[農場] Martin Perez scouting reports

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基於大家只聽說Martin Perez非常厲害, 但是也不知道他哪裡厲害 在AA丟個五點多ERA的成績居然還在各家季中新秀排名排在全美前十 名, 最近在在John Sickels的網站有位先生實地去了德州聯盟看了 幾位新秀, 其中的重點就是Perez. 讓我們看看他怎麼說吧! =================================文章分隔線================================= 原文 http://www.minorleagueball.com/2010/6/30/1546263/texas-league-player-reports Martin Perez, LHP, Frisco Roughriders Date of Game Scouted: June 28, 2010 Much hyped Rangers top prospect, 19 year old southpaw aggressively promoted to AA. Looks his age, yet to reach full physical maturation. Upper body is behind lower body in development at present, thin with slight shoulders. Lower body is noticeably more developed since last year, as he has put on some good weight in his thighs. Deceptively strong core given his age, will be very important for him in the future. Legitimate 6'0”, size and delivery will inevitably lead to LH Tim Lincecum comparisons. Delivery begins with front leg kick and rotation until leg is past first base, compacts his body and then explodes towards the plate. Delivery not violent but creates exceptional centrifugal force. Consistently delivers the ball from 11 o'clock arm slot. Body not yet totally ready to handle the raw power he's capable of generating, will struggle at times to hold his delivery together as he comes through. In this outing, fastball sat 91-95 MPH, touching 96 in the first inning. Velocity remarkably consistent, displayed some signs of fatigue in fourth and fifth innings as he threw two fastballs at 87 and 88 but showed good composure and recovered to end his outing throwing 92-94 MPH. Fastball not especially lively, gets tracked relatively well and can get drilled if he's not careful. Needs to get more comfortable pitching inside, sometimes overly conscious of leaving the ball out over the plate. Favors the outside half of the plate. Occasionally loses his release point in his delivery, leading to him missing his spots up or just outright leaving the ball over the plate. Seemed aware of this, overcompensated at times by releasing the ball too late and thus missing low. Would benefit immensely from the addition of a 2 seamer to get himself through ABs. Obviously wants to pitch off his fastball, good sign for the future. Perez' best secondary pitch is his 83-84 MPH changeup, which projects to be a truly outstanding plus-plus pitch. Changeup occasionally comes in a little hard, but it stays down and at its best it shows terrific fade. Perez hides his changeup exceptionally well, leading to some truly awful swings-and-misses by opposing batters, and the muscle memory he shows in using his changeup is rarely seen in major league pitchers, let alone minor leaguers. His third pitch is a curveball, which is inconsistent but very promising. Seems to struggle with getting under it as he delivers the ball, which causes it to miss up and well out of the zone. When he does get under his curveball, however, the result is an absolute hammer with sharp break in the 79-80 MPH range, and so there is no problem projecting it to be another excellent pitch at the major league level as he develops the physical strength to command it. Not afraid to throw his secondaries in any count, another sign of a feel for pitching that is uncommon at this level. 