Fw: [外絮] 有其他火箭球員也不爽教練

看板Rockets作者時間12年前 (2012/05/28 20:34), 編輯推噓6(603)
留言9則, 7人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1FmsdiSv ] 作者: kimo6414 (亡命之徒) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 有其他火箭球員也不爽教練 時間: Mon May 28 20:04:57 2012 Kyle Lowry went on a rant against head coach Kevin McHale on Friday, and he might not be the only one. 禮拜五Kyle Lowry說他不喜歡McHale,他可能不是唯一一個 Lowry went so far as to demand that the Rockets trade him if they decide to re-sign Goran Dragic in the offseason. HOOPSWORLD claims that there are other Rockets players furious with the lack of effective communication from Kevin McHale. Every team has players that are unhappy with their playing status and/or contract, but the situation in Houston appears more heightened from the outside looking in. 如果火箭在季外續簽Dragic的話,Lowry要求賣我 HOOPSWORLD說,有其他火箭球員,因為跟McHale溝通不佳而感到狂怒 每個球隊,都會有人對自己的合約或地位感到不滿,但這問題在火箭隊似乎更加嚴重 http://tinyurl.com/7nebtyy McFail:................... ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: jorden (, 時間: 05/28/2012 20:34:37 ※ 編輯: jorden 來自: (05/28 20:35)

05/28 20:46, , 1F
05/28 20:46, 1F

05/28 20:51, , 2F
05/28 20:51, 2F

05/28 20:51, , 3F
我猜大懶伯也很度爛他 上場時間有一場沒一場的
05/28 20:51, 3F

05/28 21:11, , 4F
... 無言
05/28 21:11, 4F

05/28 21:43, , 5F
這下好了 連火箭也來球員教練不合?
05/28 21:43, 5F

05/28 22:24, , 6F
05/28 22:24, 6F

05/28 22:47, , 7F
建議炒掉McFail 當初就沒人看好他了
05/28 22:47, 7F

05/29 23:29, , 8F
05/29 23:29, 8F

05/30 01:23, , 9F
火箭不會炒掉McFail 等McFail把球隊搞爛可抽壯元簽後才會炒
05/30 01:23, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1Fmt3UyI (Rockets)