Re: [問題] 跑步與生殖的相關性

看板Road_Running作者 (ikuze)時間13年前 (2011/10/04 12:56), 編輯推噓16(1608)
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※ 引述《darthv (閑談莫論國事)》之銘言: : 為了不要有變態的感覺,標題寫的文謅謅的。 : Running can make you a sex god: study : 因為更好的耐力,更強的背肌,腹肌,以及跑步中一定有的臀肌收縮, : 這個運動讓人聯想到的是,對於生殖活動可能也有幫助?? : 現在沒有伴,我只知道上班精神變好了,其他的方面無實證。 : 文章裏面這段話非常聳動 : Mike Finch, editor of Runner's World's South African edition, : says marathoners are "like sexual gods." : 版上全馬高手這麼多...難道你們...?!! (大驚) ※ 引述《darthv (閑談莫論國事)》之銘言: : 為了不要有變態的感覺,標題寫的文謅謅的。 : Running can make you a sex god: study : 因為更好的耐力,更強的背肌,腹肌,以及跑步中一定有的臀肌收縮, : 這個運動讓人聯想到的是,對於生殖活動可能也有幫助?? : 現在沒有伴,我只知道上班精神變好了,其他的方面無實證。 : 文章裏面這段話非常聳動 : Mike Finch, editor of Runner's World's South African edition, : says marathoners are "like sexual gods." : 版上全馬高手這麼多...難道你們...?!! (大驚) ※ 引述《darthv (閑談莫論國事)》之銘言: : 為了不要有變態的感覺,標題寫的文謅謅的。 : Running can make you a sex god: study : 因為更好的耐力,更強的背肌,腹肌,以及跑步中一定有的臀肌收縮, : 這個運動讓人聯想到的是,對於生殖活動可能也有幫助?? : 現在沒有伴,我只知道上班精神變好了,其他的方面無實證。 : 文章裏面這段話非常聳動 : Mike Finch, editor of Runner's World's South African edition, : says marathoners are "like sexual gods." : 版上全馬高手這麼多...難道你們...?!! (大驚) 最近也愛上跑步,順便來個簡單的翻譯 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Running can make you a sex god: study People can not only run their way to a better sex life , but also have sex to become a better runner, according to a survey of studies on the issue by Runner's World magazine. 跑步可以讓你變成西斯版鄉民 : 研究指出 根據雜誌"跑者的世界",跑步不僅可以讓你我擁有更好的性生活,還可以因為性讓 我們變成更好的跑者。 - Male runners seem to have the sexual prowess of men two to five years younger, it found. Vigorous exercise, combined with lifestyle factors such as diet and not smoking, can improve a man's sexual status by up to 10 years. 它發現男性跑友似乎得到年輕個二到五年的性能力,精實的練習,並結合飲食及 不抽煙,可以讓你多勇個十年以上哦!! "The science is very complex," says Dr. Ted Fenske,an Edmonton cardiologist who ran the Boston Marathon this year. "But running will improve vascular health and vascular health is necessary for a male to have proper sexual function." "這科學真是難搞",一位今年有跑波士頓馬拉松的埃德蒙頓心臟病學家 Ted Fenske 博士說道。 "但是跑步將可以增進心血管的健康,心血管健康對於想要愛愛的鄉民們是必要的" Mike Finch, editor of Runner's World's South African edition, says marathoners are "like sexual gods." 跑者的世界編輯 Mike Finch說 馬拉松跑友很像加滕鷹或南也加。 Countless university studies and field work all pointing to a similar -- albeit less bombastic -- conclusion. Because exercise increases feel-good hormones and helps improve overall physical function, experts contend that sex stands to be enhanced from regular running. 許多大學研究跟現場調查都指出了一個相似的結論(沒有打什麼嘴炮). 因為運動會增加"感覺良好"的荷爾蒙、有助於增強所有身體機能,專家聲稱規律的 跑步可以增加性能力無誤! A 2003 study out of Harvard University found men over 50 who run at least three hours a week have a 30% lower risk of impotence than those who do little or no exercise. 一份2003年哈佛大學研究報告發現,超過50歲的男人,一週跑步三小時的話, 其小老弟垂頭喪氣的機率比那些沒什麼再運動的人低30%! "Runners are fitter, healthier and have a good self-image," says Mr. Finch. "That makes them more eager to have sex, makes them more desirable and gives them more endurance." "有再跑步的人是比較勻稱、健康且擁有良好的形象", Mr. Finch說道。 "這使得他們更想要性,讓他們更滿意帶勁且更持久。 Dr. Fenske notes that C-reactive protein has recently been found to be related to cardiovascular disease; exercise is shown to reduce this type of protein. Fenske醫生指出 C-reactive蛋白質最近被發現與心血管疾病有關; 運動有助減低這 類的蛋白質。 He says aerobic exercise will also improve the function of the endothelium (vascular tissue lining), minimizing injuries to the blood vessels which are necessary to sexual health. 他還說有氧運動也可以改善內皮組織(維管束組織線), 將血管的損害降至最低, 這對性的健康能力是必要的。 However, Dr. Fenske observes that running, not intercourse, is fundamentally what makes people run better. 然而,Fenske醫生發現跑步而沒有愛愛的話,基本上來說會跑的更好 XD?? "These ideas about having sex and then running your personal best are great," he says. "But I don't think they're going to be the reality for people." 他說:"這些關於性以及跑出最佳的自我的這些主意,是很棒的。" Dr. Fenske is referring to claims in Runner's World that women stand to gain an athletic advantage from snogging before jogging. "What we discovered was that women do benefit from having sex the night before a race," says Mr. Finch, recalling the finding of Israeli physician Alexander Olshanietzky that "women compete better after orgasm." Fenske醫生正要在"跑者的世界"裡提到女生在慢跑前,從擁抱可以得到一些有利條件. "我們發現女人在前一晚做愛的話對於當天的比賽是有利的" Mr. Finch說道, 他想到一位以色列醫生 A.Ols. 發現"女性在性高潮後在比賽會得到更好的成績。" Distance runner and three-time Olympian Lynn Jennings once remarked that "sex the night before solidifies my core feeling of happiness." John Stanton, founder of Canada's Running Room chain, says this phenomenon is largely psychological. Just as running improves body image and thus self-confidence in the bedroom, having sex might energize a runner and enhance emotional fitness. 一位長跑且三次參與奧運的選手 Lynn Jennings曾說"以往有性的夜晚,都讓我覺得更 加幸福"。John Stanton,加拿大路跑協會創辦人,他說這個現象大部分是心理作用? 就是說跑步改善了外在形象因此在床上能更有自信,做愛能夠激厲跑者且提升健康的 心靈。 "When your sex life becomes healthier, your whole sense of well-being is better," he says. 當你的性生活變健康了,你全身上下就會變的更好 "Likewise, our sexual performance can be an indication to how healthy we are." 也就是說,我們有多健康看自己在床上的表現就知道 XD But Mr. Stanton warns that one of the first things to suffer when an athlete over-exercises is libido. 但Mr. Stanton警告,運動過度的話 第一件事要擔心的就是性慾。 "Runners can be a bit obsessive-compulsive," he says, laughing. "Too much of a good thing is not good." "跑者會有點強迫的情形" 他笑著說。 "過猶不及 猶恐失之" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 大意應該是這樣,結論就是: 跑步可患降低心血管疾病的風險,還能增加性能力讓你/妳更帥更美更有自信。 好運動,不做嗎? -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/04 13:26, , 1F
聞君一席話 小弟抬頭挺胸、熱血沸騰了(握!) (咦?)
10/04 13:26, 1F

