[外電] Hamilton day-to-day with back spasms

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Hamilton day-to-day with back spasms Re-evaluation set for Thursday after tightness causes exit By T.R. Sullivan / MLB.com 09/02/09 11:24 PM ET ARLINGTON -- Josh Hamilton, who has been on the disabled list twice this season, could be looking at missing more time with tightness in his lower back. Hamilton had to come out of Wednesday's game, a 6-4 Rangers win over the Blue Jays, in the fourth inning, when the back tightened up on him but this has been bothering him all week and doesn't appear to be getting any better. "Ever since the Minnesota [artificial] turf, my back has been tight," Hamilton said. "I've been getting treatment and stuff, and doing everything I can to make it feel better. But the more I run, the worse it feels." That's not a good sign for a team that just found out on Wednesday that third baseman Michael Young is sidelined at least two to three weeks with a strained left hamstring. Officially, Hamilton is day-to-day and will be re-evaluated Thursday. But he has already missed 46 games this season because of other injuries. "I'd like to think I'm not going to miss any time," Hamilton said. "Right now, it's day-to-day. Hopefully we'll keep doing treatment and it will subside pretty quick." Hamilton doubled to lead off the fourth and slid head-first into second base. He scored on a single by Nelson Cruz. As he jogged back to the dugout, Rangers manager Ron Washington asked Hamilton if he was all right. Hamilton said he was, but when the inning was over, the back was so tight he couldn't jog out to center field. He was replaced by Marlon Byrd, who was supposed to get the night off. Hamilton was on the disabled list from April 27 to May 11 with a strained muscle in his left rib cage, and from June 1-July 5 with a torn abdominal muscle. T.R. Sullivan is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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09/03 16:34, 2F

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