Daily Horoscope 8/6-12 8/13-19 8月月運

看板Sagittarius作者時間6年前 (2018/08/12 21:58), 6年前編輯推噓17(1704)
留言21則, 18人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
雖然說上週已過 但是實在是太準了 忍不住想分享給各位射手 吸引力法則 開朗、正向、保持希望 心隨念轉,世界開闊。 希望版友們也能分享些有正面能量的好事,把快樂分享給大家^^ 翻譯轉自微博 譯者:楊巴黎Pa 射手座周運0806-0812 Reach out and free yourself of future regret. 本週一定要強調一點,你要主動和某人談談,你一直害怕和此人重新聯繫,射手座。這個人 一直在你的腦海裡,如果你不直接處理問題,你可能無法跨過你的思緒。這可能是一份從未 被滿意解決過的舊愛而你可能對此人還有感覺。這可能是一段家庭關係,因為某種原因破裂 而造成不應有的痛楚。這可能是任何當時你認為對你意義重大的關係,你現在渴望這份聯繫 。主動去接觸,省得自己以後還是後悔。不論結果如何,你都知道自己努力過了。本週與你 生命中一個特殊的人會有一個深刻的時刻。此人可能會表達非常私人且深刻的東西,讓你對 自己和這段關係都感覺非常好。本周某些日子在你處理一項工作或讓人困惑或錯誤從未被解 決的法律事宜時,你會感到有些沮喪難過。但一旦你解決了此事你會對結果和自己的處理方 式感到非常滿意。本週晚些會有社交聚會的談話。可能是即興聚會,可能一到週末就會出現 。可能是個很精緻的活動沒怎麼計劃就發生了,你會和你喜愛的人們度過輕鬆好玩兒的時光 。 Sagittarius horoscope for August 6 - August 12 Make a point this week to reach out and talk to someone you have been afraid to reconnect with, Sagittarius. This person has been on your mind, and you may not be able to get beyond your thoughts if you don't deal with this directly. This c ould be an old love affair that was never satisfactorily resolved, and you may s till have feelings for this person. This could be a family relationship that was shattered for a reason that never should have caused such heartache. This could be any connection that you felt was deeply meaningful at one time, and you now long for the contact. Reach out and free yourself of future regret. No matter ho w it turns out, you will know you tried. This week will also hold a poignant mom ent with a special person in your life. This person may express something deeply personal that makes you feel really good about yourself and about this connecti on. Some days of the week could be somewhat frustrating as you deal with a work or legal matter that is confusing or that included some errors that were never a ddressed. But once you get past this, you will be satisfied with the result and the way you handled it. Talk of a social gathering could come up late in the wee k. It may involve an impromptu gathering - perhaps as soon as the weekend. It co uld be a pretty elaborate affair that occurs with little planning, and it could involve some great carefree fun with people you like to be around. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 射手座周運 0813-0819 A reconnection and a reconciliation. 本周初,最近重新聯繫上的人佔據著你的腦海,對這個人的想法可能還在持續著。你可能聯 繫到此人與其討論一開始為何會分道揚鑣,射手座,或你只是想與此人有個了結,因為之前 的結束並不是你想要的方式。不論是重燃了這段關係還是結論是你要忘記過去向前看, 你對 此付出的努力本週會成功。一個與業力相關的事或你認為是業力的事會在本週出現。你 可能一直在琢磨某人怎麼可能對你做了錯事還逃脫了呢,但事情可能用超出你想像的方式得 到了了結。由於你對事情起因的領悟和對此人同情大於憤怒的態度變化, 最後以和解告終。 週末前會一直醞釀一個有趣的活動,或你要與某個特別的人共度美好夜晚。你需要預留出玩 樂和放鬆的時間,所以忘掉你的擔憂,好好享受吧。 Sagittarius horoscope for August 13 - August 19 A recent reconnection may be on your mind from the very beginning of this week, and thoughts of this person may continue on. You may have gotten back together w ith this person to discuss whatever drove you apart in the first place, Sagittar ius, or you may simply be thinking of some way to approach this individual to ge t closure for a connection that did not end in a way you wanted it to. Any effor t you put into this could be met with success this week - whether it results in a wonderful rekindling of the bond, or whether it results in the answers you nee d to move on. An issue connected to karma, or something you perceive to be karma , could come up this week as well. You may have wondered how someone got away wi th a wrong that affected you, but it may come full circle in a different way tha n you imagined. This could end up in a reconciliation of sorts with you gaining insight into why it happened and feeling compassion for the person rather than a nger. There may be a long buildup to the weekend as you start to plan a fun even t or an entertaining evening out with someone special. You need some time reserv ed just for pleasure and relaxation, so leave your worries behind and enjoy. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 射手座8月月運 If possible then take a break. 你做的某件事情,可能是和工作有關的,已經變得非常無聊和讓人挫敗。並不是你沒有能力 完成必須完成的,而是工作感覺繁重而無聊,已經到了一直讓你無法集中的地步。如果可能 的話,射手座,本月休息一下。可能需要你重新安排自己的時間表,但你會因此獲得重大的 解脫,而且當你回歸,你會感到完全復活。如果你無法走開,那就用你的創意讓事情變得更 有趣些。但同時也要找到方法讓自己能在未來離開乏味的工作休息一下。你可能發現某個你 一直很欣賞的人本月要離開共同的工作領域或者鄰里區域了,這似乎是一個時代的結束。這 會讓你感到悲傷和一種渴望,但這並不意味著這段美好的關係就結束了。找到一些辦法來保 持聯繫。本月晚些,你會得到上個月你詢問的某個問題的答案,而且答案可能很讓人震驚。 Sagittarius horoscope for August Something you do - perhaps work-connected - has become very tedious and frustrat ing. It isn't that you are not capable of accomplishing what you must, but it ma y feel and seem like drudgery, to the point where it is constantly distracting. If it's possible this month, Sagittarius, try to take a break. It might take som e rearranging of your schedule, but the relief you will feel will be significant , and when you return, you could feel completely revived. If you can't step away , then use your creativity to find a way to make it more interesting. But at the same time, look for ways to take some time away from the tedium in the future. You may discover that someone you think of fondly is leaving your work or your n eighborhood this month, and it may seem like the end of an era. This could cause a feeling of sadness and longing, but this does not have to be the end of the w onderful connection you share with this individual. Find ways to keep connected and stay in touch. Late in the month, you may receive an answer to a question yo u asked last month, and it may be quite surprising. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Sagittarius/M.1534082291.A.E27.html

