N Djokovic - Interview [2010 US OPEN QF]

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http://www.usopen.org/en_US/news/interviews/2010-09-08/ 201009091284056460494.html An Interview With: Novak Djokovic Wednesday, September 8, 2010 [3] N Djokovic d. [17] G Monfils 76(72) 61 62 Q. Can you take us through the things you have to do when the wind is so strong to adapt your game to the wind? What you have to think about and what you have to concentrate on? 狂風作亂,有請少爺說明怎麼亂打 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, in my opinion, the key facts to kind of try to adjust the wind is a good focus and patience, try to hold your nerves throughout the whole match, and play one point out of at a time. 其實在對付狂風的時候最棒的方法就是專心和耐心,這樣你才能對抗心理的 緊張,在整場比賽的每一分專心打。 Of course with different players, different styles of the games come to the court, so I can't really speak in the name of the other players. But in my case, you know, I just need to keep the focus and try to use the wind in my favor. 好啦,本少爺(毫不謙遜)的告訴你們,也是有很多人會打不同種球風(他們並不 一定抵抗的了狂風),想知道名字?才不告訴你呢~總之我把風勢轉換將它變成 我的優勢。 This was the tricky thing today. Obviously the conditions were maybe as difficult as we saw so far in the tournament. We didn't have wind only one direction. We had it all over, you know. 今天的風真的很弔詭(跟我的發球差不多?),因為風不是只有一個方向,而是 四面楚歌啦~ I had some struggles when I was coming to the net. In the first set I made a lot of unforced errors there, because I haven't seen the ball really well and was moving. As you probably saw, the serve wasn't going over 110, 105 miles per hour, both players. 第一盤我一上網就會鬼打牆,本少爺打了很多失誤,因為我根本看不到球阿!你 看發球時速都不超過110 105,都是風害的,兩個選手都是。(有一位發球比大威 還慢的選手拖別人下水~\_/) It was more of trying to use the wind and use the speed. That kick, you know, could kind of give you the first easy ball in the rally, and I was trying to think about that, not think about, you know, what happened or what will happen. Just kind of playing in the present moment. I did well. I did well. Maybe the wind helped me a little bit more because it neutralized his serve. He serves really well and really fast in the normal conditions, so maybe he wasn't feeling that segment in his game and that's why he was not comfortable in the court. 我一直想借風力來達到自己的優勢,唉呀其實也沒有想啦,反正就那一瞬間 看怎麼打就怎麼打~(隨性) Q. Would you have been able two or three years ago to handle the conditions with such focus, or is this something you've developed since then? Have you always felt you handled these kind of things... 之前你也曾經抵抗怪風嘛?所以你是訓練多年才達成這種能力嘛? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It might be the case that I developed. Over the time you get experience playing in the different conditions, different situations. In big matches like this, you know, you just have to stay all the time with your opponent, because across the net you have a good quality opponent. It is quarterfinals of a Grand Slam. We are all motivated to do well, and, you know, to go far, trying to make that step further in the tournament. Yes, I mean, I am really happy with the way I'm using my experience on the court in those conditions. Maybe playing in these conditions the first couple of matches helped me to develop that. 要這樣說也是可以啦~(對抗風勢需要訓練,發DDDDDF不用訓練說來就來),你本來 就得去適應各種狀況,比賽打多了就能增加經驗值,沒辦法阿這是大滿貫八強戰, 對面的人很強耶(是趁亂自褒嗎?跳跳人沒有說你很強唷~)我們都有動力要贏球, 我很開心我利用經驗去對抗怪風,但也許多打幾場也是訓練的好方法。 Q. Would you have preferred to be on the other side of the draw? 少爺你應該很想去籤表另外一邊吧~ (此時還不能相信少爺能保住兩個對上費神的MP,所以問題相當中肯~XD) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, I mean, what is done is done. The draw is the way it is, and you cannot affect that. It's a very similar situation likes last year. Soderling plays Federer in the quarters, and I am playing the winner. You know, I lost to Federer the last three years that we played here. But every year I tried to win. (假裝客觀)其實沒有阿~籤表就是這樣無法改變,去年也是這樣,費神打 Sod之後我就得遇到費神,連續三年都輸給費神,我也不想阿,(大哥!!我想 作好人阿~喔不是啦,)我也想贏阿~ I tried to go out on the court with positive attitude. He's a great champion, of course great player. But you never know what's gonna happen. I don't want to think about those losses in the last three years, which were really, really close in all those matches. So in this moment I'm feeling quite comfortable in the court, and hopefully I can continue on. 