[外電] Pistons are a force when Rasheed's c …

看板Pistons作者 (台北不是我的家)時間16年前 (2008/03/18 15:05), 編輯推噓10(1003)
留言13則, 12人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
原文出處: http://0rz.tw/cd3L2 -- For about the first 46 minutes of the contest, Rasheed Wallace hustled on defense and lazed around on offense. But when the game was on the line, it was Rasheed who was there for the Pistons. 大概比賽前46分鐘,溪蛙在防守端拼盡全力,不過在進攻端卻顯得有點懶散。但當球 賽來到緊要關頭時,是溪蛙挺身而出為活塞留下了勝利。 Here are the details: 下面是一些比賽的細節: Early offense 比賽前段的進攻 For most of the game, Wallace's primary job was to stand above the 3-line in the middle of the court, reverse the ball, then drift over to the weakside and passively watch the goings on. 比賽大部分的時間,溪蛙基本的工作是站在球場中央的三分線外,把球回傳後潛到弱 邊,被動地看著隊友進攻。 Sometimes he made nifty entry passes — mostly to a posted Rip Hamilton. 有時候他送出精采的滲透傳球 - 大部分是傳給在背框進攻的RIP。 Sometimes he set halfway decent screens. 有時候他會在中路適時地為隊友做掩護。 He ventured into the low-post a total of five times, but didn't exert much energy in trying to gain and hold position. Early in the first quarter, he turned baseline from the left box and banked a power layup —the only time he took the ball to the hoop with authority. His other post-up shots were all turn-around jumpers that moved him away from the basket. 他一共只進入禁區攪和五次,但並未竭盡全力去爭位、卡位。第一節初,他從左邊底 線轉身進入禁區後使力上籃投進了一記擦板好球 - 這也是整場比賽他唯一一次完全有把握 的出手。他其他幾次背框投籃通通都在轉身遠離籃框後出手。 What Rasheed really wanted to do was to launch 3-balls, but he was 0-3 from out there — all of them bad misses. 溪蛙真正想做的是狗屁三分,但他三次出手盡墨 - 而且全都差了很遠。 His only turnover came just before the halftime buzzer when he short-armed an outlet pass that was intercepted. 他唯一一次失誤是在半場結束前一次傳球力道過小被抄掉所造成的。 He never tried to fight through any of Tim Duncan's box-outs— and he was equally as passive whenever Kurt Thomas sealed him from the offensive boards. 他從未嘗試去挑戰Tim Duncan的卡位 - 而相同地他在Kurt Thomas阻擾他抓進攻籃板 時也是一樣地被動。 Early defense 比賽前段的防守 Rasheed showed aggressively and long-armed on all high screen/rolls. 溪蛙展現了侵略性以及所有高位掩護和走位的防守積極性。 In defending Tim Duncan, Rasheed always delivered a judicious bump that moved TD a half-step farther from the basket before he could receive an entry pass. As soon as Duncan clutched the ball in the low post, Rasheed became reactive, holding his ground and waiting for TD to reveal his shot before attacking the ball. 在防守Tim Duncan時,溪蛙總是聰明地在TD接到隊友策應傳球前用合理的碰撞讓他更 遠離籃框半步。只要Duncan在低位一拿到球,溪蛙就會馬上應變,在出手干擾TD投籃前堅 守陣地靜待他出手。 In direct confrontations, Duncan was only 2-for-11 versus Wallace — and one bucket was a gimme layup with Detroit up by four and only five seconds left in the game. 在直接面對面的狀況下,Duncan在溪蛙防守下出手11次只命中2球 - 而且其中一球是 在比賽只剩下五秒而底特律仍領先四分的情況下放投的輕鬆上籃。 Wallace also succeeded in getting a piece of two of Duncan's interior shots and was always in position to challenge the others. 溪蛙同時也成功防守了兩次Duncan在內線的投籃,而且在其他幾次他出手時也都站在 適當的防守位置。 If Wallace was too slow to prevent Tony Parker from scoring a couple of layups in his face, Rasheed made only a single poor defense rotation throughout his 38 minutes of daylight. 如果說溪蛙在防守Tony Parker動作太慢所以被他好幾次在面前上籃得手不算失敗,那 他整場比賽上場38分鐘只有一次防守表現不佳。 Indeed, the only bad play Rasheed made on the defensive end was to be lifted by a TD head-fake that allowed Duncan to score an uncontested layup early in the first quarter. 確實,溪蛙在防守端唯一一次表現不好是在第一節被TD一次頭部假動作給晃起來,送 給Duncan一樣輕鬆上籃的機會。 