[紅襪] Drew, Bogaerts, New Year, Nava

看板RedSox作者 (田中鬪莉王)時間10年前 (2014/01/03 00:29), 編輯推噓12(1202)
留言14則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1. https://twitter.com/ChrisCotillo/status/418423964265086976 聽說Bogaerts接下來會穿二號 2. Brian Cashman表示洋基不會簽Drew;現在大都會還在談 3. http://0rz.tw/65TgX Jon Lester is a pretty awesome dude. 4. 2014 Fire Brand of the Year: Daniel Nava http://0rz.tw/YlwSM 5. https://twitter.com/ChrisMellen/status/416331461893955584 Chris Mellen on Ball: Ceiling is a 2/3 right now. Have to see where development is and what takes. 6. http://t.co/fW4XQbrGGK http://t.co/bzNYuS8qbF -- http://t.co/Nt53CxQ1Ge Jonny Snowmes 7. http://t.co/7DFKhg0LZm Frozen Fenway -- http://instagram.com/p/iee_u-s6Ir/ lol -- http://t.co/AO2vpi3Tsf http://t.co/ShyMXxtMri -- http://t.co/EImGygJLXu #2013Memories http://t.co/NzATXcMfGa #2013Memories http://t.co/ZXl4LIaDbF 8. 條子DFA前紅襪雜魚 Chris McGuiness (Salty交易案,另一個配菜是Roman Mendez) -- Chris McGuiness後來去海盜 9. http://t.co/7x5sM5y3DB JBJ 10. http://0rz.tw/agU0v Comparing Tanaka beyond Darvish and Matsuzaka 11. https://twitter.com/MLBPlayerAnalys/status/417772989250170880 Highest % of HR hit to opposite field in last 2 seasons 12. http://t.co/nEeyiYsjXJ Fourteen bold predictions for 2014 Red Sox (1) Xander Bogaerts 前進明星賽! (2) Jon Lester續約,五年$125M (3) 431轟的老爹會公開表示他要挑戰500轟 Celtics (4) Rondo在一月底歸隊,繼續拚大西洋組龍頭 (5) 季後賽打進第二輪 Patriots (6) 愛國者打進Super Bowl XLVIII (7) Talib & McCourty 續約 Bruins (8) 拿下Stanley Cup! [剩下請見連結] 13. http://t.co/77UDD7RLYQ 12/31過37歲生日的AJP 14. https://twitter.com/ShaneVictorino/status/418022258200694784 Happy New Year from Hayman Island Australia! Here's to 2014 #RedSoxNation -- http://t.co/DfJIDulwjm -- https://twitter.com/bostonpolice/status/418048614187802624 Some of the #BPD's most memorable moments from 2013: #Horganing – Game 2 of the ALCS - October 13, 2013 15. http://t.co/O8ekj75r XD 16. http://t.co/wM8etnVRhN Bogaerts的故事 17. http://0rz.tw/INVfW Over the monster 新年新希望 - Felix Doubront: Pitching Well Through September - Mike Napoli: Cutting Down on Strikeouts - Clay Buchholz: Staying Healthy - Allen Webster: Improving Command -- "HARD WORK BEATS TALENT WHEN TALENT FAILS TO WORK HARD." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/03 00:37, , 1F
01/03 00:37, 1F

01/03 00:37, , 2F
2號! 準備買XB的jersey...
01/03 00:37, 2F

01/03 00:40, , 3F
樓上指的是Super Bowl XLVIII的羅馬數字的話, 這是48
01/03 00:40, 3F

01/03 12:11, , 4F
01/03 12:11, 4F

01/03 13:21, , 5F
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01/03 15:13, , 6F
今年bean town可以挑戰三大滿貫?
01/03 15:13, 6F

01/03 16:13, , 7F
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01/03 19:31, , 8F
三大滿貫算了吧... 07年Pats的陰影猷在.... T__T
01/03 19:31, 8F

01/03 23:31, , 9F
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01/04 00:53, , 10F
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01/04 01:26, , 11F
愛國者今年從頭到尾都不被看好 現在12勝還是不被看好
01/04 01:26, 11F

01/04 01:57, , 12F
01/04 01:57, 12F

01/04 18:22, , 13F
沒記錯愛國者一直都還領先在最後幾分鐘被逆轉 > <
01/04 18:22, 13F

01/04 19:20, , 14F
01/04 19:20, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1InPFEEp (RedSox)