[情報] Francis expected to miss remainder of season

看板Rockets作者 (理想現實)時間16年前 (2008/02/07 12:11), 編輯推噓23(2302)
留言25則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
原文: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports/5520146.html 出處: http://bbs.hoopchina.com/read.php?tid=291117&fpage=1&toread=1 作者: 小鬼神 火箭弗老大有可能賽季報銷 一位匿名消息人士周三時透露,火箭隊后衛Steve Francis即將接受手術,這預計將會 直接導致Francis告別本賽季余下的所有比賽。目前火箭隊方面沒有發表任何言論,而 Francis方面也是無法取得聯系。之前Francis一直因為雙側四頭肌肌腱炎休戰,但是恢复 進展相當緩慢,上周他在科羅拉多接受了一次檢查之后,發現傷處可能有撕裂不得不接 受手術。 Rockets guard Steve Francis is scheduled for surgery that is expected to end his season, a person who spoke on the condition of anonymity said on Wednesday. The Rockets would not comment and Francis could not be reached. An announcement is expected for Thursday. Francis has been out with what had been diagnosed as bi-lateral quadriceps tendonitis, but with the condition slow to rehabilitiate, an examination by a specialist in Colorado last week indicated that there is a tear that would have to be repaired surgically. Francis, who signed with the Rockets in the off-season after reaching a buyo ut agreement with the Portland Trail Blazers, has played in just 10 games, s tarting three. He has been averaging 5.5 points, making 33.3 percent of his shots. --------------------------------- 据知情人說Steve准備動手術,可能將會報廢整個賽季 火箭明天星期四(2/7)會發官方消息 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/07 12:11, , 1F
02/07 12:11, 1F

02/07 12:14, , 2F
季後賽的時候回得來就OK 天佑法老大
02/07 12:14, 2F

02/07 12:18, , 3F
02/07 12:18, 3F

02/07 12:26, , 4F
02/07 12:26, 4F

02/07 12:39, , 5F
02/07 12:39, 5F

02/07 12:39, , 6F
02/07 12:39, 6F

02/07 12:47, , 7F
02/07 12:47, 7F

02/07 12:48, , 8F
02/07 12:48, 8F

02/07 12:57, , 9F
小法好好養傷 下一季繼續呆在火箭
02/07 12:57, 9F

02/07 13:03, , 10F
02/07 13:03, 10F

02/07 13:08, , 11F
集氣 弗老大健健康康 病趕緊好起來!!! ╰(‵皿′*)╯
02/07 13:08, 11F

02/07 13:09, , 12F
氣 弗老大健健康康 病趕緊好起來!!! ╰(‵皿′*)╯
02/07 13:09, 12F

02/07 13:24, , 13F
集氣 弗老大健健康康 病趕緊好起來!!! ╰(‵皿′*)╯
02/07 13:24, 13F

02/07 14:46, , 14F
氣 弗老大健健康康 病趕緊好起來!!! ╰(‵皿′*)╯
02/07 14:46, 14F

02/07 14:46, , 15F
弗老大健健康康 病趕緊好起來!!! ╰(‵皿′*)╯
02/07 14:46, 15F

02/07 15:01, , 16F
氣 弗老大健健康康 病趕緊好起來!!! ╰(‵皿′*)╯
02/07 15:01, 16F

02/07 15:07, , 17F
02/07 15:07, 17F

02/07 20:44, , 18F
希望開刀後 能恢復以前水準
02/07 20:44, 18F

02/07 22:19, , 19F
02/07 22:19, 19F

02/07 22:23, , 20F
02/07 22:23, 20F

02/08 00:38, , 21F
弗老大健健康康 病趕緊好起來!!!..挺到底阿 ..絕對!
02/08 00:38, 21F

02/08 00:56, , 22F
弗老大健健康康 病趕緊好起來!!! ╰(‵皿′*)╯
02/08 00:56, 22F

02/08 01:21, , 23F
弗老大健健康康 病趕緊好起來!!! ╰(‵皿′*)╯
02/08 01:21, 23F

02/08 02:12, , 24F
  弗老大健健康康 病趕緊好起來!!! ╰(‵皿′*)╯
02/08 02:12, 24F

02/08 04:44, , 25F
02/08 04:44, 25F
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