最被矚目的條子新秀, 19歲就被很積極升到AA接受考驗. 就像他的年紀, 他的身體還沒有 完全成熟, 上半身的發展要比下半身的發展還要落後點, 有著比較單薄點的肩膀. 下半身 自從去年開始有很顯著的變壯, 尤其在大腿增加了不少的肉. 以他的年紀來說, 他投球的 重心是令人難以想像的強壯--這會對他的未來非常重要. 六呎身高, 體型以及投球動作 不可避免的也開始有左手盲腸的比較. 投球動作從前腳的蹬腿旋轉到超過一壘的方向, 讓身體閉鎖以後再往本壘爆發出很強的能量, 這個動作不狂野但創造了很出眾的離心力 很穩定的從十一點鐘的出手角度放球, 他的身體還沒有準備好他可以產生的天生神力, 因此有時候在投球的過程中會有難以一直維持住動作中所有該注意的地方. 在這場比賽 (6/28), 速球落在91-95中, 且在第一局投到96 球速非常穩定, 在四五局有些疲勞的現象 速球掉到87 88, 但展現了很沉著的特質, 在比賽的末段有回到92-94, 速球這場比賽不是 那麼會跑, 因此如果不小心的時候會被打者突破. 必須要更勇於投內角球, 有時候會太過 太過執著於不把球投在高角度. 喜歡投外角球, 偶爾會失去出手點, 導致投不準或是直接 投成給打者打的高球, 而似乎意識到這點, 有時又會想要彌補而導致出手點太晚而球太 低. 如果想要更輕鬆的面對打者, 增加一個二縫線應該是很有用. 顯然想要練習投速球以 外的球種, 對他的未來是個非常好的現象.Perez最好的第二球路是83-84之間的變速球,將 可以變成一個真正的plus-plus pitch ( grades 70 in 20-80 scale ! ).有時候變速會 丟稍微快了些, 但是可以壓低而且很有欺敵性, 非常棒的隱藏動作, 造成有時候對手非常 難看的揮空.而且他肌肉的記憶力讓他重複投出一樣的變速球的能力連在大聯盟投手都很 難看到, 在小聯盟則沒看過(哇塞). 他第三種球路是曲球, 不穩定但是也很有前途, 看 起來在投的時候使用曲球的有點掙扎, 導致球路偏離好球帶很多, 然而當他投區球投得 順的時候, 投出來的球變成79-80銳利的大槌(美國對角度大的曲球的俗語), 所以毫無疑 問的這也將會是一個極佳的大聯盟球種,如果他發展出足夠身體的力量去控制它(曲球)... 不害怕在任何球速的情況丟任何他的第二球種....另外一個在他這種年紀的球員非常難得 的球感. Martin Perez is not a finished product by any means. He's going to have to get stronger, which should improve his command, and he's going to have to work on becoming more consistent with his release point. Above all else, he needs to develop a more effective approach to RH batters. Nonetheless, all of these things seem well within his reach without too much projection. Of course, most prospects at his age are going to attract attention more for their upside than their present ability, and Perez has elite upside that is very rarely seen. He has well above-average velocity from the left side, a changeup that (and I say this in total seriousness) has a chance to be one of the best pitches in all of baseball, and the makings of an excellent breaking ball. Despite the ugly season statistics at AA, Perez has the ceiling of a true No. 1 major league starter. 在任何角度, Martin Perez都不是個完全體, 他會變得更壯, 而這應該可以加強他控球 的能力,而他也需要去注意讓出手點穩定些.除此之外,他需要發展出一個比較有效率的面對 右打者的方法. 不過, 所有的事情看起來都發展得很順利而大概也沒太多可能會再變更 強的地方. 當然, 大多在他這年紀的新秀受到的注目通常是前景大於現在的能力, 而他有 非常少見elite的前景: 他有超過平均很多的速球而且他是左投, 一顆可能是全棒球界最好 的變速球(作者: 我講這個是完全認真的), 在加上一顆非常棒的變化球 雖然他今年有個 難看的AA數字, Perez有成為true ace的天花板. =================================文章分隔線================================= Perez上了AA以後表現一直非常不穩定, 最大的毛病是常常在前兩局很威後面就開始 保送跟挨安打, 從這篇文章我們可以很清楚的知道原因, 以及為什麼條子農場非常堅 持不讓Perez每場投超過八十五球....(不夠壯, 無法一直維持速球威力) 在五月下旬那段時間他連續被打爆讓我嚇了不小的一跳, 事後傳出來的消息是因為指 甲裂開. 他在六月中爆了一場生涯最難看的比賽(一局多掉七分), 但是他接下來兩場 卻投出生涯最亮眼的兩場比賽, 可以看出這個小朋友的自信並不是那麼容易動搖的 po這篇跟加上球探報告的原因是希望大家一起雙手合十球隊不要腦充血, 這傢伙的潛力 可能是我們球隊史上最好的, 連Feliz我也不認為有比他好 Perez會那麼吸引人, 是兩種變化球種已經都有潛力變成非常棒的球路, 加上已經能上 97的速球, 這在Feliz, Volquez, Danks和年輕的Lewis和Benoit身上都沒能看到過 Feliz球速勝, 但從來就不是一個擁有平均以上變化球的投手... Volquez速球跟變速等級很接近, 但他在小聯盟缺了顆有用的變化球, 到了在條子的最 後一年才發展出來... Danks曲球跟變速像, 但他的速球沒有Perez有前景... 這些形容讓我想到當年Harden的球探報告, 而他還是左投... 如果對Perez的投球動作跟長的樣子有興趣, 可以看下面連結 http://projectprospect.com/article/2010/06/13/martin-perez-scouting-report -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/03 22:41, , 1F
07/03 22:41, 1F

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07/03 23:09, 2F
※ 編輯: awano 來自: (07/04 00:00)

07/04 11:35, , 3F
07/04 11:35, 3F
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