Nole's Diary no. 4 (Adelaide) 05.01.2007.

看板SRB-CRO作者 (yitta)時間15年前 (2008/09/29 21:22), 編輯推噓9(905)
留言14則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1 05.01.2007. Diary no. 4 (Adelaide) Tztztz... What has happened to me!? People compare me to a kangaroo :-) I read a comment where it said that I look a little like a kangaroo. It is not all that bad for the beginning. At the end I will look like a rat :-) 嘖嘖嘖...我發生什麼事了!?大家都拿我跟袋鼠比:-) 我有看到有人說我長的有點袋鼠。 一開始是也沒這麼糟糕,但最後我將會看起來像一隻老鼠:-) I came back to the hotel, because I can't wait in the club any more! I should play doubles, but believe it or not, it has been raining for a couple of hours already... And it doesn't plan stopping! Hey, guys, rain in Australia?! But it was quite interesting while it was raining! 我剛從飯店回來,我沒有辦法繼續在俱樂部等了。我應該要打雙打,但不管你信不信,雨 已經下了好幾個小時,而且似乎沒有要停止的意思。嘿,大家~澳洲下雨耶?! 下雨的時候 還蠻有趣的。 First I must say that it wasn't easy against Goldstein! I should have finished the match earlier, but I didn't take some situations serious enough. After all, it is good that I had a harder match, since the first 2 were pretty easy (speaking of the result)! The weather was pretty cloudy, but it was pretty humid... I mean the air :-) 首先,我要說跟Goldstein打不輕鬆,我應該要早點結束這場比賽的,但有些時候我不夠 認真看待。有一場較困難的比賽還是不錯,前兩場算容易(看結果的話)。天氣有點陰陰的 ,不過很潮濕...我是指空氣:-) After the match I felt pretty tired, so I had to take a massage, and relax in the hands of a nearly 70 year old man. Yeah, yeah, there is even such masseurs in the world! They say he is an expert... I believe, but it is a fact that he lacks the strength to massage professional sportsmen. 比賽結束後,我有點累,所以我來了個按摩,一個70歲的老人幫我放鬆一下。 對啦對啦,男按摩師,他們說他是專家...我相信啊!但是我想他不夠有力氣 幫一個職業運動選手按摩也是事實。 Meanwhile, on the Center court, the young Del Potro and Igor Kunitsyn from Russia, who made the biggest surprise of the tournament last evening by beating local hero Hewitt, were warmin up. But everything that came out of that match was the warm up. It started raining and it is not stopping until now... 同時,在中央球場,年輕的Del Potro和來自俄羅斯的Igor Kunistyn製造了大驚奇, 他們在昨晚擊敗地主英雄Hewitt,不過只是熱身準備而已。現在又開始下雨了.... During the break, we were all in the players' lounge! Of course, I couldn't just sit and rest, as I was bored, so I had to do something. One thing that occured to me was playing golf on a tennis court! I know what are you going to think: ''You idiot, how can you play golf on a tennis court?!'' But (always the BUT), everything is possible when you really want it :-) Next to the court there is a patch of grass from which we tried to hit the ball into the flower boxes by the golf clubs. We removed the fence and began with the entertainment! Hehehe, it must sound funny, and it was, which is the worst of all :-) Anyway, the crowd enjoyed it, and I wasn't the only one who was trying\ to accomplish the mission impossible, there were a few more people...Two more players, the tournament director and former ATP player Mark Woodforde, who is also a great golfer and one girl who was incredibly good...(a golf player, of course :-) The crowd enjoyed it and we were all having a great time... Since nobody could get it in the first 20 attempts, one man offered 100 australian dollars for charity if somebody gets the ball in! They tried a few more times, but still no one succeded, and then I offered my sum (for charity, too) and the shot came right away! After the girl got her shot in, we ALL managed to get it, believe or not! The cameras recorded it all and there were a lot of photographers, too, so I am sure you'll be able to see it! 在休息的時候呢,我們全部都會在球員休息室裡。當然,我不可能只是坐在那裡休息 ,我會很無聊。所以我決定來做點不一樣的事情。其中之一就是我在網球場上打高爾 夫球。我想你們一定會覺得:"你這個白癡,你怎麼在網球場上打高爾夫球!?" 但是(永遠都有但是),只要你願意所有的事情都是可能的(笑)。在球場旁有一小塊草地, 從那裡我們試著用高爾夫球杆把球打進花箱。我們移開圍籬然後開始這項娛樂! 嘿嘿嘿,聽起來很有趣吧。它是啊,只是最糟的(笑)。總之,觀眾都很喜歡,我也不是唯 一一個做這件事情的人,還有一些人喔,兩個球員,還有賽會指導,還有之前的ATP選手 Mark Woodforde,他高爾夫球也打的不錯,還有一個女生,超厲害的... (當然囉,她是一個高爾夫選手嘛)! 群眾都很享受這個,我們也玩的很開心。因為沒有人可以get it in the first 20 attempts (是什麼高爾夫球的術語嗎 不懂耶),有一個男士捐出100澳幣要給慈善機構, 如果有人可以把球打進的話。他們試了好幾次,但是沒有人成功,我也捐出我的錢 (也是給慈善機構),然後就有人打進了!在這個女生打進去之後,信或不信,我們全部的 人都辦到了,照相機可以記錄一切,那裡有很多攝影師喔,我想你們應該是有機會看到。 Auuu, this was a lot... Enough for now... I will catch up with you later (when I will have time)! I have to describe you how I spent the new year holidays :-) 喔,好多喔!我想應該夠了。我晚點會在趕上進度給你們(我有時間的話)! 我要說說我怎麼度過我的新年假期的。:-) Greeting from the SERBIAN KANGAROO (as the Webmaster calls me :-)) 來自塞爾維亞袋鼠的問候(網站管理者這樣叫我) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 高爾夫球那part感謝duffy大協助 感恩 :D ) 先把一開始非常認真寫完的阿德雷德日記翻完吧 (之後慢慢來) 就是那時候認真寫才會冠軍啊 真是的 -- ╭──────╥─────────╥─────────╮ │██████║ ╭╮╭╮ ╭ ╭╮ ╭╮ ┐┌╮┌─ │ │██████║ ││││ │ ├╯ Ψ ├┤ │││├─ │██████║ ┘┘╰╯ ╰┘ ┘┘ ╯└╯└─ ╰──────╨─────────╨─────ψwop875 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