Late offense 比賽後段的進攻 The two teams traded spurts for most of the second half, and as the game raced to the wire San Antonio's zone (a result of the suspension of Bruce Bowen and the unavailability of Ume Udoka) totally stymied Detroit's offense. Then, after watching for much of the game, it was Wallace who knocked down a pair of critical buckets that turned the game in the Pistons' favor. 這兩支球隊在下半場大部分的時間後互有領先,而當戰局僵持不下時,聖安東尼奧的 區域防守(這是馬刺在Bruce Bowen被禁賽而Ime Udoka無法上場情況下的權宜之計)完全造 成了底特律進攻的困擾。這時,幾乎整場比賽活塞進攻時都在旁邊看熱鬧的溪蛙連續兩次 關鍵出手中的,讓情勢變得對活塞有利。 The first of these was a foul-line jumper in the exposed middle of the Spurs' zone that moved Detroit from a one-point deficit to a one-point lead. 第一球是罰球線附近的跳投,他在馬刺的區域防守中得手並幫助活塞從落後一分變成 領先一分。 The second was a step-back 18-footer from the right wing that gave the Pistons another single-digit lead, one that they never relinquished. 第二球是在籃框右側18呎遠的跳投,讓活塞取得另一次個位數的領先,並且一直維持 到比賽結束為止。 Until his last minute heroics, Rasheed was 3-for-11, with 8 rebounds, and 6 points. 一直到最後幾分鐘的英雄表現之前,其實溪蛙只有11投3中,6分和8籃板的普通表現。 Late defense 比賽後段的防守 Rasheed saved his best for last, nullifying Duncan's attempt to put the Spurs over the top. 溪蛙把最好的表現留到最後,讓Duncan企圖帶領馬刺踢館成功的努力付諸流水。 Detroit was up by one with less than 30 seconds on the game clock when the Spurs stuffed the ball inside to Duncan on the left box. As before, Wallace maintained his defensive position and waited for Duncan to make his move. 底特律在比賽時間剩下不到30秒時只領先一分,馬刺將球塞進給在籃板左側的Duncan 。在此之前,溪蛙堅持住他的防守位置,做好準備,等待Duncan的進攻。 Duncan dribbled left into the middle, then attempted a quickly spinning flipper with his right hand — only to see Wallace come up with his third blocked shot of the game. Duncan運球從左側進入禁區正中央,之後用右手手指輕撥快速出手 - 這時只見到溪蛙 一躍而上送出他這場比賽的第三次阻攻。 Duncan grabbed the loose ball and went up for another right-handed flip, but Wallace was right there to crowd the shot and force a bad miss. Duncan抓下無人掌控狀態下的失球,再一次用右手快速出手,但溪蛙已經就防守位置 ,他的壓迫使得Duncan再次失手。 The Pistons grabbed the rebound, Tayshaun Prince subsequently dropped a 3-ball and the game was effectively done and won. 活塞抓下了關鍵籃板,接下來小王子三分得手,這場比賽也就此塵埃落定。 The relevant point here is that while Hamilton, Billups and Prince do their " things," it's Wallace who's the Pistons' most important player. When Rasheed brings his A-game on defense, then the Pistons can hang with anybody. When Rasheed also brings his A-game on offense — if only for the last two minutes of a squeaker — then the Pistons can beat anybody. 中肯的說,當RIP、槍蜥和小王子拿出恰如其分地表現時,溪蛙才是活塞獲勝的關鍵人 物。當溪蛙在防守端拿他的A級表現,活塞就能和任何一支球隊打得難分難解。當溪蛙再拿 出進攻端的A級表現時 - 就算只是在比賽的最後兩分鐘 - 活塞就能擊敗任何一支球隊。 Detroit fans can only hope that Wallace will get his mojo working throughout the entire playoffs. If he does, then the Pistons have a legitimate shot at the championship. 底特律的球迷只能期盼溪蛙能在整個季後賽期間都拿出他充滿魔力的A級表現。如此一 來,那活塞就很有機會繼'03-'04年球季以來再次拿下總冠軍座了。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/18 15:25, , 1F
03/18 15:25, 1F

03/18 15:39, , 2F
推! 小王子那段是三分球? Rip才是三分打?
03/18 15:39, 2F

03/18 16:37, , 3F
03/18 16:37, 3F

03/18 21:12, , 4F
03/18 21:12, 4F

03/18 22:36, , 5F
03/18 22:36, 5F

03/18 23:01, , 6F
03/18 23:01, 6F
※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (03/18 23:59)

03/19 01:33, , 7F
03/19 01:33, 7F

03/19 05:21, , 8F
這小子 唉 什麼不缺 最缺專注力呀
03/19 05:21, 8F

03/19 12:24, , 9F
03/19 12:24, 9F

03/19 14:36, , 10F
03/19 14:36, 10F

12/11 05:05, 5年前 , 11F
Dice要多激勵She https://daxiv.com
12/11 05:05, 11F

04/19 21:23, 5年前 , 12F
有看有推XD http://yaxiv.com
04/19 21:23, 12F

04/20 02:47, 5年前 , 13F
這小子 唉 什麼不缺 https://moxox.com
04/20 02:47, 13F
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