N Djokovic - Interview [2011 Wimbledon QF]

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http://www.asapsports.com/show_interview.php?id=72415 Novak Djokovic LONDON, ENGLAND N. DJOKOVIC d. B. Tomic 6-2, 3-6, 6-3, 7-5 THE MODERATOR: Questions. Q. Were you okay out there today? Seemed to be breathing a bit heavy. 請問囧先生今天又有什麼毛病拉?呼吸很沈重 (球迷哪有呼吸可言,全部窒息) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay. I had to work hard for my points. In some periods of the match I was not feeling great, meaning I wasn't moving well. Then I was expending a lot of energy on those rallies. But, you know, to go through to another semifinal is the important thing. I'm delighted. 我還好啦,反正有段時間會撞牆,移位不是很好,要花很多力氣去對付這些底線對抽。但 你也知道可以打進準決賽很重要,所以我很開心。 (請謹記去年打完八強後樂極生悲orz) Q. When you lost after the second set, also you were down 3-1 in the third. How worried were you? Were you more angry with yourself? Worried? Perplexed? 第二盤飛走之後你第三盤又落後,你當時想死嗎?你怒了? (我才怒咧)你困惑? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, to be honest, you know, I played quite good first set and then played one terrible service game and then he got back to the match, so... Obviously he started hitting balls more and I backed up a bit. I was too passive, making a lot of unforced errors. The serve wasn't going well. So you can say that we had a kind of waves throughout the whole match where I played better in the first, you know, nine, ten games, then he played better, then I played... So it was quite even match. I can't say I played great, but I think you have to give him credit. He was playing some really great shots, great rallies. He was making me work very hard. 老實說我第一盤打很好耶,然後第二盤不知道為何搞砸發球(很老實)然後他又打出信心 ,所以~就~他很多球都能打好,而我有點退縮了。我太保守啦,還出現很多(低級)失 誤,發球又弱掉。我們好像在輪流恍神,第一盤我打超好,後來10局左右換他,然後又換 我。一整場比賽都這樣。我實在無法說自己打得很好,他的確也打得不錯,很多球他都表 現即為漂亮,他讓我打得很艱苦。 Q. You didn't tell me exactly what was going through your mind. You were still down 3-1 in the third. Were you worried? ㄟㄟ你沒告訴我你第三盤1:3落後時當時你在想什麼啦?你很擔心嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, no, because I believed that I can come back to the match. I thought it's just a period and I knew I'm going to come back. 我不擔心因為我相信自己可以逆轉(馬後砲第一名),我知道這只是比賽的一段時間而已 。 Q. You practiced with him a lot so you knew his game. Were you surprised he was able to produce that level of tennis in a match like that, on that stage, against you, et cetera? 你跟他練球那麼久了,應該摸透他了吧?但你會驚訝他居然能打到如此高水準?在這個重 要的舞台上? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, that's the reason why I have to congratulate him on a great tournament and give him credit for the performance today. I mean, under the circumstances you would think somebody his age... I don't know what's to expect, but this was a very dangerous thing about him, because it was unpredictable what is he going to come up with on the court because he has nothing to lose. You know, after the first set I relaxed a little bit and he got back to the match. He got confidence and he fed up, you know, from the energy of the crowd. It was all going really well for him. 這就是為什麼我說很恭喜他打得不錯的原因,在比賽前我也無法去設想他要打(練球風) 什麼樣子的球風,他沒有什麼好輸的,很難預測。第一盤後我放得太鬆(哪天你有不放鬆 過?!)然後就給他機會找到感覺了。他的信心馬上提昇,又有大批粉絲支持他(吃醋!他的確表現得非常好。 Q. Does Federer's loss change perspective for you? You lost only to him this year. 費爸輸了之後,你對於準決賽有改變想法嗎?你今年只輸給他過耶(整個又傷心往事重提 ) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No. Really, I need to work a little bit on my game. I hope I can perform a little bit better than I did today. That's what matters for me the most, regardless who is across the net. Tsonga came back from 0-2. It's amazing comeback. He's been playing great in grass-court season so far. He played really well in Queen's, and now he's been winning against top players. So, you know, he's very dangerous. 沒有在想,因為我必須提昇我自己的狀態,要比今天打得好(還能再爛喔?)這是對我來 說最重要的事情,不管誰在對面。Tsonga能夠從落後兩盤演出超級大逆轉,他今年在草地 的表現也很好,女王杯很棒,現在又打敗頂尖好手,他是很危險的對手。 Q. Did you get to see the end of that match? If so, what were your thoughts as that was taking place? 你有看到賽末點嗎?有的話你心理在想啥? