[翻譯]KreatoR - United in Hate 試譯

看板RockMetal作者 (HuntersMoon)時間10年前 (2014/03/30 20:32), 10年前編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
United in hate with the outcasts 同仇敵愾 邊緣人 United in hate with the weak 同仇敵愾 弱勢者 Drag the ones who live in darkness back into the light 使不見天日的人重返光明 We can make it happen can't you see 我們能將其實現,你可否看見 Come and let me take you on a journey 來吧,讓我引你走一遭 Straight into the centre of your mind 直達你內心深處 Feel the power of your soul it's infinity 感受無窮的靈魂力 This ignorance is obsolete tonight 今晚,就將愚昧拋棄 We are Legion 整軍 We are Legion United in Hate 整軍 我等同仇敵愾 We are Legion 整軍 We are Legion United in Hate 整軍 我等同仇敵愾 United in hate with the fragile 同仇敵愾 殘破之人 United in hate with the slaves 同仇敵愾 奴隸們 More then just another teen rebellion can't you see 這不只是另一齣年輕人的造反,你是否看見 This will last until our dying day 堅持到我們捐出生命 Come and let me take you on a journey 來吧,讓我引你走一遭 Straight into the centre of your mind 直達你內心深處 Unwitting are the ones who choose to sleep eternally 視而不見是自甘永恒昏睡 Never knowing what it's like to be alive 從不知道為何而活的人 We are Legion 整軍 We are Legion United in Hate 整軍 我等同仇敵愾 We are Legion 整軍 We are Legion United in Hate 整軍 我等同仇敵愾 Raise your voice and rise 提高你的音量,起來 Emancipate from betrayal and demise 從背叛與死亡中掙脫 Rise - don't capitulate 昂首 - 不要投降 To life's blood parasites 向那吸血的寄生蟲 Rise - this is our fate 挺身 - 這是我們的宿命 Come on let's storm the walls 來吧,讓我們衝垮圍牆 Rise - if we unite 站起來 - 我們戮力同心 We can bring this empire to fall 推翻帝國,指日可待 We are Legion 整軍 We are Legion United in Hate 整軍 我等同仇敵愾 We are Legion 整軍 We are Legion United in Hate 整軍 我等同仇敵愾 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0SHK6nZqTw
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/RockMetal/M.1396182741.A.F8F.html ※ 編輯: HuntersMoon (, 03/30/2014 20:51:21

04/01 03:59, , 1F
04/01 03:59, 1F

05/03 21:24, , 2F
感謝獵月大,向你行金屬禮! \m/
05/03 21:24, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1JE0xL-F (RockMetal)