我會帶著正面的心態去作戰,費神真的很厲害,但你也不知道屆時會發生什麼 事情。(少爺告訴我~以後要準時翻譯賽訪,不然現在無法罵他阿!!)我不想 去想過去連輸三次的回憶,那些比賽也非常接近(有嗎!!!)現在我自我感覺 良好,所以我會持續下去。 Q. There has been so much buzz, talk about a Roger/Rafa final. Does that bother the other players? Hey, we're good, too, we can play? 大家都想要費納對決啦!!你們被看衰~(柚子泥也哭泣~><~) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, actually, it doesn't. I like playing under the radar sometimes. It releases the pressure on myself, and just focusing on my matches, doing the job, and winning the matches. 不會阿~你們還不了解本少爺是樂於當黑馬阿~(原來少爺是M『被虐狂』 ....筆記XD),這樣我沒壓力阿~就好好專心贏球就好~(2009法網前忘 記買通賭盤商給你超高賠率吼!) Of course, as the two best players in the world, they are the most dominant in five last five, six years. Biggest favorites to get into the finals, and I'm sure that the crowd wants them in the finals. But, you know, I will try not to make that happen. 好啦我知道這兩人主宰過去五六年的網壇,我也知道觀眾想要看,但本少爺就 是愛被大家討厭,我會努力當程咬金。 Q. Some people think the problems you have in the heat, they think you're faking it. I've heard people say that. Everybody knows what a good competitor you are. How do you feel about that? 有人說你裝嬌弱啦~(我還真希望是假的orz)你自己覺得呢 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Everybody has a different opinion. I cannot judge people. (少爺長大了!!)每個人都有自己的意見,我不會批評他們。 Everybody has a right to say what they think. Just far away from the truth. I was never faking anything, and I always prioritize health. I always thought of health as the most important thing in the life. So, you know, I was many times in my career at the stage where, you know, I was struggling a lot on the court and making decisions in the right and wrong way. It's very relative. Everybody has a different opinion about that. But, you know, I do what I think is best for me at that certain point, and so far I don't regret anything. 也許事實不是像他們想的,我從不假裝任何事情(假裝發球很強orz),因為健康 真的是人生中最重要的事情,所以我會做出當下對我最好的決定,這是很現實 的決定,不過我想我做的是對的,所以我也不會後悔任何事情。(突然man起來) Q. Your first match was a potential banana skin, which you avoided. Since then you've gone straight sets. Do you feel... 第一場比賽是你的尷尬香蕉皮(哈哈少爺聽不懂!)~ NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Excuse me? What was the expression? (納豆上身)~ㄟㄟㄟ~我聽不懂啦 Q. Potentially you could've slipped. 香蕉皮皮膚就是說你可能會滑倒啦 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Banana, nice. I didn't know about an English expression. (Laughter.) 喔香蕉喔~不錯,我聽不懂英文諺語(大笑) Q. You avoided the banana skin. NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Good. I'll get that, banana skin. Okay. Sorry, I'm trying to get it. 好啦我會趕快進入狀況~喔香蕉皮,對不起(這段是在搞笑嘛?) Q. That's all right. I've forgotten my question now. (Laughter.) Since then you've had straight sets all the way. 沒關係,我忘記我的問題了。(大笑)後來你都直落三獲勝了耶 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah. 黑阿 Q. Are you reaching a semifinal now perhaps as well equipped to handle whatever happens to you on Saturday as you've been for a while, do you think? 不管SF發生什麼狀況你都有辦法應變嘛? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, it's a Grand Slam. Opening grounds are always tricky where the opponents are lower ranked and they're trying to push you to the limits. 大滿貫第一場就是很難打阿(費神&納豆:有嗎?),排名低的球員會用盡 力氣把你逼到極限。 That's what Troicki did. He was playing really well that day. I was very fortunate to go through that match. I was two sets to one down and almost two breaks down. There is a little factor as well, psychological factor, where you're playing your great friend and countryman. So a lot of things going on that day, and of course extreme conditions, as well. But going through that match gave me a lot of confidence, and I knew physically I'm fit. It's just momentum, if I can keep it going. Since then it was all uphill. 特洛伊做到這件事情,我能通過考驗是很幸運的,尤其當時盤數二比一落後 且還被破發(怒!)那天是個很複雜的情況,不過通過考驗也帶給我強大的 信心,我知道我狀況很好,能夠繼續走下去。 Q. The head of the ATP Tour said today that the season may be shortened beginning in 2012. Would that be something you'd be in favor of? 聽說2012年之後賽季要縮短,對你還說好嗎 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Definitely. 當然 Q. Why? 原因是? