[閒聊] 昨天我寫信給那對華裔苦主

看板QueerEye作者 (機場水手)時間19年前 (2005/10/28 16:24), 編輯推噓11(1102)
留言13則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
這是我寫給他們的內容 Hi there, I saw your restauratnt on the TV show "Queer eye for the straight guy", hope you can keep on going and your relationships also. I'm a student from Taiwan, hope you don't mind my terrible English.                   Good day. 以下是男主人的回信 Thank you for the kind note. We have been open for 1.5 years now and still enjoying it very much. In fact, Kay and I just got married last weekend! So, our relationship is stronger than ever. Again, thank you for the note. Your English is excellent! Winston 看樣子還不錯喔..而且他們也結婚了..可喜可賀 希望他們可以更進入佳境 ^^ -- 直接表白愛意的方式,令異性心跳加速 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/28 16:32, , 1F
好開心喔 結婚了耶 看著信的內容我就想起那個男生的笑容
10/28 16:32, 1F

10/28 16:53, , 2F
10/28 16:53, 2F

10/28 17:05, , 3F
10/28 17:05, 3F

10/28 18:31, , 4F
10/28 18:31, 4F

10/28 18:48, , 5F
10/28 18:48, 5F

10/28 18:49, , 6F
10/28 18:49, 6F

10/28 20:32, , 7F
恭喜 希望他們可以繼續經營下去
10/28 20:32, 7F

10/28 20:46, , 8F
10/28 20:46, 8F

10/28 21:07, , 9F
哇 這集真的很棒啦 現在還看到這麼nice的回信耶
10/28 21:07, 9F

10/29 02:35, , 10F
好棒喔!感動 :~~
10/29 02:35, 10F

10/29 22:13, , 11F
嗯嗯 真的很棒~~^^
10/29 22:13, 11F

11/01 09:20, , 12F
11/01 09:20, 12F

11/03 00:40, , 13F
11/03 00:40, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #13OU0tkL (QueerEye)