10/04 14:17, , 2F
10/04 14:17, 2F

10/04 16:19, , 3F
10/04 16:19, 3F

10/04 17:13, , 4F
10/04 17:13, 4F

10/04 17:21, , 5F
10/04 17:21, 5F

10/04 18:50, , 6F
10/04 18:50, 6F

10/04 19:05, , 7F
10/04 19:05, 7F

10/04 19:24, , 8F
10/04 19:24, 8F

10/04 19:39, , 9F
10/04 19:39, 9F

10/04 19:44, , 10F
自從練跑後,我考試都考一百分呢 ^^b
10/04 19:44, 10F

10/04 19:51, , 11F
10/04 19:51, 11F

10/04 19:58, , 12F
10/04 19:58, 12F

10/04 21:35, , 13F
啊怎麼沒有電話? 控八控控-控控五-XXX
10/04 21:35, 13F

10/04 22:07, , 14F
老大, 你該去當翻譯官了....真是太口語, 太貼切了!!
10/04 22:07, 14F

10/05 00:21, , 15F
應該是南佳也 不是南也嘉XD
10/05 00:21, 15F

10/05 08:21, , 16F
哦哦...他的作品我好像只看過一部 XD
10/05 08:21, 16F

10/05 12:42, , 17F
跑步跟性有直接影響的好像是一氧化氮的作用= =...
10/05 12:42, 17F

10/05 20:04, , 18F
我自練跑後 對象都是左手和右手 沒差
10/05 20:04, 18F

10/05 21:28, , 19F
樓上 有股蛋蛋的哀傷啊...
10/05 21:28, 19F

10/05 23:57, , 20F
樓樓上 因為你的左手和右手也與身體一起練得更強壯 XD
10/05 23:57, 20F

10/06 16:13, , 21F
轉錄至看板 SEX :p
10/06 16:13, 21F

10/06 21:25, , 22F
10/06 21:25, 22F

10/07 10:55, , 23F
10/07 10:55, 23F

10/08 21:15, , 24F
10/08 21:15, 24F
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