Re: [心得] BSG 2X18(雷)

看板Scifi_Drama作者 (So Say We All.)時間18年前 (2006/11/15 02:45), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串16/19 (看更多)
後來想想,這些人型賽隆都很隨便,心想反正死死還會再回來也沒關係 這樣重生工廠應該很忙吧,很忙就應該會出錯,也就是意識下載錯身體 我其實滿想看到Six裝在Cavil身上,Doral裝在Six,Leoben裝在Eight... 以他們的演技,應該會看到一場好戲 -- The 4400 ~ A Place In Time ~ [Amanda Abizaid] So long ago, another life, I can feel your heartbeat. It's not a dream, remember us. I can see it in your eyes. We'll find our place in time, a place in time beyond the sun. We'll find our place in time, a place in time to call our own. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

11/15 09:15, , 1F
11/15 09:15, 1F

11/15 09:15, , 2F
不過真的裝錯 立刻自殺也就結了
11/15 09:15, 2F

11/15 13:06, , 3F
推樓上, "砍掉重練"
11/15 13:06, 3F
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