[情報] 11th March 2017 Daily&Love Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間7年前 (2017/03/11 02:19), 編輯推噓8(803)
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本文於電腦版PTT上大概可利用PageDown配合排版進行閱讀,手機版可利用整頁模式 Date: 11th March 2017 , Sat Daily Horoscope Some equipment that you use a lot, perhaps an appliance, computer, or TV, might go on the blink today, Scorpio. Don't try to fix it yourself even if you think you know how. Call a professional, and hang the expense. If you try to do it yourself, you might cause more damage to the equipment or perhaps to you! This is definitely a day to exercise caution. Be patient! 某些你常用的設備,也許是電器、電腦、或者電視今天可能會出問題,蠍子。 就算你認為你知道該怎做也別嘗試去把它修好。 打電話給專業人士然後支付所需的費用吧。 如果你試圖自己去修理的話,你可能會對那件設備甚至你自己造成傷害! 今天絕對是個應該保持謹慎的日子。 要耐心一點! ========================= Love Horoscope Today's celestial atmosphere is encouraging you to forge ahead as far as one particular partnership is concerned, and at the same time making you acutely aware that what you are doing may be a little premature. You are in a situation whereby you seem to be taking one step forward and two steps back. Perhaps it is time to surrender and go with the flow. 今天的天象鼓勵你讓某段關係穩步前進, 並同時讓你自己敏銳地意識到你現在做的事情似乎太草率了。 你正處於那種走一步退兩步的狀況裡面。 也許現在是時候投降然後讓事情順其自然。 ========================== 不怕太早只怕太遲吧... -- 自從一見桃花後 直到如今更不疑 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1489169991.A.9AE.html

03/11 02:25, , 1F
03/11 02:25, 1F

03/11 02:36, , 2F
03/11 02:36, 2F

03/11 03:45, , 3F
03/11 03:45, 3F

03/11 09:26, , 4F
03/11 09:26, 4F

03/11 12:28, , 5F
電腦壞超準 CDDD
03/11 12:28, 5F

03/11 12:31, , 6F
03/11 12:31, 6F

03/11 20:11, , 7F
03/11 20:11, 7F

03/11 20:24, , 8F
03/11 20:24, 8F

03/11 22:53, , 9F
03/11 22:53, 9F

03/11 22:53, , 10F
03/11 22:53, 10F

03/12 01:08, , 11F
03/12 01:08, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1Omkv7ck (Scorpio)