[情報] CD Projekt RED 的公開信

看板RealPlaying作者 (Jedi.org)時間12年前 (2012/01/13 03:56), 編輯推噓14(14014)
留言28則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
消息來源: rockpapershotgun.com/2012/01/12/splendid-cd-projekt-to-stop-legal-threats/ CD Projekt RED 真的是我看過最高貴的公司。 交代一下故事是這樣的:CD Projekt RED (就是做 The Witcher 的那間) 去年底的 時候發表了一份措詞嚴厲的公開聲明,大意是說「我們不用 DRM 不代表我們支持盜 版,我們已經採用了一項技術,能夠精確揪出每個非法下載 The Witcher 2 的玩家, 而且我們將執行實際的行動」,同時根據報導,在德國境內,已經有上千名非法玩 家被要求付出 911.8 歐元的賠償 。 然而有些合法玩家對此感到不舒服,因為擔心自己會被錯誤地認定成非法玩家,也 就是怕自己成為「正版軟體的受害者」。 於是,這間 CD Projekt RED 今天又發出另一封公開信,表示「我們再次強調:我 們不用 DRM 不代表我們支持盜版。但同時,我們把參與遊戲玩家社群、獲得玩家信 任,當成是企業的最高核心價值;因此我們在此公開表示:我們將停止一切找出盜 版玩家並向其求償的行動。我們希望對整個遊戲社群發展友好關係,我們也希望所 有的玩家能夠重視這個事實:唯有你願意支持遊戲產業以及遊戲開發者,我們才能 夠做出更多更棒的遊戲給你玩。」 請大家多多支持這等高貴、重視玩家的公司。 以下附上公開信全文: An Open Letter to the Gaming Community from CD Projekt RED In early December, an article was published about a law firm acting on behalf of CD Projekt RED, contacting individuals who had downloaded The Witcher 2 illegally and seeking financial compensation for copyright infringement. The news about our decision to combat piracy directly, instead of with DRM, spread quickly and with it came a number of concerns from the community. Repeatedly, gamers just like you have said that our methods might wrongly accuse people who have never violated our copyright and expressed serious concern about our actions. Being part of a community is a give-and-take process. We only succeed because you have faith in us, and we have worked hard over the years to build up that trust. We were sorry to see that many gamers felt that our actions didn't respect the faith that they have put into CD Projekt RED. Our fans always have been and remain our greatest concern, and we pride ourselves on the fact that you all know that we listen to you and take your opinions to heart. While we are confident that no one who legally owns one of our games has been required to compensate us for copyright infringement, we value our fans, our supporters, and our community too highly to take the chance that we might ever falsely accuse even one individual. So we've decided that we will immediately cease identifying and contacting pirates. Let's make this clear: we don't support piracy. It hurts us, the developers. It hurts the industry as a whole. Though we are staunch opponents of DRM because we don't believe it has any effect on reducing piracy, we still do not condone copying games illegally. We're doing our part to keep our relationship with you, our gaming audience, a positive one. We've heard your concerns, listened to your voices, and we're responding to them. But you need to help us and do your part: don't be indifferent to piracy. If you see a friend playing an illegal copy of a game -- any game -- tell your friend that they're undermining the possible success of the developer who created the very game that they are enjoying. Unless you support the developers who make the games you play, unless you pay for those games, we won't be able to produce new excellent titles for you. Keep on playing, Marcin Iwinski co-founder CD Projekt RED -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/13 06:07, , 1F
01/13 06:07, 1F

01/13 06:41, , 2F
後門軟體上傳IP? 大概也不敢講太明怕被說侵犯隱私
01/13 06:41, 2F

01/13 07:08, , 3F
絕對不會是用免光碟來判定啦,因為本來就免光碟啊 KD
01/13 07:08, 3F

01/13 08:49, , 4F
01/13 08:49, 4F

01/13 09:20, , 5F
難怪大家越來越不想為PC作遊戲 吃力不討好
01/13 09:20, 5F

01/13 10:48, , 6F
巫師是好遊戲 絕不買盜版 頂多不玩
01/13 10:48, 6F

01/13 11:07, , 7F
等WINDOWS8出來後 360大概也崩了
01/13 11:07, 7F

01/13 11:07, , 8F
01/13 11:07, 8F

01/13 11:11, , 9F
01/13 11:11, 9F

01/13 11:44, , 10F
01/13 11:44, 10F

01/13 11:44, , 11F
01/13 11:44, 11F

01/13 11:45, , 12F
現在時間變少 都只買特價的遊戲在玩
01/13 11:45, 12F

01/13 11:46, , 13F
推一個 gog真的弄得很棒 前陣子在上面買了鋼鐵兄弟會
01/13 11:46, 13F

01/13 11:47, , 14F
相容性和解析度都調得超好, 也不會當機 真的很優!
01/13 11:47, 14F

01/13 12:39, , 15F
good old games ~
01/13 12:39, 15F

01/13 17:11, , 16F
01/13 17:11, 16F

01/13 17:13, , 17F
支持大力抓盜版 有些人吃飯會花錢想玩遊戲就不花...
01/13 17:13, 17F

01/13 17:13, , 18F
01/13 17:13, 18F

01/13 18:09, , 19F
沒有盜版飯, 不過有霸王飯 XD
01/13 18:09, 19F

01/13 19:14, , 20F
01/13 19:14, 20F

01/13 20:02, , 21F
01/13 20:02, 21F

01/13 20:02, , 22F
01/13 20:02, 22F

01/13 20:10, , 23F
01/13 20:10, 23F

01/13 20:23, , 24F
就歪理呀 玩盜版的理直氣壯的理由很多
01/13 20:23, 24F

01/13 22:01, , 25F
路邊義大利麵 = Steam聖誕特價 你們說 對不對~(競選語調
01/13 22:01, 25F

01/13 22:01, , 26F
01/13 22:01, 26F

01/15 03:37, , 27F
應該是弄後門偷偷上傳資料 = =
01/15 03:37, 27F

01/15 11:00, , 28F
Witcher 2不支持一下實在沒天理
01/15 11:00, 28F
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