[ 王 ] 搶袋鼠呦

看板Pistons作者 (De-troit Basketball)時間16年前 (2008/11/11 10:52), 編輯推噓19(19010)
留言29則, 19人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
http://sports.espn.go.com/nba/news/story?id=3694041 The first step in Antonio McDyess' expected return to the Detroit Pistons became official Monday afternoon when the Denver Nuggets announced that they have waived the veteran forward. 袋鼠回底特律的第一步就是丹佛金塊在星期一下午正式宣佈他們揮棄了他。 After being traded with Chauncey Billups and Cheikh Samb to Denver for Allen Iverson last Monday and then accepting a contract buyout from the Nuggets worth an estimated $6 million, McDyess must first clear waivers before becoming an unrestricted free agent. As long as he goes unclaimed after 48 hours, McDyess would be eligible to sign with any team except Detroit as soon as Wednesday. To rejoin the Pistons, McDyess must wait 30 days from last Thursday -- the point when all conditions to the trade were satisfied by the Nuggets and Pistons -- as was the case last season, when the San Antonio Spurs traded Brent Barry to Seattle for Kurt Thomas and re-signed Barry after a month. 最快星期三袋鼠就可以和其他球隊簽約。 Dec. 6, then, would be the first day Detroit is eligible to re-sign McDyess. 要像上季重回馬刺的Brent Barry回到活塞最快要等到十二月六日。 McDyess has attracted feelers from more than half of the league's 30 teams through agent Andy Miller, including Detroit's chief Eastern Conference rivals in Boston and Cleveland. He's expected to receive formal pitches from those and other teams in coming days. 袋鼠經紀人Andy Miller說聯盟一半以上的球隊都想搶他,東區包含騎士和Celtics。 But NBA front-office sources told ESPN.com on Friday and reiterated Monday that it would be a major shock if McDyess did not return to the Pistons, backing up McDyess' oft-cited aversion to relocating at age 34. 但NBA高層星期五透露給ESPN,星期一又重申的說法是:如果袋鼠沒回活塞會是個挺令 人震驚的事。 "Dice only wants to play in Detroit," one source close to the situation said. 一位接近談判的人說:袋鼠只想在底特律打球。 If he sustains that refusal to budge, McDyess will almost certainly emerge from this saga having left money on the table. Even after a trade kicker worth $1.3 million was triggered by the deal with Denver and applied to his two-year, $13.6 million contract, sources said McDyess agreed to forfeit nearly $9 million in his buyout with the Nuggets. 據說袋鼠在金塊的買斷上喪失了將近九百萬。 The Pistons' best offer to McDyess for the rest of this season can only start at their $1.9 million bi-annual salary-cap exception. Cleveland, by contrast, still possesses $5.1 million of its annual mid-level exception, with Boston ($2.4 million) and San Antonio ($2.1 million) also able to outbid Detroit. 活塞能提供的最好價碼是一百九十萬。馬刺、騎士和Celtics都比活塞有錢多了。 Yet it's believed that McDyess is motivated by the thought of getting back to Detroit far more than money. The Pistons will also have the financial flexibility to offer McDyess a more lucrative one-year contract in the offseason to recoup some of his losses without affecting the Pistons' plans in the 2010 free-agent market. 相信袋鼠想回活塞不只是為了錢。活塞在明年暑假也可以給袋鼠一張更好的一年合約, 同時不影響2010年在自由球員市場上的競爭計畫。 The Nuggets had hoped to convince McDyess to stay for his third stint in Denver, but they are expected now to re-sign veteran forward Juwan Howard to add frontcourt depth. The Nuggets were forced to waive Howard last Monday to make enough roster room for Samb. 無法留住袋鼠的金塊可能會簽下之前為了簽Samb而揮棄的Juwan Howard。 Pistons coach Michael Curry acknowledged before Sunday's loss to Boston that his club was desperate to bring back McDyess, telling The Detroit News: "I said on the day of the trade that losing [him] would create a big void for us. The last two games, you can tell that Dice wasn't out there with that second unit. When we had to take Rasheed [Wallace] out of the game, we had a veteran player [in McDyess] who could spread the floor and allow Rodney Stuckey to get to the basket. Now with Max [Jason Maxiell] and Kwame [Brown], we don't have that shooter who can do that." MC在星期日賽前就承認活塞非常需要把袋鼠找回來。Maxy和Kwame都不是個可以讓Stuckey 切入籃下的射手。 Boston's Kevin Garnett, also represented by Miller, told The Boston Globe that he would "root for" McDyess to join the defending champs instead as the Celtics' replacement for P.J. Brown. 和袋鼠同一個經紀人的KG說他支持袋鼠加入Celtics。 "Dice and I are very cool," Garnett told The Globe. "Obviously, we're competitors. We don't spend a lot of time [together]. But when I do see Dice, I make it my business to speak. I consider him family with Andy and all of us. [Miller's clients are] tight-knit. We're family ... I do consider him family and I always worry about his well-being." KG說他有多關心袋鼠... When asked if he was confident about McDyess returning to Detroit, Curry said: "I wish I was confident. It would make my life a lot easier. But I don't know what is going to happen with the situation." MC對簽回袋鼠沒什麼信心。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/11 11:04, , 1F
感覺凶多吉少 好討厭KG喔ˊˋ
11/11 11:04, 1F

