[JJ Blog]Hello everyone :)

看板SRB-CRO作者 (duffy)時間15年前 (2009/08/05 23:32), 編輯推噓1(102)
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http://www.jj-jelenajankovic.com/eng/blog.php 捲毛照兩枚 05.08.2009. Hello everyone :) I'm in California right now! I'm not able to compete in LA because of the calendar changes this year, but I'm training here this week. I'm really enjoying my time here and looking forward to the rest of the summer tournaments. Little by little, I'm hoping to start looking like the player who finished No.1 in the world last year. 我現在在加州! 因為今年的改變,這禮拜我沒法在洛杉磯比賽,但是我在這訓練。 我很享受在這的時光,並且期待其他夏季比賽一點一滴,我希望開始看起來去年以 世界第一結束賽季的球員。 (啥?你還記得喔?!) After Wimbledon I took two weeks off from tennis. I really wanted to clear my mind and recharge my batteries, so I would be nice and fresh for the second half of the season. I wanted to forget what happened in the first half. I was feeling really burnt out. I didn't even touch my racquet. It must have worked, because I'm already feeling much better now! The first time I stepped back onto the court I could feel it. I was light on my feet and happy to run after every ball. That's what I hoped for, that the will and desire would be back. The smile is back too. I'm more disciplined on and off the court, my eating is better, and I can't wait to continue like this. 溫布頓之後,我從網球休息了兩禮拜。我實在需要清理思緒和充電,所以我會好好的 並且經理充沛的面對下半季。我想要忘掉上半季。我感覺實在筋疲力盡。那一定有用 ,因為我已經覺得現在好多了! 從第一次回到球場我就感覺得到。我的腳很清而且很 開心的去追每個球。那是我所希望的,那要的信念和可望會回來。微笑也會回來。我 場上和場下更有紀律,我吃得更好,而且我迫不及待要繼續這樣維持下去。 After the break, I went to Bollettieri's in Florida for about 10 days and trained in the heat. It was so hard, but really worth it. I needed those conditions to prepare for my upcoming tournaments. My first tournament back was in Stanford last week and I feel like I was playing really well. I had fun playing those matches. I had a tough loss against Bartoli in the quarterfinals, but I definitely had my chances. I even had two match points. There were some really bad calls that went against me, and a few shots I'd hit the line but have to replay the point. What is done is done, though. I need to think about getting better now, and the first set I played in that match was probably my best set so far this year, so that's encouraging. I did a lot of things right, I just need to work on cleaning up the other areas of my game. There's no better time to do it other than right now, with my favorite tournaments coming up. I love playing the summer hardcourt tournaments. They suit my game and my personality. 在休假之後,我到佛羅里達的Bollettieri約十天,在熱天下訓練。那很艱難,但 是很值得。我需要這些環境來準備接下來的比賽。我回來第一個比賽是上禮拜的 史丹佛。我覺得我打得很好。我在打比賽時很有樂趣。我在八強跟Bartoli有場困 難比賽,但我絕對有機會。我甚至有兩個賽點。有些判決對我不利,有些壓線球但 是得重打。不過過了就過了就是。我需要想怎麼便得更好,那比賽的第一盤大概是 今年我打得最好的,所以那鼓舞人。我做了很多對的事,我需要繼續清理我球技中 的其他部分。沒有比現在更好的時候,我愛的比賽即將來臨。我喜歡夏天硬地比賽 。那很適合我的打法和個性。 (賽訪跟記者耍嘴皮子跟耍機車嗎?) My dad is travelling with me this week. He was with me in Florida and in Stanford, and he'll be with me here and in Cincinnati next week, too. He's really helping me out. It's nice to have my dad here because he rarely comes to tournaments. He always stays at home! I know it's difficult for him to watch my matches :) My mom is back at home recovering from surgery, and she's doing much, much better. I'm so happy she's doing well. Hopefully she'll be able to come to New York to watch me play. She'll need to be at 100% though - it's tough for parents to watch their kids' matches! 我爸這禮拜和我一起旅行。他和我一起在佛羅里達跟邁阿密,他下禮拜將會和我一 起在辛辛那提。他真的幫我很多。有我爸自這很棒因為他很少來看比賽。他總是待 在家! 我知道看我比賽對他很不好受:)我媽回家休息好從手術中恢復,她已經好很 多很多了。我很高興她恢復得好。希望她可以來紐約看我打球。可是她必須是百分 百健康 - 讓父母看小孩比賽還真不好受啊。 (是啊~尤其像JJ這種半路都要出槌的....被槌到底就輸惹) One thing that has been quite different is my eating. I used to like drinking so much Coke. I have such a sweet tooth ;) I had to have chocolate every day. I had to! Luckily for me, I have a good metabolism, so it didn't really bother my weight much, but when it comes to having energy and eating the right things, it wasn't good at all. I've now stopped drinking Coke - I haven't had any since Wimbledon! Instead of that it's water, maybe lemonade. I've stopped eating the sweets, too. People have been telling me I look more fit now. I was thinking why, and it's because I cut those things out... Everyone has something they like that isn't good for them, and I was one of those people! I would sometimes eat hamburgers... Here in California I like those In & Out Burgers... Now since my break I've changed completely though. I want to pay attention to all of these little things. Eating right, sleeping right, training right and knowing my limits; eventually they all make a huge difference. 有件是很不一樣的是我的吃。我以前喝很多可樂。我實在很愛甜食;)我每天都吃巧 克力。我必須! 我很幸運,我有很好的新陳代謝,所以我不太被我的體重困擾,但 當要有能量且吃對的食物時,那一點都不好。我已經停止喝可樂 - 從溫布頓開始 喔! 取代的是水或檸檬水。我也停止吃甜食。人們告訴我現在看起來體態更結實。 我想為什麼,而那是因為我不吃那些東西....每個人總有些對他們不太好的習換, 我就是那種人! 我想要吃些漢堡...在加州這我喜歡那些In & Out漢堡...現在我從 假期開始已經完全變。我想要注意這些細節;最終他們會帶來很大的不同。 Anyway... that's all for now. Thanks for your support, as always! Hopefully you're all doing well and I will talk to you all again very soon :) 好啦...全部就醬吧。謝謝大家的支持!希望你們都很好,我會很快再跟你們聊天:) JJ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/06 00:10, , 1F
我爸這"裡"拜 話說巧克力在日記的頻率到底有多高啊XDD
08/06 00:10, 1F

08/06 09:47, , 2F
每次都說有進步,會有不同,比賽還是沒辦法期待 = =
08/06 09:47, 2F

08/06 10:11, , 3F
看起來跑起來是有輕盈點啦 可是一開演就回不來是問題
08/06 10:11, 3F
※ 編輯: duffy 來自: (08/06 10:12)
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