[翻譯]Buchholz comes back to haunt O's

看板RedSox作者 (dear god)時間17年前 (2007/09/07 22:38), 編輯推噓7(700)
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BALTIMORE -- Just five days earlier, Clay Buchholz had electrified the Red Sox and the packed house at Fenway Park with a no-hitter in his second Major League start. But there was no time for reflection when Buchholz stepped on the Camden Yards mound, this time in relief, on Thursday night. Buchholz immediately loaded the bases with nobody out in a tie game. Somehow, the prospect wiggled his way out of that sixth-inning mess, getting Miguel Tejada on a 5-2-3 double play and striking out Kevin Millar on a 79-mph curveball. 巴爾的摩訊 五天前,Buchholz在第二場大聯盟出賽完成了無安打比賽,震驚了BOS。但在禮拜四的晚上 ,大家還沉浸在他的無安打比賽時,他以中繼的身分,踏上金鳥主場的投手丘。Buchholz 很快的造成無人出局滿壘的局面。但Buchholz用他的方法解決六局的滿壘局面,讓Tejada 打了個5-2-3的雙殺打,然後用79mile的曲球K掉了Millar。 For the first time in his 27 starts this season, Tim Wakefield was left without a decision. Instead, it was Buchholz who got the win as the Red Sox downed the Orioles, 7-6, in a back-and-forth contest. 在老蝴蝶本季前面二十七次先發,每一場他都跟勝敗有關。這次,Buchholz帶領BOS, 在拉鋸戰中,以7-6打敗金鳥。 "I'll take this one," Wakefield said. "Impressive. Bases loaded, no outs and he gets out of the jam. Pitches a great seventh and eighth. Can't ask for more than that from him." 老蝴蝶表示 : "真的很精彩,無人出局滿壘,但他卻化解了危機,然後第七跟第八 局也投得很理想,我們無法要求他更多。" Buchholz, making his first Major League relief appearance, allowed one hit and struck out three in his three innings. The performance came against the same Baltimore team he no-hit at Fenway on Saturday. Buchholz第一次中繼出賽,被打了一支安打,投出三次三振。如同上次投出無安打一樣, 打敗了金鳥。 In outlining the plan for prized prospect Buchholz earlier this week, Red Sox manager Terry Francona said that the right-hander would be used in "structured relief." 這禮拜稍早前,為了獎勵Buchholz,粉柯南表示會有計畫的使用Buchholz。 In this case, the structure involved the game being on the line. 這個案例中,所謂的有計畫的包括比賽正吃緊的時候。(??!!不懂) "I think that was the most nerve-wracking part about the whole thing," said Buchholz, now 3-0 with a 1.50 ERA in three appearances. "The first time relieving up here and throwing me out there, I really don't know what to say about it. It was good, but at the same time, I was a little bit nervous about it. I didn't actually want to lose the game for everybody, so I tried to go out there and throw strikes and get ground balls." 三次登場拿下三勝零敗,1.5的自責分率的Buchholz表示 : "我想這是整件事最扯的地方 ,第一次以中繼身分登場,我真的不知道該說什麼。感覺很好,但同時也有些困擾。我 不想輸球,所以我試著投出三振或是造成滾地球。" But leading off the bottom of the eighth, Jay Payton did not hit one on the ground. He hit a laser to dead center field. Coco Crisp, who has played brilliant defense all year, broke with the crack of the bat and made a superb catch. Buchholz was able to finish his night with a 1-2-3 inning. 八局上Payton打了一個強勁的中外野平飛球。Coco展現美技將他接殺。Burchholz完成了 三局的投球。 And up stepped Crisp to start the ninth. He reached on an infield hit, stole second and then scored when Jason Varitek came off the bench for a pinch-hit single to left-center off O's reliever Danys Baez that broke the tie. 九局上,Coco先打了支內野安打,在Varitek上場代打時盜上二壘,然後Varitek從Baez 手中打下超前分。 "It was fortunate; Jason comes off the bench, takes a great swing," Francona said. "A lot of things happened for us to win that game." 粉柯南表示 : "這真的很幸運,Varitek上來代打而且打得很好,發生了許多事讓我們 贏球。" Not to be forgotten was the work of Crisp, who almost single-handedly produced the run the Red Sox got in the ninth. 但千萬別忘記Coco,九局上幾乎靠他一手拿下那一分。 "It was good," said Francona. "We got in a situation where we thought we could steal a base without giving up Jason, and it ended up really working." 