[外電]Langlois 談論 Joey Crawford

看板Pistons作者 (魯夫)時間17年前 (2007/04/18 23:10), 編輯推噓7(706)
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http://www.nba.com/pistons/news/langlois_blog_070417.html Baiting players into outbursts doesn’t serve the NBA well Rules of Engagement by Keith Langlois Tuesday, April 17, 2007 誘使球員爆發不會使 NBA 更好 When I first started covering NBA games 20 years ago, my first impression of Joey Crawford was this: Love to have him if I’m the road team, hate to have him if I’m the home team. 我第一次接觸NBA的比賽是20幾年前的事,當時我對 Crawford 的第一印象是: 如果你是客場球隊你會愛他,不過如果你是主場球隊你就會恨他。 Crawford struck me then as having a little bit of a chip on his shoulder. And two decades of whistle-tooting hasn’t done anything to shrink it. He’s one of the best in the business, but he’s not infallible. I think he knows that. But he sure doesn’t outwardly appear to admit to anything less than perfection. When Crawford whistles you for an infraction, it feels like he’s indicting you for murder. And that’s where trouble ensues. Crawford 使我覺得有那麼幾分不好惹,過了二十年他的哨音依然沒有變少。 他是這行業裡最好的其中一個,不過他卻不是絕對正確的。我想他自己知道這點。 可是,他並不會很表面的去承認說他要做的很完美。 當他因為你犯規而響起哨聲時,感覺起來像是他指控你犯下謀殺一樣嚴重。 所以問題就這樣接踵而來。 He also projects a defiant aura. It’s as if he relishes making the unpopular call – which is why I like him if I’m the road team but hate to see him walk into my arena. 他也會營造出挑戰的氣氛。他喜好針對出大家不常見的犯規做出吹判, 這就是為什麼如果我是客場球員會很喜歡他, 而主場球員就會很厭惡他走進自己的主場。 (他很不喜歡所謂的主場優勢吧) There’s nothing in sports tougher than officiating an NBA basketball game. It takes far more than an understanding of the rulebook. It takes a simpatico for the soul of the game. The best referees give a game room to breathe. They let a game take on its own personality. The allow the teams to decide the rules of engagement to a certain degree, then enforce what they’ve tacitly agreed to. 沒有其他運動的裁判比 NBA 的裁判還難當的, 實際上,這比你在教科書上看到的來得困難多了。 裁判們帶領比賽的靈魂,使其令人喜愛的。 好的裁判會讓比賽有自己的空間,他們會讓球賽呈現出自己的風格, 讓隊伍在某些特定的角度決定自己的規範,並且遵照著他們默默認可的規則走。 A strike is always a strike, but a bump in the post that’s a foul in the first quarter of a February game isn’t necessarily a foul in the fourth quarter of the rematch in May. 碰撞就是碰撞,但禁區內的碰撞在二月的比賽中第一節會被判定成犯規, 在五月份再次碰頭的比賽中第四節不見得就會被判犯規。 (因為NBA習慣在關鍵時刻將球賽勝負交由場上球員去決定, 裁判執法尺度跟平常無關緊要的時候會有所不同) (感謝Kerrys) It’s inherently dangerous handing that much freedom to the arbiters of the game. And bad referees don’t so much abuse the power as corrupt the competitive balance of a basketball game. There aren’t enough good referees in the world for the NBA to ensure that every zebra in its employ is worthy of being granted such latitude, which means there always will be conflict that leads to grudges and bitterness. 給予裁判太大的空間去控制一場比賽本來就是很危險的。 不好的執法者濫用了太大的權利,竄改了籃球賽由競爭所形成的平衡。 世界上沒有足夠的好裁判來為 NBA 執法, 所以並不能保證場上的每一隻斑馬都符合他必要的公正的價值。 總是會造成衝突導致怨恨與痛苦。 The irony of the aftermath of the Joe Crawford-Tim Duncan blowup that resulted in Crawford ejecting the mild-mannered Duncan on Sunday is that Crawford – when he isn’t intent on proving his fearlessness – is one of those referees who merits the trust to allow a game to assume its own form. Crawford 把溫文儒雅的 TD 趕出場後,餘波蕩漾, 而 Crawford-Duncan 的事件,說明了諷刺的結果,像是 Crawford 這種裁判, 當他沒有熱衷於證明他的無畏時,他們必須相信球賽會呈現自己的樣貌。 If only his skin wasn’t so thin. 但要他沒有這麼膚淺的話。 A friend of long standing has been officiating high school and college basketball for 30 years. When the NBA instituted its so-called "zero tolerance" policy this year, I asked him what he thought about it. 