[翻譯] Dream Theater - The Glass Prison

看板RockMetal作者 (如腐敗入骨,如身居火宅)時間15年前 (2009/11/24 03:13), 編輯推噓8(802)
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回應相聲二人組(誤)的點歌~獻上久違的DT翻譯XD 只找得到live版本的影片: http://tinyurl.com/ya65ray 這首是以戒酒的12 steps療法為主題 描述Mike Portnoy的酗酒問題 The Glass Prison 玻璃牢籠 Dream Theater I.REFLECTION 倒影 Cunning, Baffling, Powerful Been beaten to a pulp Vigorous, Irresistable Sick and tired and laid low Dominating, Invincible Black-out, loss of control Overwhelming, Unquenchable I'm powerless, have to let go 狡猾難解,威力無窮 將我痛擊在地 力拔山河,萬夫莫敵 我既病且弱,無力抵擋 主掌一切,所向披靡 雙眼昏黑,我失去控制 千鈞之勢,不可遏止 弱者如我,唯有放棄 I can't escape it It leaves me frail and worn Can no longer take it Senses tattered and torn 我無法逃離這牢籠 它令我虛弱無力 再也難以招架 知覺支離破碎 Hopeless surrender Obsession's got me beat Losing the will to live Admitting complete defeat 棄械投降 鬼迷心竅 我失去求生之志 自承遭到徹底擊敗 Fatal descent Spinning around I've gone too far To turn back round 致命沉淪 天旋地轉 我陷溺太深 已不可自拔 Desperate attempt Stop the progression At any length Lift this obsession 長久以來 不顧一切地 渴望能夠懸崖勒馬 戒除這癮頭 Crawling to my glass prison A place where no one knows My secret lonely world begins 爬進我的玻璃牢籠 在這無人知曉之處 我隱密孤獨的世界開展 So much safer here A place where I can go To forget about my daily sins 多麼安全啊這裡 我能夠在此 忘卻生活中的罪過 Life here in my glass prison A place I once called home Fall in nocturnal bliss again 生活在我的玻璃牢籠裡 這我曾稱之為「家」的處所 再度落入黑夜的狂喜之中 Chasing a long lost friend I no longer can control Just waiting for this hopelessness to end 追逐著這久違的老友 我再也無法自制 只能靜待這無助的情況是否有盡頭 II. RESTORATION 復原 Run - fast from the wreckage of the past A shattered glass prison wall behind me Fight - past walking through the ashes A distant oasis before me 跑吧──快速奔離過去的殘骸 一道破碎的玻璃牢籠之牆在我背後 奮戰──過去穿越灰燼而來 一片遙遠的綠洲在我前方 Cry - desperate crawling on my knees Begging God to please stop the insanity Help me - I'm trying to believe Stop wallowing in my self pity 哭泣──絕望地跪地爬行 乞求上帝阻止這瘋狂的行為 救我──我試圖想要相信 停止繼續自艾自憐的沉溺 "We've been waiting for you my friend The writing's been on the wall All it takes is a little faith You know you're the same as us all" 「我們一直在等你,吾友 此事明白不過 只需擁有些許信心 你自知自己和我們沒有不同」 Help me - I can't break out this prison all alone Save me - I'm drowning and I'm hopeless on my own Heal me - I can't restore my sanity alone 幫助我──我無法獨力逃脫這牢籠 拯救我──我正溺斃,卻無力自救 治癒我──我無法自己恢復清醒 Enter the door Desperate Fighting no more Help me restore To my sanity At this temple of hope 進入那扇門 孤注一擲 只願無須再戰鬥 助我重拾 清醒 在這希望的殿堂 I need to learn Teach me how Sorrow to burn Help me return To humanity I'll be fearless and thorough To enter this temple of hope 我需要學習 請教我如何能夠 消弭悲傷 助我重返 人群 我將膽大心細地踏入 這希望的殿堂 Believe Transcend the pain Living the life Humility Opened my eyes This new odyssey Of rigorous honesty 信念 超越痛苦 重獲新生 謙遜 令我睜開矇昧雙眼 這是新的旅程 徹底誠實面對自我 Serenity That I never knew Soundness of mind Helped me to find Courage to change All the things that I can 那我從未體驗過的 寧靜 那心靈的祥和 助我找到勇氣 去改變 我能改變的事物 "We'll help you perform this miracle But you must set your past free You dug the hole, but you can't bury your soul Open your mind and you'll see" 「我們會幫你實現這個奇蹟 但你必須放開你的過去 你掘了深洞,但卻無法埋藏你的靈魂 敞開心胸,你將明白一切」 Help me - I can't break out this prison all alone Save me - I'm drowning and I'm hopeless on my own Heal me - I can't restore my sanity alone 幫助我──我無法獨力逃脫這牢籠 拯救我──我正溺斃,卻無力自救 治癒我──我無法自己恢復清醒 III. REVELATION 天啟 Way off in the distance I saw a door I tried to open I tried forcing with all of my will but still The door wouldn't open 我看見一扇門,在那遙遠的地方 試圖將它開啟 但儘管我使盡全力,它依然 紋風不動 Unable to trust in my faith I turned and walked away I looked around, felt a chill in the air Took my will and turned it over 無法堅定自己的信念 我轉身離去 四處張望,感到空氣中一陣涼意 帶走我的意志,將之轉變 The glass prison which once held me is gone A long lost fortress Armed only with liberty And the key of my willingness 一度囚困我玻璃牢籠已經不再 這座失落已久的要塞 如今由自由守護 並由我掌握門扉的鑰匙 Fell down on my knees and prayed "Thy will be done" I turned around, saw a light shining through The door was wide open 我雙膝跪地而禱 「汝願已成」 我轉過身來,只見一道光閃耀照入 那扇門已敞開 (高仕艷 譯) -- ...aye, a thousand shadows there Shall leap and flicker and stir and stay and run, Like petrels of the changing foul or fair; Like ghosts of twilight, of the moon, of him Whose homeland lies past each horizon's rim... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/24 03:19, , 1F
11/24 03:19, 1F

11/24 03:22, , 2F
11/24 03:22, 2F

11/24 03:26, , 3F
11/24 03:26, 3F

11/24 04:09, , 4F
11/24 04:09, 4F

11/24 07:34, , 5F
11/24 07:34, 5F

11/24 14:55, , 6F
可以出官方版的bootleg啊,就像Dream Theater那樣...ㄎㄎ
11/24 14:55, 6F

11/24 22:16, , 7F
←苦主之一 這首好像是我點的......感謝酷飛大Q////Q
11/24 22:16, 7F

11/24 22:51, , 8F
哼哼哼 QQ 不過謝謝酷飛飛翻譯>/////<
11/24 22:51, 8F
不客氣^^ 順便請問樓上兩位會發行官方靴腿嗎XDrz

11/25 00:15, , 9F
11/25 00:15, 9F
※ 編輯: coolfly 來自: (11/25 01:19)

11/26 17:54, , 10F
11/26 17:54, 10F
coolfly:轉錄至看板 DreamTheater 12/03 15:04
文章代碼(AID): #1B2jx24D (RockMetal)