的小東西收集起來的人"。 River將過去十年來在他工 作辦公室的錄像分享給他的助理和指導員Kevin Wilson。無論是當作交易、自由球員或淡 季時的教材,Rivers能應付各種狀況。像是Jason Maxiell在季初的時候被拿來和 Charles Barkley相比較。" Maxie可能已經看過幾場比賽但是還是不知道Charles Barkley的球風,這時我就會把很多片段放在一起給他看…(如果)我們可以把過去的球員 和他放在一起比較,這樣就能對他的籃球生涯有所幫助。" Rivers說。 An NBA game on fast-forward: 快轉NBA比賽 A regular Pistons game on TV would take roughly 2 to 2 ? hours to watch, but the NBA game clock is only 48 minutes long. With video editing, Rivers can jump right to the chase, breaking down the game into offensive and defensive possessions, similar to the play-by-play stat sheet. Possessions are cataloged and tagged with various information such as play calls, defensive schemes, who shot the ball, the final result of the play and any other notes that the coaches might be looking for. A broken-down game would contain about 20 minutes of offensive and 20 minutes of defensive possessions - a lot less than 2 ? hours. 一場正常地活塞比賽在電視上差不多會播出2-2.5小時,但是計時器只有48分鐘。藉由影 片修改,Rivers能夠快轉比賽來檢視比賽的攻守,就像一張比賽詳細攻守明細。他們會編 成目錄以及加上許多不同資訊的標籤,像是呼叫跑位、防守戰術或是誰投了球。這些最後 結果都會做出紀錄來讓教練方便查詢。一場比賽最後只會有大約20分鐘的攻擊和20分鐘的 防守-很多都不到兩小時半。 Who knew TiVo would be so handy at work?: 有誰知道TiVo工作如此方便? At the practice facility, there are four monitors hooked up to a pair of TiVo boxes. This allows Rivers and Hervey to record games that will be broken down later. Not only does the video staff record NBA games but also college games for the scouting staff's draft preparation. Before TiVo came out, the computer room was outfitted with a TiVo-like computer program. The date and time of the game would be set manually and it would turn on all the burners at the indicated date and time. If there are more than four games on at a time, the Palace video room also could be used to record games. NBA Entertainment just started a sharing program for all the team video coordinators so they can download games that they may have missed. 在工作室中,有4個螢幕連接著TiVo盒,這可以讓Rivers和Hervey紀錄比賽。不僅可以錄 製NBA比賽,也可以蒐集大學比賽的資料來作為選秀的準備。在裝上TiVo之前,工作室用 的是一種很像TiVo的電腦程式。比賽的檔案和時間都是由是由手工確定。如果同時有超過 四場比賽,宮殿的錄影室也會被拿來記錄比賽。而NBA Entertainment也會開啟分享頻道 給全部的隊伍影像工程師,來讓他們下載他們沒錄到的比賽。 No drinks in the video room: 工作室禁止飲食 "I'm super paranoid," Rivers said about spilling water on the laptop. "I keep it far away. My laptop holds our last two years of play so if we lost that, it's a lot of data. We're not that sophisticated that we have a major backup system in place." "我是一個超級偏執狂" Rivers說。說到有關濺出水在筆記型電腦上的問題時,"我會離的 遠遠的。我的筆記型電腦放了最近兩年的比賽,如果消失了,這將是個大損失,而且宮 殿內並沒有任何備份系統。" Any plans for a backup system? "Not yet," Rivers said. "At least, not until I spill." 有增置備份系統的計畫嗎? "不是現在" Rivers說。 "至少不會在我打翻水後" = 有錯請指正 = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/01 15:42, , 1F
03/01 15:42, 1F

03/01 15:47, , 2F
既然還有那麼大筆的經費 就拿來砸備份系統吧...XD
03/01 15:47, 2F

03/01 16:39, , 3F
好辛苦啊 推推
03/01 16:39, 3F

03/01 16:57, , 4F
推 看成150G的隨身碟XD
03/01 16:57, 4F

03/01 17:10, , 5F
03/01 17:10, 5F
※ 編輯: rasheedchiu 來自: (03/01 17:39)

03/01 17:44, , 6F
03/01 17:44, 6F

03/01 17:46, , 7F
好貴啊 這樣的意思是客場比賽也可以錄下來囉
03/01 17:46, 7F

03/01 21:51, , 8F
03/01 21:51, 8F

03/01 22:28, , 9F
03/01 22:28, 9F

03/01 22:39, , 10F
03/01 22:39, 10F

02/14 17:08, , 11F
02/14 17:08, 11F

02/14 17:16, , 12F
02/14 17:16, 12F

02/14 18:11, , 13F
02/14 18:11, 13F

02/14 18:13, , 14F
02/14 18:13, 14F

02/14 18:14, , 15F
02/14 18:14, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #15vdDmdH (Pistons)