[外電] Rangers' Webb shut down -- again

看板Rangers作者時間13年前 (2011/06/04 05:41), 編輯推噓5(501)
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Rangers' Webb shut down -- again Webb再度打烊 By Mark J. Miller The Texas Rangers signed 2006 National League Cy Young Award winner Brandon Webb(notes) to a one-year deal in the offseason with hopes his right shoulder was close to healing from surgery in 2009, but the risk hasn't paid off yet (and isn't looking like it will anytime soon). 德州遊騎兵在休季時簽下2006年賽揚獎得主Brandon Webb,期待他能自2009的 右肩手術之後中復活,但抽這福袋現在還沒中獎,而且近期也很難得到獎品。 Webb is on a minor league rehab assignment with the Double-A Frisco RoughRiders but was shut down Thursday when he "felt some discomfort in his right shoulder during a bullpen session," according to MLB.com. 根據MLB.com消息,Webb目前在2A的Frisco RoughRiders投復建賽, 但週四又打烊休息了,因為他在牛棚投球時感到右肩不適。 It was found that he has inflammation in the shoulder and he'll be shut down for at least a week, the site reports. Webb gave up five runs in three innings for the RoughRiders on Monday. 檢查發現他的肩膀有發炎狀況,所以他至少得休息一周。 週一比賽時,Webb投三局丟了五分。 http://tinyurl.com/438h7x7 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/04 06:07, , 1F
Borbon to AAA
06/04 06:07, 1F

06/04 12:18, , 2F
zzZZ...we need RP,not SP,for now XDDD
06/04 12:18, 2F

06/04 12:31, , 3F
06/04 12:31, 3F

06/04 19:37, , 4F
希望能成為變形蛇王 越變越大支~
06/04 19:37, 4F

06/04 20:17, , 5F
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ 對不起,我去面壁XD
06/04 20:17, 5F

06/05 09:28, , 6F
你的K 是他的菜,你的DP...他的最愛
06/05 09:28, 6F
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