粉柯南表示 : "我們認為Varitek有可能做到,因此嘗試盜上二壘,最後我們也得分了。" Jonathan Papelbon made the efforts of the wild night stand up, blowing the Orioles away by striking out two in the bottom of the ninth for save No. 34. The 85-56 Red Sox boosted their lead to 6 1/2 games in the American League East over the idle Yankees, while reducing their magic number to 16. Papelbon讓這個狂野的夜晚持續,九局靠著兩K拿下第三十四個SV。BOS以八十五勝五十六 敗的戰績領先恩歪歪六場半,並將魔術數字降為16。 On a night that Wakefield was returning to the rotation after missing one start with back stiffness, the knuckleballer was belted around for nine hits and six runs over 3 2/3 innings, and he didn't strike anyone out for the first time this season. 錯過一場先發後,老蝴蝶回到輪值,但今晚他的蝴蝶球被狠狠的擊中,三又三分之二局 投球中被打了九支安打丟掉六分,這也是他本季第一場沒有投出三振的比賽。 "I felt fine physically," said Wakefield. "I'm not making excuses. I just didn't make the right pitches when I needed to. It felt funny not being out there for 10 days and trying to shake the rust off. Unfortunately, I wasn't good enough to stay out there for very long." 老蝴蝶表示 : "我身體沒有不舒適,我沒有找藉口,只是沒有把球投好。十天沒先 發是件有趣的事,我試著讓生鏽的身體動一動。但不幸的,我沒辦法在場上待太久。" To make matters worse, Wakefield's batterymate Doug Mirabelli was injured again while making his return to the lineup. Mirabelli, who had been out since Aug. 17 with a strained right calf, this time strained his left hamstring following his single to left in the third inning. 更糟的是,老蝴蝶的御用捕手貝利爺又再度受傷。在第三局打了安打後,因傷退場。 Despite the adversity with the battery, the Red Sox hung in with their bats. The Orioles' 1-0 lead after one inning was swiftly offset by Boston's two runs in the second, one of which came on an RBI single by Julio Lugo. 儘管投捕都惡運纏身,BOS靠打擊撐了下去。金鳥以一比零領先一局後,BOS攻下兩分, 其中一分靠的是Lugo的安打。 The Orioles quickly regained their edge with three runs in the third, two of which came on a two-run homer by Millar on an 0-2 pitch. 三局下金鳥很快的又攻下三分,Millar在兩好球沒壞球情況下打了支兩分彈。 Down 4-2, the Red Sox roared right back in the fifth on a three-run homer by Crisp. It marked the end of a 203 at-bat homerless drought by Crisp, who was batting right-handed against Orioles lefty starter Garrett Olson. Two batters after Crisp took him deep, Olson (3 2/3 innings, five hits and five runs) had to leave the game with tightness in his left forearm. 比數來到四比二,但四局Coco從左投Olson手中打了之三分彈,結束他兩百零三個打數沒 有全壘打的旅程。Olson投了三又三分之二局,被打五支安打掉了五分,因傷退場。 (原文寫錯局數?) Momentum didn't exist in this contest as Wakefield again relinquished the lead. In the bottom of the fourth, the Orioles knocked him right out of the game. The damage was done by Nick Markakis (RBI double) and Tejada (RBI single), giving the Orioles a 6-5 lead. 很快的老蝴蝶又讓BOS失去領先。四局下,金鳥將他K.O.。靠著Markakis和Tejada的安打, 金鳥取得六比五領先。 "I just feel bad, because every time we went ahead, I gave up the lead again," Wakefield said. "That's what upsets me the most. I can understand struggling, and then your team fights back and Coco hits a three-run homer to make it 5-4, and then I go ahead and give up the lead again. That's tough." 老蝴蝶表示 : "感覺真的很不好,每次我們取得領先,我卻又將領先敗掉。我知道大家努 力的奮戰,Coco的全壘打讓我們五比四領先,但被我敗掉,真的很糟糕。" David Ortiz didn't take long to provide an equalizer, blasting a solo shot over the wall in right to make it 6-6. Ortiz很快的打了支陽春彈追平。 Then it was Buchholz time. 接著是Buchholz大展身手的時候。 If the Red Sox wonder if Buchholz can be a viable member of their bullpen during the month of October, they got some strong early evidence. 如果BOS還懷疑Buchholz是否有辦法勝任牛棚的工作,那答案已經出來了。 "If anybody couldn't get used to pitching in the playoffs and doing some role, I think they'd be lying to you," Buchholz said. "A couple of more outings like this, I think I'll get the hang of it, and hopefully be able to work for them." Buchholz表示 : "如果之後還有機會,我會把我的工作做好,希望這對球隊有幫助。" 原文 http://0rz.tw/0d32u 第一次翻譯 不是很生動 可能也有些錯誤 希望大家多多指教 BOS for World Champion ! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/07 22:44, , 1F
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