[紅襪] Daisuke Matsuzaka On Waivers

看板RedSox作者 (田中鬪莉王)時間12年前 (2012/08/28 22:28), 編輯推噓39(39020)
留言59則, 35人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Daisuke Matsuzaka On Waivers http://0rz.tw/6zycJ The Red Sox recently placed right-hander Daisuke Matsuzaka on revocable waivers, ESPN.com's Buster Olney reports (Twitter links). One general manager told Olney that Matsuzaka and Mark Buehrle might be available for little return. Matsuzaka earns $10MM in 2012, the final season of his six-year, $52MM contract with the Red Sox. Just less than $2MM remains on his contract between now and the end of the season. In six starts for Boston this year he has posted a 5.10 ERA with 7.8 K/9 and 3.0 BB/9. He started against the Royals last night, allowing one unearned run, five hits and two walks in seven innings while striking out six. The Red Sox have been particularly aggressive in placing players on waivers this summer (at least in terms of what has been reported relative to other teams). If Matsuzaka goes unclaimed, the Red Sox will be able to complete a trade just as easily as they could have before the current waiver period began at the beginning of August. If a team claims Matsuzaka, the Red Sox will have three choices. They can let him (and his contract) go to the claiming team, they can complete a trade with the claiming team, or they can pull him back off of waivers. American League teams will have claiming priority on Matsuzaka. --- 嗯... -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/28 22:33, , 1F
08/28 22:33, 1F

08/28 22:35, , 2F
現在是呼應這個嗎 Dodgers Seek Starting Pitcher XD
08/28 22:35, 2F

08/28 22:37, , 3F
08/28 22:37, 3F

08/28 22:40, , 4F
08/28 22:40, 4F

08/28 22:44, , 5F
08/28 22:44, 5F

08/28 22:46, , 6F
08/28 22:46, 6F

08/28 22:48, , 7F
放上去也不代表是必賣 也不見得有人會現在撿
08/28 22:48, 7F

08/28 22:48, , 8F
Bill Mueller:
08/28 22:48, 8F

08/28 22:52, , 9F
看這消息 我反而笑了.......
08/28 22:52, 9F

08/28 23:00, , 10F
是不是忘記把發球機放上去? 誰英文好寫個信去提醒一下...
08/28 23:00, 10F

08/28 23:02, , 11F
可能真的忘有台發球機還在DL = =
08/28 23:02, 11F

08/28 23:03, , 12F
08/28 23:03, 12F

08/28 23:07, , 13F
08/28 23:07, 13F

08/28 23:16, , 14F
08/28 23:16, 14F

08/28 23:17, , 15F
投那麼好幹嘛! 交易!
08/28 23:17, 15F

08/28 23:20, , 16F
不過我們的休息室風氣 不論哪邊都在討論.日本運動新聞也
08/28 23:20, 16F

08/28 23:21, , 17F
08/28 23:21, 17F

08/28 23:21, , 18F
08/28 23:21, 18F

08/28 23:26, , 19F
08/28 23:26, 19F

08/28 23:30, , 20F
只是放Waivers幹嘛那麼緊張 有消息說要交易再說吧
08/28 23:30, 20F

08/28 23:49, , 21F
08/28 23:49, 21F

08/28 23:49, , 22F
08/28 23:49, 22F

08/28 23:50, , 23F
08/28 23:50, 23F

08/28 23:53, , 24F
08/28 23:53, 24F

08/28 23:57, , 25F
08/28 23:57, 25F

08/28 23:57, , 26F
完全是走簡樸風 不過還會有人跟嘛
08/28 23:57, 26F

08/29 00:03, , 27F
08/29 00:03, 27F

08/29 00:17, , 28F
已經又買了一堆好嗎, 說真的維爾斯哈維還蠻猛的
08/29 00:17, 28F

08/29 00:34, , 29F
要松請順便帶走發球機 這樣好像就薪資完全解套XD
08/29 00:34, 29F

08/29 00:58, , 30F
08/29 00:58, 30F

08/29 04:47, , 31F
(茶) Lackey要不要也放上去?
08/29 04:47, 31F

08/29 07:25, , 32F
全部交易掉啦, 留 Jerry & Don 就好
08/29 07:25, 32F

08/29 08:09, , 33F
紅標配綠標要再來一次嗎? Ells+牛肉+雷基
08/29 08:09, 33F

08/29 08:39, , 34F
08/29 08:39, 34F

08/29 09:27, , 35F
08/29 09:27, 35F

08/29 10:30, , 36F
08/29 10:30, 36F

08/29 10:30, , 37F
08/29 10:30, 37F

08/29 10:33, , 38F
交易牛肉有差嗎 約都快到了
08/29 10:33, 38F

08/29 10:35, , 39F
為什麼一堆人的反應好像是要交易小派一樣 交易牛肉沒
08/29 10:35, 39F

08/29 10:35, , 40F
08/29 10:35, 40F

08/29 10:38, , 41F
2011選到的那批真可悲 就這樣被遺忘了
08/29 10:38, 41F

08/29 10:39, , 42F
可能是雜魚 不意外
08/29 10:39, 42F

08/29 10:39, , 43F
08/29 10:39, 43F

08/29 10:41, , 44F
小派 八扣司 Lester 老爹 中川外 其他沒誰不能動吧
08/29 10:41, 44F

08/29 12:01, , 45F
08/29 12:01, 45F

08/29 12:05, , 46F
小帥哥的約要怎麼給很難抉擇 未來成績是去年的還是今年
08/29 12:05, 46F

08/29 12:05, , 47F
的? 而且他的經紀人是吸血鬼
08/29 12:05, 47F

08/29 12:22, , 48F
08/29 12:22, 48F

08/29 12:23, , 49F
08/29 12:23, 49F

08/29 12:24, , 50F
Varitek也是因為自己想留 所以Boras並沒有太大動作
08/29 12:24, 50F

08/29 12:24, , 51F
要像CC那種約 就謝謝再連絡
08/29 12:24, 51F

08/29 12:38, , 52F
08/29 12:38, 52F

08/29 12:38, , 53F
08/29 12:38, 53F

08/29 12:57, , 54F
如果是前年之前的小帥哥 不知價碼多少算合理
08/29 12:57, 54F

08/29 17:17, , 55F
08/29 17:17, 55F

08/29 22:30, , 56F
怎麼搞的 我家的襪子全部變黃了
08/29 22:30, 56F

08/30 08:08, , 57F
08/30 08:08, 57F

08/30 08:21, , 58F
Lester 八扣司 XXX 小飛刀/摩拉 雷機
08/30 08:21, 58F

08/30 08:22, , 59F
08/30 08:22, 59F
文章代碼(AID): #1GFDM6nL (RedSox)