[翻譯] Stratovarius - Father Time

看板RockMetal作者 (Billups)時間15年前 (2009/12/07 02:53), 編輯推噓5(500)
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<翻譯的不好請多包涵 畢竟光歌名就不大好翻Orz> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxegqv87JhA
Father Time 時光老人 Walking down the path that leads me to my memories 尋著這條帶領到我的記憶的路 Pacing all the way without a care in my stride 面對條條大路 毫不擔心的大步的向前走 Where are the friends of my yesterday 我過去的朋友們都到哪去了 have they moved on with their lives 是否依然過著他們的生活? Can we still laugh and joke about things like before 是否我們能像以前一樣的有說有笑? There's no need to hide the past that I have left behind 不需要為過去我所做過的事而躲藏 It's a good resource somewhere for me to find 它是在記憶裡的某處能讓我尋得的好資源 Why am I waiting for someone to reach out 為什麼我在這等著某人做出抉擇 it shouldn't be all up to them 這不應該由他們作主 keeping in touch ain't that easy but I'll have to try 維持聯繫並不容易 但我會嘗試著去做 (Chorus) Where have all the years gone 這些年的歲月都到哪去了 that's what I am asking now 這正是我想問的阿 What have I learnt so far 目前為止我到底獲得了什麼? tell me Father Time - tell me now 告訴我吧時光老人 告訴我吧! Now I understand I'll take from time what I need 到現在我才瞭解 我想要的東西是必須花時間換得的 And I'll store it inside it's there for me to find 而我將它收藏起來 能在那裡讓我尋得 I can't deny that the years will pass by 我無法否認這些已流逝的歲月 but it won't bother me 但我並不以為意 Coz now I will set out to realize my dream 因為我現在已下地決心要實現我的夢想 (Chorus) Where have all the years gone 這些年的歲月都到哪去了 that's what I am asking now 這正是我想問的阿 What have I learnt so far 目前為止我到底獲得了什麼? tell me Father Time - tell me now 告訴我吧時光老人 告訴我吧! (Yaaaaaaaaaa-ooooohhhhhh) 耶耶耶 嗚嗚嗚XD (Chorus X 2) Where have all the years gone 這些年的歲月都到哪去了 that's what I am asking now 這正是我想問的阿 What have I learnt so far 目前為止我到底獲得了什麼? tell me Father Time - tell me now 告訴我吧時光老人 告訴我吧! 只能說歌詞的意境真的很不錯 不過就是很多地方文法簡單卻好難翻 囧 感覺很多地方翻的很不順暢 請大家多多包涵與指教Orz 騰雲魂!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: a39189 來自: (12/07 02:55) ※ 編輯: a39189 來自: (12/07 02:56)

12/07 07:23, , 1F
推騰雲!推老爸時光!耶耶耶 嗚嗚嗚XD
12/07 07:23, 1F

12/07 07:28, , 2F
現在是~~~~~~~~ 父親時代! ^.<
12/07 07:28, 2F

12/07 13:01, , 3F
12/07 13:01, 3F

12/07 14:23, , 4F
12/07 14:23, 4F

12/07 22:25, , 5F
大合唱阿 ╰(‵皿′*)╯ 想到她們第一次來台灣全場齊唱
12/07 22:25, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1B6_sfk2 (RockMetal)