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I saw a couple of last games. He served really well. I think Tsonga, you know, he was not falling under pressure. Obviously against Federer you never know because he's always constantly putting pressure on you. And he served well and he played well. 我有看到最後幾局,他發球太強拉(跟我真不像),Tsonga沒有輸給壓力,因為跟費爸打 球他無時無刻都在給你壓力,然後他自己的發球又很好。 Q. What are your thoughts about his style of game versus yours? When you look at him across the net, what goes through your mind about his style of play? 你覺得你們兩人的球風如何?你會運用什麼戰術? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, look, we are both baseline players. I think a lot will depend from our serves. I need to serve well because that's something that he's going to do, for sure. I think his game as well depends on that serve. If he starts missing first serves, then I can have some more chances, you know, in the rallies. But, look, I expect a very, very even match. 我們都是底線型選手,發球會決定一切(哭哭),我必須要有強大的發球,因為他會這樣 做,而且我相信他要有強大的發球才能打出所有的戰術。如果他的一發很脆弱,那我就有 機會了(你以為自己沒有給別人機會喔~?)在對抽的部分,我想兩人勢均力敵。 Q. Sounds like you're lacking a little bit of confidence in your own game. Why is that? 你對自己沒信心喔?為何阿? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I don't think so. I think I've been playing well so far. You know, today there has been parts of the match where I haven't played well. But, look, you know, the style of my opponent today is not really something I prefer. He plays very low balls all the time and it's really difficult to predict what he's going to come up with. Made a lot of unforced errors, but this is okay, you know. I mean, it's good to go through these matches, to win those matches, and I'm sure I'm going to come out in two days playing well again. 我哪有!我至今為止都打得很好呀(誠實米糕失效),但今天是我少數(?)打得不好的 比賽,但今天的對手我又不喜歡(詭異風很難適應~”~)他老是把球打得很低,而且又 很難預測他要打哪裡(果然真的很疑惑耶XD)。我打出好多低級失誤,不過還好啦,反正 贏球中經歷這些也還可以接受,我希望我兩天後也能打得很好。 Q. You've had an amazing year. Do you feel your game is back to where it was in that incredible run before Paris? Perhaps, if not, do you take confidence in the fact you got to the semifinal of a Grand Slam without playing your best? 你今年太神了,你覺得自己有回到法網之前那樣的巔峰狀態嗎?如果沒有,你跌跌撞撞混 進準決賽有提昇你的信心嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yes. You know, semifinals of a Grand Slam is huge result, you know. Doesn't matter if you are top player or not. It feels great to be here in the top four again. I mean, grass court is not my favorite surface, but I still know I can play well on it. So it's really hard to kind of compare my form, the present form, and the one two, three months ago. It's different circumstances. It's a Grand Slam. But I will definitely try to get ready and play well Friday. 打進準決賽是很重要的指標,不管是不是頂尖選手都一樣,總是很開心的。草地不是我很 愛的場地(哈!你也知道吼!)但我在上面也還能打(不然你要幹嘛?跳舞?)所以無法 比較現在和之前的狀況,不同的環境,現在又是大滿貫,但我已經準備好周五要打一場精 采的比賽。 (真是拭目以待,去年這天你給我在盤末點雙誤!) Q. Do you think you have more to come? Do you think you can play better? 你真的相信自己可以打得更好嗎(好壞心) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, I think I can play better than I did today. I think I do. And, yes, you know, let's say the performance against Llodra was great; against Baghdatis, not so great. First two rounds was really good. Kind of up and down. But hopefully now it's going to go up (smiling). 我可以打得比今天好(因為今天太爛?XD)不如這樣說吧,打舞男那場我打得算很好,對 上巴大叔就不是很滿意,前兩輪又很不錯,有一些起伏,所以希望下次輪到的狀況是上升 的。(沒想到小囧跟我們祈求的事情是一樣的耶~這位囧先生這樣對嗎) Q. What do you make of Bernard's performance considering he's a guy still 12, maybe 18 months, away from his body being mature? 你覺得Tomic打得如何?他是不是已經超乎年齡的成熟(詭異)拉? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I mean, look, you know, he's been playing really, really well today. He's been using the pace fantastically. You can see he feels really comfortable on the court. Obviously what he lacks a little bit more is that experience. But it comes with the time. You know, I'm sure if he continues this way, he's gonna be a top player very soon. 他今天真的打得很好很好很好,他真的繳出代表作也讓人感覺非常融入這個舞台,他只是 缺少一些經驗,但時間總會幫他彌補。我非常確定這樣的他未來一定繪成為頂尖好手。 