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Because the players -- in my case, you know, I have been experiencing a lot of physical and health difficulties in last two, three years playing a very, very busy schedule. 本少爺身體嬌弱,過去兩三年因為行程非常忙碌所以過得很艱辛。 So we have been trying to make a compromise with tournaments. You know, I was involved in the council for three years, and I think we did a great job kind of contributing to that. Hopefully it's all going to pay off and we're gonna get a little bit shorter schedule and a schedule that is gonna give us more time off, you know. Doesn't make any sense that you have an offseason if you are p laying finals of Davis Cup in four weeks. You know, in offseason you have to prepare four, five weeks and you have to have two weeks off. This is optimal, in my opinion, that we have only four weeks in total. So it's not -- definitely not easy schedule at this moment. But this is the way it has been for many years, and we'll try to make a compromise. I think the ATP is doing a good job right now in trying to help us out, and the tournaments finding an understanding as well. We have an understanding of course for them. Hopefully it's gonna -- we're gonna find a solution. (因為我是少爺) 我們一直都在和賽事單位協調,我也有參與這件事情,我們做得不錯。希望能夠 把賽季縮短,給我們一些休息的時間。因為如果你要打DC的決賽,你還是必須熱身 準備,結果休季期間大概只有兩週可能喘息,這真的太少了。ATP和賽事單位做的 不錯,我們也希望可以找到解決的方法。 Q. What do you feel like when you look up and see your father with your picture on his T shirt? 談一下你爸穿著你的臉在身上的感覺~XD NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Ah, I don't know. (Smiling.) He's a proud father. What can I say? I'm just happy to see them supporting me. I don't know where he got this fancy shirt. To be honest, it was somewhere in Belgrade. I cannot say it. He's my father. If he wants to wear this shirt, he can wear this shirt. (這段我先翻過了)我不知道啦,他是以我為傲的爸爸,他可能在塞爾維亞 哪處買的吧,他想穿就讓他穿,(掩面)~ Q. Do you want one of those shirts, Novak? 你也想要一件嘛 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I would never wear the shirt. (Laughter.) Me, personally, never. My father, I understand. Okay. He's proud. But me? Never. 我才不要!!強烈拒絕~!! Q. Will you get a matching one of him and he would have you... 你乾脆穿老爸的臉在身上,他穿你的臉,如何 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I would have him; why not? Not myself. I don't like myself that much. (Laughter.) 穿他的臉喔~好啦可以,穿我自己的,才不要哩,我又不是自戀狂!(哇哈哈哈) Q. In case you do play Federer in the semifinal, could you comment on the evolution of both your games since last year's semifinal? 如果你四強打費神,會有別於前兩年的四強嗎 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't think it changed much. We do have more or less same game, you know. Just maybe experience wise in my case I feel better now. Physically I feel better than I did last year. I feel stronger, faster on the court. The conditions are quite different, so let's see, you know. Let's see how this Saturday is gonna come out, you know, if we gonna have normal conditions or not. It's gonna affect game of whoever wins tonight against me. 我想不會差太多吧~我們打過的比賽都差不多,我身體感覺很好(少爺一下 嬌弱一下又強壯),也許天氣狀況會改變,所以就到時候再看囉。 Q. When you were talking about your banana skin match, you talk about psychological factors. In terms of Roger, is there a difference now playing the Federer today than two, three years ago when he was so dominant and had such a great record? 你談到香蕉皮戰役的時候說到了心理層面,那現在打費神,會和以前他在 全盛時期的時候有啥不同嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: To be honest, you know, I have been watching him play here in the tournament. He's playing maybe, you know, the best tennis that he played in this tournament. I think he's playing great. I don't think he's -- because he lost in the quarters of the French and in Wimbledon, some people think he's more vulnerable than ever. But I think he's actually playing really well. He played great in Toronto and Cincinnati, and he's just loves this surface. He loves this tournament. He has won so many times. If I get to play him, obviously he's a favorite. But, you know, we played so many times, and mostly we played on this surface. It's no secret in each other's game. Just I will try to hold on, you know. He always tries to put pressure on his opponent. He's very aggressive. 