08/12 22:01, 6年前 , 1F
08/12 22:01, 1F

08/12 22:01, 6年前 , 2F
08/12 22:01, 2F

08/12 22:05, 6年前 , 3F
08/12 22:05, 3F

08/12 22:09, 6年前 , 4F
看不懂 但希望順利
08/12 22:09, 4F

08/12 22:09, 6年前 , 5F
感謝 真的超準的.....
08/12 22:09, 5F

08/12 22:11, 6年前 , 6F
08/12 22:11, 6F

08/12 22:18, 6年前 , 7F
08/12 22:18, 7F

08/12 22:53, 6年前 , 8F
08/12 22:53, 8F
勇敢上吧XD 有個佛教的觀點是說 如果某個人傷害你 那他一定心中有某種痛 如果可以的話 不要只著眼於自己的感受、自己的痛 試著去瞭解對方的痛 幫助對方看清 並幫助對方走出來 我覺得很受用 分享給大家XD 願意相信每個人都是善良的 或許傷害只是因為對方不知所措 不知該如何處置 並不是對方蓄意傷害 或許可以試著換位思考 祝福各位^^ ※ 編輯: June0105 (, 08/12/2018 23:08:35

08/12 23:47, 6年前 , 9F
08/12 23:47, 9F

08/12 23:47, 6年前 , 10F
08/12 23:47, 10F

08/12 23:50, 6年前 , 11F
08/12 23:50, 11F

08/13 00:20, 6年前 , 12F
蛤 真的還假的 我不敢......
08/13 00:20, 12F

08/13 00:25, 6年前 , 13F
08/13 00:25, 13F

08/13 01:06, 6年前 , 14F
08/13 01:06, 14F

08/13 01:06, 6年前 , 15F
08/13 01:06, 15F

08/13 01:26, 6年前 , 16F
08/13 01:26, 16F

08/13 12:14, 6年前 , 17F
08/13 12:14, 17F

08/13 20:10, 6年前 , 18F
推佛教的觀點 不過我是想到跟脾氣不好暴鬱的家人相處
08/13 20:10, 18F

08/13 20:13, 6年前 , 19F
都被感染到要先救自己了 還幫助對方走出這距離有點遠
08/13 20:13, 19F

08/13 22:13, 6年前 , 20F
08/13 22:13, 20F

08/14 11:03, 6年前 , 21F
08/14 11:03, 21F
文章代碼(AID): #1RS3ppud (Sagittarius)