[外絮] Pistons coach John Kuester awaits hi …

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Last Updated: April 10. 2011 1:00AM Pistons coach John Kuester awaits his fate 活塞隊教練John Kuester在等候他的命運 Vincent Goodwill / The Detroit News Charlotte, N.C.— Pistons coach John Kuester walked out the tunnel from the bowels of Time Warner Cable Arena, waving to familiar faces in the crowd, not knowing if his days as Pistons coach are numbered. 當活塞隊教練John Kuester走出球場時,觀眾席上的熟面孔們 沒人知道他還剩幾天的教頭可以幹。 With the ownership situation no longer an issue, the scene shifts to Kuester's job security. Rumors have swirled on the Internet, speculating with almost-near certainty he'll be fired soon. 當老闆的事情確定下來後,緊接著就是要處理Kuester的工作了。 謠言在網路上傳翻天,而且幾乎都是說他等著被火了! He and Pistons president Joe Dumars will talk shortly after Wednesday's season finale in Philadelphia. For his part, Kuester said he wants to return for a third season. 在本季活塞隊的最後一站-費城大戰結束後,他將會跟活塞隊總管 Joe Dumars短暫談一下未來。目前來看,Kuester表明仍想帶第三季。 "I'm sure we'll have some discussions," Kuester said. "One of the things Joe does is absorb things and tries to get as much feedback as he can." Kuester:「我很確定我們會有一些討論,其一就是向Joe回報成果, 另外就是他也會給我一些反饋。」 This season has been tumultuous, to say the least. From boycotts to verbal altercations, insubordinations and finally, losing, things haven't gone the way Kuester expected. 本季一直處於動盪不安的狀態,從口頭上的抵制甚至到不服從命令, 輸、輸、輸,一切都走向與Kuester的期待相反的路上。 "It's been a challenging time, there's no question as a competitor you always want to see and do the best you can," Kuester said. "There's been a number of circumstances everyone has been aware of, it's made for an interesting year. Kuester:「這季可真是充滿著挑戰呢,毫無疑問的,你總想見到球隊的競爭力 並盡己所能。但是這季發生了這麼多次的事情……呵…真是有趣啊。」 (我想他說出最後一句應該在苦笑) He has had to listen to players gripe, directly and indirectly, about playing time, rotations and communication. Privately, he feels as if he has been painted as the villain. 他得聽球員們的抱怨、直接及間接的表達對上場時間和出賽名單的不滿。 在私底下,他總覺得自己被說的跟流氓沒兩樣。 "What you try to do as a coach, you try to keep things as fair as possible," Kuester said. "We had a number of situations that came about, I'm not sure everybody had a true picture of what was going on." Kuester:「我已經盡量站在公正的角度做教練該做的事,但我們還是遇到 些狀況(在批評我)…我不確定是不是每個人都有做。」 That said, Kuester is well-aware of the Pistons' recent history, where successful coaches were disposable, like his mentor Larry Brown. Kuester's record of 56-106 doesn't help his case, but he feels like he has learned on the job. 也就是說,Kuester在活塞隊近年來的事件中,已經算是一位成功的教練了 ,就像他的師父Larry Brown一樣成功。Kuester目前56勝106敗的戰績只會 不利於他,但他還在好好學著當教練。 "We had to evaluate the entire picture as opposed to the one in front of us," Kuester said. "We're in a business where you're in it to win. And if you're not continually winning, I understand. But do I feel confident in doing the job? Absolutely." Kuester:「我們必須考量整體的事,而不是只針對眼前的幾件事, 對,教練的職責就是要贏球,沒贏球什麼意義都沒有。 但我還有信心做教練嗎?那當然!」 He admitted having a mismatched roster and said it's almost like coaching two teams, with the contrast of the veterans' and young players' styles. The team didn't make a single trade during his watch, but he believes Detroit is a better place for whomever roams the sideline next season. 他承認有一組不太合的名單而且表示就像兩支隊伍一樣,充斥著老球皮 和小屁孩。在他看來,球隊問題沒辦法僅憑一次交易就解決。但他相信 下一季的底特律將有辦法解決一切的問題。 "I think moving forward there are pieces to this puzzle that can make this team very competitive." 「我認為昂首向前就是讓這支球隊擁有超級競爭力的最後的拼圖。」 "That's what you want, to put this in a position where, in time, a tweak here and there, this could be a very competitive team. That's going to be Joe's decision." 「對的人做對的事,假以時日就會變的超有競爭力。那就是Joe想做的。」 No matter what happens, Kuester believes he's helped the young players develop under his watch, citing Greg Monroe's development from the start of the season to now, along with Austin Daye's maturity. 不管怎樣,Kuester相信在他的照看之下,小屁孩們都會有很大的 進步,看看Greg Monroe的成長,還有Austin Daye今年的愈發成熟。 Kuester still laments not having Jonas Jerebko join those two this year; he loved Jerebko's no-nonsense approach, enthusiasm for the game and knack for making the right play. Kuester對今年最大的遺憾就是Jonas Jerebko沒辦法跟Morroe一起出賽; 他最愛Jerebko不多說廢話的做法-在球場上激情且實在的打著球。 "It's a shame, because both of those are from the same type of fiber," said Kuester of Monroe and Jerebko. "He made the all-rookie team (Jerebko). Austin is going to be an outstanding player." Kuester談論到Monroe及Jerebko感嘆道: 「真的很可惜,他們兩個都是好球員,Jerebko曾是新秀第一隊的成員啊! Austin也漸漸成為一名出色的球員。」 He takes pride in that, but doesn't know if it'll be enough to retain his job. 他對此引以為豪,但誰都不知道他能不能再執教下去。 原文:http://tinyurl.com/4yqot6o -- 我相信阿Q真的豁出去了。最近什麼話都講了XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/12 01:34, , 1F
他這樣講反而有點欣賞他耶 可是下台對他還是比較好
04/12 01:34, 1F

04/12 01:48, , 2F
我也很欣賞他講的這些話 但他的籤桶讓我想罵他(誤
04/12 01:48, 2F

04/12 01:59, , 3F
04/12 01:59, 3F

04/12 03:06, , 4F
其實很推阿Q 如果他帶的是學校球隊的話
04/12 03:06, 4F
※ 編輯: ymsya 來自: (04/12 03:13)

04/12 08:46, , 5F
04/12 08:46, 5F

04/12 09:25, , 6F
可是自從換老闆後 一直贏耶 所以之前都是球員故意亂打的??
04/12 09:25, 6F

04/12 09:26, , 7F
活塞陣容不差 感覺球員有點故意擺爛....
04/12 09:26, 7F
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