09/29 21:23, , 1F
原來前5篇是五天一次寫完 之後就XD
09/29 21:23, 1F

09/29 21:23, , 2F
塞爾維亞袋鼠 XD
09/29 21:23, 2F

09/29 22:04, , 3F
聽說阿德雷德坐船可以去袋鼠島 上面有很多動物可以看XD
09/29 22:04, 3F

09/29 22:10, , 4F
09/29 22:10, 4F

09/29 22:42, , 5F
09/29 22:42, 5F

09/29 23:45, , 6F
09/29 23:45, 6F

09/29 23:47, , 7F
09/29 23:47, 7F

09/29 23:48, , 8F
沒有啦 因為今天颱風天沒事做 剛好阿德雷德系列頗有趣
09/29 23:48, 8F

09/29 23:48, , 9F
所以就卯起來翻了 之後我不會忘記麻煩tinybaby大的 XDD
09/29 23:48, 9F

09/30 00:20, , 10F
颱風天真的是用功的好日子呀 Y大辛苦了
09/30 00:20, 10F

09/30 01:47, , 11F
09/30 01:47, 11F

09/30 12:50, , 12F
XDDD 多寫篇日記回報好了 XDDDD (新的都給t大來 ㄎㄎ)
09/30 12:50, 12F

10/01 22:24, , 13F
10/01 22:24, 13F

10/01 22:38, , 14F
可能已經需要針灸了喔 XDDDD
10/01 22:38, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #18uDQYDy (SRB-CRO)