[情報] 29th May 2015 Daily&Love Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間9年前 (2015/05/29 03:40), 9年前編輯推噓12(1205)
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本文於電腦版PTT上可利用PageDown配合排版進行閱讀 Date: 29th May 2015 , Fri Daily Horoscope No one likes rejection, but no one likes rejection less than you, Scorpio. You may hesitate to take risks in the unknown. Keep in mind that by playing it safe, you deprive yourself of the very adventure that could turn your life around. There's an energetic, expansive feeling in the air encouraging you to take that leap of faith. This energy may feel foreign to you, but it's time to embrace it. 天蠍,沒人喜歡拒絕,但更沒有人比你還更不喜歡被拒絕。 你或許會在未知的狀態下採取有風險的行為。記住這點並安全的行事,你捨棄了自己進入 冒險的生活,這可能會改變你的人生 有一股能量散播在空氣中,鼓勵著你要有向前進的信心。這股能量你或許會覺得陌生,但 是時候擁抱它了。 ====== Love Horoscope Current planetary energies help build a bridge between you and someone special. You may not have had a lot of chances to get together and just talk, and have probably been admiring each other from a distance. However, with Cupid's blessings, you could well get more than you bargained for, and you certainly won't be complaining. In fact you could be sent flying to the Moon! 現有行星能量幫助你與某位特別的人之間建立了一座橋樑。 你們或許沒有很多機會來在一起好好交流談話,並大概在一定的距離外欣賞著對方。 然而,在愛神的祝福下,你可能會得到比你想要討求的東西還要更多,並且你一定不會 抱怨這些的。事實上你可能就像是要被送到飛往月球一樣! ====== -- 每天都有好多好多好多事情 T_T -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1432842049.A.32A.html

05/29 04:02, , 1F
每天都有好多好多好多麻煩的事情 就是沒帶好事
05/29 04:02, 1F

05/29 06:07, , 2F
05/29 06:07, 2F

05/29 07:40, , 3F
愛神阿~~你就射吧 射向那伊人 射死他!(喂
05/29 07:40, 3F

05/29 07:52, , 4F
05/29 07:52, 4F

05/29 09:09, , 5F
愛神阿!!! 不要射對方 射我也可以
05/29 09:09, 5F

05/29 09:49, , 6F
05/29 09:49, 6F

05/29 10:03, , 7F
05/29 10:03, 7F

05/29 10:49, , 8F
05/29 10:49, 8F

05/29 11:13, , 9F
05/29 11:13, 9F

05/29 11:28, , 10F
05/29 11:28, 10F

05/29 11:32, , 11F
05/29 11:32, 11F

05/29 12:41, , 12F
05/29 12:41, 12F

05/29 14:36, , 13F
05/29 14:36, 13F

05/29 16:47, , 14F
是開心到飛到月球嗎 =___=
05/29 16:47, 14F

05/29 17:21, , 15F
05/29 17:21, 15F

05/29 18:06, , 16F
05/29 18:06, 16F

05/29 18:06, , 17F
05/29 18:06, 17F
※ 編輯: slavis (, 05/29/2015 21:03:31
文章代碼(AID): #1LPsz1Cg (Scorpio)