[翻譯] Queen - Loser In The End

看板Queen作者 (junemay)時間12年前 (2012/11/24 00:06), 編輯推噓0(001)
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Mama's gotta problem She don't know what to say Her little baby boy just left home today She's got to be the loser in the end She's got to be the loser in the end Misuse her and you'll lose her as a friend She's ma on whom you can always depend 老媽有麻煩了 她不知要說甚麼 她的寶貝兒子 今天離家出走了 她就要變成最後的輸家了 她就要變成最後的輸家了 對不起她就會像失去個好朋友一樣地失去她 她才是你永遠可依賴的老母 She washed and fed, and clothed and cared For nearly twenty years And all she gets is "goodbye ma" And the nightimes for her tears She's got to be the loser in the end She's got to be the loser in the end Misuse her and you'll lose her as a friend She's ma on whom you can always depend 她洗衣煮飯噓寒問暖 養你快要20年 所得到的就是一句"再見啦,老媽" 還有淚眼迎來的黑夜 她就要變成最後的輸家了 她就要變成最後的輸家了 對不起她就會像失去個好朋友一樣地失去她 她才是你永遠可依賴的老母 So listen mothers everywhere To just one mother's son You'll get forgotten on the way If you don't let them have their fun Forget regrets, and just remember It's not so long since you were young 所以乖乖聽媽媽的話 要有當兒子的樣子 如果你不和這些狐群狗黨嘻鬧玩樂 就會被他們遺忘疏遠 別懊惱了,好好記住 沒有這麼多年輕日子可揮霍 You're bound to be the loser in the end You're bound to be the loser in the end They'll choose their new shoes that's not far to bend You're ma on whom they can always depend 你就要成為最後的輸家了 你就要成為最後的輸家了 不用多久他們這些狐群狗黨就會去找新的樂子 你們才是老媽們永遠的冀望 翻譯來源:認為Roger Taylor也曾年輕寫過爛歌詞的junemay ================================================================ 感想:1.這是英文版,搖滾版的"聽媽媽的話" 2.Roger應該跟他媽感情不錯,是個乖孩子(他有其他歌曲也提到老媽) 3.編曲很好,在'Goodbye ma'時還配一個摔們的聲音,在當時應該是頗先進的. 但是我說,那個歌詞啊......Roger,加油吧! 4.我愛"Queen II",也愛Roger,但個人認為這是"Queen II"專輯裡,很突兀的一首歌 不過從此可以看到Roger進步的軌跡 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: junemay 來自: (11/24 00:09)

11/24 03:07, , 1F
一開始看歌名 一時間還想不起來這首是哪首
11/24 03:07, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1GhvxnRo (Queen)