[情報] 29th June 2015 Daily&Love Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間9年前 (2015/06/29 00:34), 9年前編輯推噓7(701)
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本文於電腦版PTT上可利用PageDown配合排版進行閱讀 Date: 29th June 2015 , Mon Daily Horoscope Things probably aren't going to go exactly as you planned today, Scorpio. Realize that people may act in erratic, powerful bursts, especially when it comes to emotional issues. Your feelings may be a bit distant, and you may find it hard to get in touch with what's really going on inside you. Do your best to maintain a positive attitude. That's all anyone can ask. 天蠍,事物也許不會與你所計劃中的走向完全一樣地進行。你要理解到人可能會有著不 穩定、大爆發的行為,特別是事情跟情感因素有關係。 你的感覺也許有點遲鈍,並且你可能會發現你很難去理解到自己內心到底發生什麼事。 那麼就盡你所能去保持著正向的態度吧,這至少是所有人都能要求的。 ====== Love Horoscope Today's planetary alignment may bring one or two things to a head between you and a loved one, but this is none too soon. If you have been gritting your teeth and trying to keep quiet about a certain matter for some time, then you may find that it is impossible to keep silent any longer. Although there may be an eruption, you will soon be laughing again. 今日行星走向可能會帶來一兩件事情在你與你的愛人面前,但這正是時候。 如果你已經咬著牙關並對某件事情保持沉默了一段時間,那麼你或許會發現這將會難以 再繼續維持下去了。 雖然這可能會造成爆炸,但你很快就能夠再次展開笑容的。 ====== -- 抱歉昨天在搬家...所以運勢完全沒有時間翻譯,剛剛才把電腦架設好 總覺得這次搬家的心情很複雜,百感交集,然後最後卻是難過到說不出話... 有時候覺得自己被平等的對待或尊重好像是一件很難的事 多少年的情誼和回憶到最後連陌生人都不如,大概是我真的錯的離譜吧 -- 流浪是因為找不到地方住 https://instagram.com/eris_slavis/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1435509272.A.2EF.html ※ 編輯: slavis (, 06/29/2015 00:34:37

06/29 00:39, , 1F
06/29 00:39, 1F

06/29 00:40, , 2F
06/29 00:40, 2F
我也很怕爆炸...雖然運勢看起來跟我明天要作的事情沒什麼關係XD 代班的話下次有需要我會站內你的>/////<

06/29 01:09, , 3F
最近也在搬家 好累
06/29 01:09, 3F
對啊東西好多,然後下禮拜還要再搬...囧 ※ 編輯: slavis (, 06/29/2015 01:13:03

06/29 08:56, , 4F
06/29 08:56, 4F

06/29 09:50, , 5F
06/29 09:50, 5F

06/29 11:13, , 6F
06/29 11:13, 6F

06/29 14:04, , 7F
06/29 14:04, 7F

06/29 22:15, , 8F
今天已經爆炸QQ 手殘改到全公司客戶資料..
06/29 22:15, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1La28OBl (Scorpio)