Q. Do you think he can be successful on other surfaces? 在其他場地上他也可以辦到嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, no, he can. He can. I mean, it's all about the adjustments. I mean, I think he's gonna answer better what he prefers the best. But I think his style is more suitable to the faster surfaces, grass, you know, the lower bounce, you know, because he plays quite flat and he uses the pace great from his opponent. So on the clay, he needs to produce the pace. I mean, so it's different. But it's all a process of learning. You know, he has a lot of time. 可以吧,這只是需要調整,他一定會越來越好。但我覺得他的型比較像是快速場地咖,彈 跳很低,他又很熱愛平擊,很會利用對手的節奏。但在紅土上他必須自己去製造那些節奏 ,所以可能情況不太一樣。但反正都是學習,他還有很多時間囉。 Q. You say you have some things to work on. Is it mostly the touch and the strokes, or is it just to get along better on the grass? 你說要改善自己的球感,肯定是指對抽的情況,還是? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, just the feeling. There is not much you can do on the practice. It's just mentally to kind of, you know, readjust the strokes, just work a little bit on the serve, and hope that it can go well. 就是感覺而已,沒太多能做的事情,這其實是關乎心理問題,若是能夠好好調整對抽,利 用一些發球的機會,希望事情可以順利。 Q. You say you were not feeling well today, that you weren't moving well. What was wrong? 那你今天到底為何移位慢阿?(欠扁阿!) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: I said that I was not feeling well in some parts of the match, not the whole. But, look, you know, when you start missing a lot of balls, making a lot of unforced errors, and your opponent is playing well, obviously you lose that comfort zone. So I guess that was the case. 我說我有時狀況不好,但是不是整場啦。如果有時候你開始打不到球,發生很多失誤,對 手就會佔上風,我猜這只是偶發事件。 Q. There's always a lot of talk throughout the year about the top four players being expected to progress, particularly at the slams. Does a result like Roger Federer's today show how fine the margins are at the top of the game? (這句我實在很不懂他的意思耶~) NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, yes. You know, it's not only top four. There are other players that are able to play great tennis, and Tsonga has proved it today. It's all very close at this level, especially in the second week of a Grand Slam. 網球也不是只有四大天王在打阿,其他選手同樣能演出精采的傑作,Tsonga今天就證明自 己也可以。在這高強度的比賽,尤其是大滿貫的第二週,其實實力都很接近。 Q. What is the biggest challenge for you on grass? Is it that you don't like the low bounces? The movement is so much different than hard courts because you can't plant? Talk a little bit about that. 為什麼你在草地上這麼遜阿!你不喜歡低彈跳的球?移位和硬地又很不同,是因為你無法 滑步嗎? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Well, you know, everything happens really fast. You need to react. You don't have time to kind of readjust. You know, you have to be focused for each service game, each point, you know. You know, today I obviously dropped a rhythm a little bit, dropped the pace of the match, and my opponent has used that. You know, I shouldn't allow that in the next match. 事情發生的太快,完全沒辦法調整,我必須專注在發球和得分上,但今天我失去了一些節 奏,我的對手利用機會,下一輪不能再發生相同之事。(發下豪語,但大家有發現小囧 答非所問嗎) Q. I think you're a match away now from world No. 1. Does that even matter when you're in the middle of a Grand Slam? Is the focus on winning the title rather than... 你差一勝就可以當球王(網)了,在爭奪大滿貫的同時,當上世界第一是不是沒那麼重要 ?因為大家都必須關注在誰奪冠,而不是誰當球網。 NOVAK DJOKOVIC: Yeah, my focus is to win every single match I play, obviously. But I'm aware of the importance of every match that I play on. I'm very close to reaching the No. 1, but, you know, I try not to think about that too much. 沒錯,我專注在奪冠上,但我每場球都告訴自己這很重要,我是快要當上球王了(自以為 咧!),但我不想去想他。 FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/01 07:30, , 1F
我承認昨天翻到睡著...XD 所以不好笑
07/01 07:30, 1F

07/01 10:06, , 2F
推推 講的好中肯XD
07/01 10:06, 2F

07/01 10:39, , 3F
07/01 10:39, 3F

07/01 11:05, , 4F
每次看T大的翻譯都覺得又氣(氣Djo= =)又好笑XD
07/01 11:05, 4F

07/01 12:22, , 5F
07/01 12:22, 5F

07/01 12:28, , 6F
很好笑呀 後遺症是不愛看別的正常翻譯了XDD
07/01 12:28, 6F
※ 編輯: tinybaby 來自: (07/01 19:55)

07/01 20:00, , 7F
推不愛看正常翻譯了+1 XDDDD
07/01 20:00, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1E3CkKuw (SRB-CRO)