我向一位朋友請教了關於 NBA 今年頒布零容忍政策的想法, 他具有在高中和大專院校擔任裁判30年的經驗。 “I don’t go to games to watch star players get ejected,” he said. “There’s a point of no return, but NBA officials have to remember that they’ve only done a good job if people go home and they’re not the story.” "我不會去看明星球員會被趕出場的比賽。" 他說。 "這個政策是個不能反悔的決定,可是 NBA 當局必須記得, 當人們回家時記得的是一場好球,而不是跟裁判有關的一場戲。" A good referee is one who doesn’t feel his integrity is being challenged every time someone reacts to their call. 一個好的裁判並不會因為某人質疑你的吹判就給他哨音, 他不會從哨音中去提醒他的正直。 Here’s what I find most unpardonable about Joey Crawford and a few others of his ilk: Their demeanor is downright confrontational, which baits players who’ ve already had their emotions riled into taking that one step over the line that the Crawfords of the NBA practically dare them to take. 這些是我找到關於 Crawford 和他同類最不可饒恕的一些事! 他們的舉動完全充滿了對抗性,使那些充滿情緒的球員們上鉤, 踏出跨越禁忌之線的那一步。就是 NBA 當局警告球員們不要踏出的那一步。 Stern is the sheriff and he deputizes every official who gets handled a whistle to carry out his vision of justice. But a little power does funny things to some people. 屎藤是大警長,他授與了裁判們利用哨音代替他去執行正義。 不過一點點的權利,就使得某些人做了一些有趣的事情。 There are various media reports suggesting Stern is incensed at Crawford, who’ s been called on the carpet before, most notoriously for a 2003 incident in the playoffs when he called four technical fouls in the first quarter and ejected Mavericks coach Don Nelson. 有各種不同的媒體報導建議屎藤對 Crawford 動怒,他先前就已經被斥責過了, 最惡名昭彰的就是03年的季後賽發生的, 他在第一節吹出了4個技術犯規,並把小牛教頭老尼趕出球場。 Well he should be. Stern was right to attempt to get a handle on player carping. It had gotten out of hand. Every call should not illicit histrionics worthy of a Springer guest wrongly accused of paternity. But it was as if he handed a blank check to shopaholics. Instead of putting the official-player equilibrium back in balance, his edict emboldened officials with a Napoleon complex to launch into vigilante justice. 他是該被罵的。屎藤企圖對球員們吹毛求疵是正確的事情, 不過這次事情就失控了。 每個哨音不應該不正當且戲劇化的,猶如路人來亂認親一樣。 不過這就好像是把空白支票嘟到有購物狂的人面前。 他讓裁判們與拿破崙合體,變身成治安委員會的正義狂們, 而不是讓球員們低調點打球找回以前的平衡。 Calling the game will never be easy, but managing it shouldn’t be as tough as it’s become. Basketball is a game with shades of gray. Calls are open to interpretation. Players have to understand that, but so do officials. If they could refrain from assuming the stance that they’re not only above mistakes but unwilling to hear reasonable criticisms, they’d all be the better for it. 吹判一場比賽是很不容易的,管理它也不該像掌握比賽的局勢一樣困難。 籃球比賽是有灰色地帶的。哨音的存在是用來解釋這些灰色地帶。 球員們必須了解這點,裁判們也是。 如果他們可以忍住驕傲的態度,不要隨時準備鳴哨, 願意去聆聽合理的批評,而不只是凌駕於錯誤之上, 那他們會變的更好的。 -- 這篇外電我覺得有點難翻,所以有直接附上原文給大家參考, 如有辭意不通請多包含,並且幫忙改正一下。 -- █◣◢█ ▄▄▄    Thank you, Rasheed Wallace WALLACE2005-2006 STATISTICS   PISTONS 36 PPG 15.1 RPG 6.80 APG 2.3 EFF +17.62 36 Selected to third All-Star team 02/09/06 Receives NBA Community Assist Award For April -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/18 23:51, , 1F
04/18 23:51, 1F

04/19 00:21, , 2F
看3142篇 "溪蛙氣憤的對規定提出質疑" TD應該不溫文儒雅
04/19 00:21, 2F

04/19 00:25, , 3F
04/19 00:25, 3F

04/19 02:59, , 4F
04/19 02:59, 4F

04/19 06:21, , 5F
大家不妨參考一下3/5對勇士隊的score box..
04/19 06:21, 5F

04/19 06:22, , 6F
04/19 06:22, 6F

04/19 09:52, , 7F
我自己看不太清楚的那幾個點 經你一翻就覺得清楚多了~~推
04/19 09:52, 7F

04/19 16:13, , 8F
04/19 16:13, 8F

04/19 23:52, , 9F
第五段的部份 我有一點看法如下
04/19 23:52, 9F

04/19 23:52, , 10F
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04/19 23:54, 13F
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