我有看他在美網的比賽,你也知道他打的很好,老實說我不認為他輸掉了法網 和溫布頓八強就代表他不主宰一切,尤其是他在多倫多和辛辛那提又打得這麼 好,美網硬地是他熱愛的場地。不過我們交手多次也都在硬地上,所以雙方也 沒啥秘密可言,他會給我很壓力,他很積極,但我也會試圖去阻擋他。 Q. He's said again and again to be the greatest player of all time, but who do you think the best player this year is? Who is the best player in tennis this year? 費神一直以來都是大家心中的神,那你覺得今年網壇誰表現比較好。 (敢回答自己就殺了你!!!) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, you have to give that title to Nadal, because he has won he has won everything on clay, French Open, Wimbledon. He's been playing so well, and that's why he's No. 1. I mean, rankings don't lie. 那就是納豆囉,他贏了法網和溫布頓,又是世界第一,排名不會騙人的。 (少爺的意思是說,想要告訴大家世界第三也是很強的,排名不會騙人的XD) Q. You've been warming up with the young Americans like Jack Sock. How did you come about doing that, and what do you think about him? 談一下你和美國新生代小將Sock熱身的感覺。 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I think he's a great guy. Thanks for asking that. He's very talented. He's 17 only, and he hits the ball like a pro. We have been hitting for the last week or so. We have played many times. Hopefully he can go far in the juniors so he can play more. 喔問這個很好(少爺想討好美國人XD)他才17歲卻打得很職業,過去我們 練習了幾次,希望他能夠繼續進步。 Q. When Gaël tried to hit the ball between his legs there, what did you think? 跳跳人想模仿費神胯下擊球拉,你做何感想? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I thought, Please, don't make it. (Laughter.) I have been experiencing that too many times. 我心想:拜託你,不可以打進!!!!(大笑),本少爺已經當太多次苦主了 喔不~~~ Q. Who would you rather face in the semifinals? 你四強想要打誰? (這可以選喔?!哈) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: You know, at that stage, I don't know. I really don't have any preference, you know. Soderling is No. 5 of the world, playing really well. He's very powerful player. On the other hand, Federer, you know, won so many times here, most successful tennis player ever. It's really hard. Maybe at that stage, playing Federer is more difficult because of his experience, you know, playing at that late stages of the tournament. But still, you know, I guess I will try to play my best whoever I play against. 我也不知道,好難選,Sod世界第五也打得很好,費神又在這裡贏過那麼多次, 也許對上費神比較困難吧,但是不管是誰我都會認真打好。 (想當初溫布頓還不是避開費神然後就慘輸給小火車 \_/) Q. Is there a part of you that would like to face Federer because of the last three years? 你會有想復仇的心態嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Maybe. I don't know. Maybe I would like to face Federer, you know, try to look for some revenge. 也許吧,搞不好我真的想復仇。 Q. Is it pure joy to play in such a big stadium, or are you more bothered by the noise and the music and burgers? 在中央球場比賽,你會被噪音干擾嗎 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: (Smiling.) And napkins flying around. No, I think I've played too many times on that court to be really annoyed or something. You know, it's just something different about that court. It's the biggest in sport, and the crowd just loves entertainment. I t's different from the others, you know. Wimbledon is very traditional; very quiet. Here, crowd likes to jump around; in the changeovers they let the music play and all these things, kiss me, kiss me not, you know, traveling in Vegas and these things. It's hard to kind of keep the focus. But it's a big stadium. It's interesting on one hand, but, you know, it's good. It's fun. (笑)還有毛巾飛來飛去耶!不會啦,因為球場上的事情就夠我傷腦筋了 ,群眾也只是因為熱愛網球所以才吵,溫布頓有傳統倒是很安靜,但美網的氣氛 也有獨到之處,會有音樂就像在拉斯維加斯旅行一樣的感覺,不管他們愛不愛我 (沒關係,我愛~(昏))我都得專心,另外一方面來說這也很有趣。 少爺好多話orz我瞎了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tinybaby 來自: (09/13 16:55) ※ 編輯: tinybaby 來自: (09/13 16:56)

09/13 17:01, , 1F
辛苦了(拍拍) 經過昨天那一場 捨不得吐槽他了XDDD
09/13 17:01, 1F

09/13 17:03, , 2F
話說主版的推文讓我好開心喔 這麼多人支持Nole = v =
09/13 17:03, 2F

09/13 17:03, , 3F
09/13 17:03, 3F

09/13 17:04, , 4F
謝謝 很生動 不過少爺被搞得有點娘....
09/13 17:04, 4F

09/13 17:21, , 5F
那 我可以繼續敲碗要昨天的賽訪嗎XDDD (光速逃~)
09/13 17:21, 5F

09/13 17:22, , 6F
09/13 17:22, 6F

09/13 17:26, , 7F
09/13 17:26, 7F

09/13 17:27, , 8F
反正都是諧星了 man不man好像不是很重要 (大笑)
09/13 17:27, 8F

09/13 17:43, , 9F
09/13 17:43, 9F

09/13 20:12, , 10F
09/13 20:12, 10F
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