[影片] Reebok新一季的宣傳

看板RealMadrid作者 (Mata + Bueno = GOL)時間18年前 (2006/11/08 17:08), 編輯推噓5(502)
留言7則, 6人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.rbk.com/uk/rbkfootball/default.htm Henry、Shevchenko跟Iker三人都是代言人, Reebok的網頁上有些東西可以看。 Video─每人都有兩支名為My game/My life的影片 Iker跟Sheva都不是講英文,但若是下載來看, 每個影片上都附有英文字幕,線上看則沒有。 Download─桌布、螢幕保護程式等(另外還有Henry跟Sheva的記者會內容@@) Gear─三人展示一些Jacket、T-shirt之類的@@ Quiz─回答跟球員有關的問題(兩部分), 點選選項的同時,球員會告訴你正確答案, 可以用來測試你有多了解這個球員^^ 這裡貼Iker的部分(想玩Quiz的人就先別看下去了:P) what do you eat after a match Iker:Pasta or protein rich food Who do you most like about football in spain Iker:the atmosphere what's the best save you've ever made ? Iker:I haven't made yet what's the worst goal blunder you ever made? Iker:One against Lazio (00-01歐冠對Lazio他的失誤差點讓皇馬痛失好局,幸好Figo踢進點球。) what's your most memorable moment on a football pitch Iker:the day of my debut what match would you most like to have played in that you didn't ? Iker:The world cup final, no...The King's Cup what does it feel like to make a great save ? Iker:satisfaction who's your toughest opponent Iker:Barcelona who's the best player you have played with ? Iker:Zidane who's the best player you have ever played against? Iker:Ronaldinho if you weren't a footballer,what would you be? Iker:policeman what other sports do you follow or could you have palyed? Iker:Poddle tennis what's your perfect weekend? Iker:go to my hometown village,Veracruz what music do you chill to ? Iker:spanish music what will you do after your playing career is over? Iker:be involved in football what's your favorite english movie? Iker:Notting hill (新娘百分百) who's your best friend in football? Iker:I don't have a best friend in football what's your most embarrassing moment off the field? Iker:Doing interview and advertisement what's your favorite food? Iker:fried eggs and chips who's inspired you to play football? Iker:my father -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: emily1973 來自: (11/08 17:44)

11/08 19:16, , 1F
線上影片的字幕在網頁下面有喔 只是沒有在影片裡面
11/08 19:16, 1F

11/08 19:30, , 2F
11/08 19:30, 2F

11/08 23:28, , 3F
11/08 23:28, 3F

11/08 23:28, , 4F
11/08 23:28, 4F

11/09 00:41, , 5F
哈哈~Iker守門守習慣了還想當警察 看來擋下人家是他嗜好 XD
11/09 00:41, 5F

11/09 08:35, , 6F
11/09 08:35, 6F

11/09 08:42, , 7F
11/09 08:42, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #15KPwe0I (RealMadrid)