11/11 11:05, , 2F
要是真被波士頓或克里夫蘭簽走 還沒比賽就輸一半了
11/11 11:05, 2F

11/11 11:21, , 3F
11/11 11:21, 3F

11/11 11:33, , 4F
11/11 11:33, 4F

11/11 11:48, , 5F
11/11 11:48, 5F

11/11 11:48, , 6F
袋鼠快回來阿 超賽三巨頭還想要袋鼠喔 會不會太超過
11/11 11:48, 6F

11/11 12:03, , 7F
11/11 12:03, 7F

11/11 12:08, , 8F
11/11 12:08, 8F

11/11 12:32, , 9F
去了可以拿冠軍 回來也可以拿冠軍啊XD 回來吧
11/11 12:32, 9F

11/11 12:41, , 10F
去哪裡都好 別去超塞~ 看不起那種用錢買冠軍的~
11/11 12:41, 10F

11/11 12:43, , 11F
11/11 12:43, 11F

11/11 12:51, , 12F
你這樣說 尼克的面子往哪擺
11/11 12:51, 12F

11/11 12:51, , 13F
11/11 12:51, 13F

11/11 12:51, , 14F
看到大家搶馬岱,但是沒人注意Penny..Q_Q 活塞買一下吧
11/11 12:51, 14F

11/11 12:52, , 15F
3巨頭薪資加起6千萬 = =
11/11 12:52, 15F

11/11 12:52, , 16F
Dice is not a ring-chaser!!
11/11 12:52, 16F

11/11 12:55, , 17F
11/11 12:55, 17F

11/11 15:12, , 18F
11/11 15:12, 18F

11/11 15:30, , 19F
11/11 15:30, 19F

11/11 15:31, , 20F
賽爾提克有這麼討人厭嗎= =?
11/11 15:31, 20F

11/11 16:20, , 21F
11/11 16:20, 21F

11/11 16:23, , 22F
今天看到KG的挑釁 還蠻討人厭
11/11 16:23, 22F

11/11 16:24, , 23F
以前大家可以同情他 現在都拿到冠軍戒 就沒啥好同情
11/11 16:24, 23F

11/11 16:28, , 24F
11/11 16:28, 24F

11/11 16:30, , 25F
Kobe也生氣了 XD
11/11 16:30, 25F

11/11 20:09, , 26F
是不是要開始倒數30天 迎接袋鼠歸來
11/11 20:09, 26F

11/11 21:18, , 27F
越來越賭爛超賽 = =
11/11 21:18, 27F

11/11 22:19, , 28F
11/11 22:19, 28F

04/20 03:03, 5年前 , 29F
超賽是在打NBAliv http://yaxiv.com
04/20 03:03, 29F
文章代碼(AID): #196FDkaM (Pistons)