[袋鼠] McDyess working extra on the boards

看板Pistons作者 (De-troit Basketball)時間17年前 (2007/12/23 21:54), 編輯推噓13(1307)
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http://0rz.tw/d43rU (小妹感冒了 所以加減翻個大意 請見諒啦!) McDyess working extra on the boards by A. Sherrod Blakely Sunday December 23, 2007, 12:15 AM AUBURN HILLS -- Before every game, Detroit Pistons forward Antonio McDyess gets his right ankle taped, then the left. During the singing of the national anthem, he picks the same point near the end of the song, to jog past each of his teammates and tap them on the back for good luck. 賽前的Dice有一些例行儀式得做。先綁右腳踝再來才左腳。在唱國歌快結束的某個時候 越過每個隊友,輕拍他們的背祈求好運。 His latest ritualistic act involves dominating the boards. 他最近的儀式式的行動包括主宰籃板。 In each of Detroit's last four games -- all wins -- McDyess has grabbed at least 10 rebounds. In fact, the last time McDyess failed to tally double figures in rebounding was at Houston last week. 在活塞最近四場全勝的比賽中Dice都至少有十個籃板。 "See, now you gonna jinx me," quipped McDyess. Despite the spike lately in his rebounding numbers, McDyess said he hasn't made any on-the-court changes to his game. Dice說他並沒有做什麼改變。 "I don't think you can really do anything different when it comes to rebounding, that you haven't been taught already," McDyess said. "So actually, they're (loose balls) just coming my way." "講到搶籃板,我不認為你可以做什麼改變。其實就是球來到我這邊。" While there may be some truth in that, Pistons coach Flip Saunders believes McDyess' approach to being a first-time starter in Detroit also has been a factor. "We thought that, with the way he is, he's so conscientious that he would really respond to that type of responsibility," Saunders said. 老桑則認為這是Dice負起了先發責任的表現。 Added Pistons center Rasheed Wallace: "He's a rebounding machine. That's that Denver McDyess right there." Rasheed大人說Dice是個籃板機器。丹佛的McDyess回到球場了。 While McDyess doesn't have nearly the kind of explosive leaping ability he often displayed when with the Nuggets, he has found ways to make an impact. Often, it's with his jumper on pick-and-roll plays. Lately, it's been with his rebound work. 雖然沒有在金塊時的爆發跳躍能力,但他還有擋拆之後的跳投。最近則是籃板方面的貢 獻。 And what makes his play even more surprising is that, unlike previous seasons, McDyess is playing well before the New Year arrives. 其幾季慢熱的Dice本季在新年前就打得很棒了。 "Normally, I start off slow and kind of get going in February," McDyess said. "Since I been a starter, I knew right away, I had to come in and give us something. I had to be more focused ... just concentrate more on what I'm doing on the floor instead of letting it come to me; be more assertive and take shots, not be so hesitant." Dice也說他以前到要二月才會熱起來,但既然現在是先發了他就要更專注,更果斷而不 能太遲疑。 Wallace, Wells OK In Detroit's 80-77 loss at Houston last week, Wallace and former Pistons draft pick Bonzi Wells had a heated exchange which led to both being whistled for technical fouls. The two former teammates in Portland had some words on the court later on, but Wallace said there's no bad blood between them. "We are cool," Wallace said. "That's my man. In the summertime, I go down there to (Wells' hometown in) Indiana and he come up here. That's all gravy. But on that court, there ain't no friends." 上一場對火箭比賽和Well領到doble T的Sheed說他和Wells沒有恩怨,在暑假還會到 對方家裡玩。只是在場上沒有朋友這回事罷了。 影片:NBA Soundoff -- Best in the East http://0rz.tw/013pl Watch TNT's crew debate which team is the East's best after Detroit edged Boston. 在活塞擊敗塞爾提克後,幾位TNT球評還蠻看好活塞的。 (旁邊還有一個Reggie’s Mailbag 有球迷問到Miller他覺得現在哪位球員最像他 他自己回答:Rip。 還稱讚他是中距離大師) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/23 22:01, , 1F
其實就是球來到我這邊。 XD
12/23 22:01, 1F
※ 編輯: pennymarcus 來自: (12/23 22:04)

12/23 22:07, , 2F
推 XD Dice 辛苦了
12/23 22:07, 2F

12/23 22:08, , 3F
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12/23 22:10, , 4F
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12/23 22:14, , 5F
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12/23 22:19, , 6F
怎麼沒問神米被小王子蓋鍋的感想 XDD 應該問過上千次了吧
12/23 22:19, 6F

12/23 22:21, , 7F
TNT 常常會在 Reggie 轉播的時候放他被小王子蓋鍋,老巴轉播
12/23 22:21, 7F

12/23 22:22, , 8F
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12/23 22:37, , 9F
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12/23 22:53, , 10F
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12/23 23:11, , 11F
Dice +U 我的FB籃板要靠你XD
12/23 23:11, 11F

12/24 00:01, , 12F
12/24 00:01, 12F

12/24 00:31, , 13F
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12/24 06:38, , 14F
推 ~
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12/24 07:07, , 15F
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12/24 15:58, , 16F
推~~ 感冒也趕快好吧^^
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12/26 22:56, , 17F
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12/11 05:00, 5年前 , 18F
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04/19 21:18, 5年前 , 19F
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04/20 02:42, 5年前 , 20F
其實就是球來到我這邊。 http://yofuk.com
04/20 02:42, 20F
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