[情報] 2nd June 2017 Daily&Love Horoscope消失

看板Scorpio作者時間7年前 (2017/06/02 06:22), 編輯推噓1(102)
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本文於電腦版PTT上大概可利用PageDown配合排版進行閱讀,手機版可利用整頁模式 Date: 2nd June 2017 , Fri Daily Horoscope Communication with friends or family may not come easily today, Scorpio. An unusual level of inhibition could keep you from reaching out to others. You might try to shake this off by working too hard, even if you aren't sure exactly what you want to do. This is a good day to read, study, or work on projects in solitude. A long walk during the day could clear your head and reignite your enthusiasm. 今天與朋友和家人之間的溝通可能並沒有那麼容易,蠍子。 一種不尋常的抑止力可能會阻止你向他人伸出援手。 你可能會試著藉由不斷工作來擺脫這種情況,即使你不確定你想要做甚麼。 這會是個閱讀、學習、或者獨自處理某個計劃的好日子。 今天一次長時間的漫步會讓你能清理思緒並且重新點燃你的熱情。 ═══════════════════════ Love Horoscope Today's astral energy implies a great day for all aspects of romance and romancing. It is that soft yielding look that will bring you success in all ways. Try wearing clothes that have a sensuous filmy and slightly transparent quality, and wear a subtle but gorgeous fragrance to match. You will certainly have plenty to keep you smiling, and occupied for some time to come. 今天星體的能量意味著這天對於任何浪漫的事物來說都會是個好日子。 一個柔和的造型將會帶領你走向全面的成功。 試著穿上感覺濛朧而且略微透明的衣服, 並且配上清淡而且香氣宜人的香水吧。 你肯定會遇到很多能令你微笑的事情, 而且耗上一段時間。 ═══════════════════════ .....好累 -- 人若不帥再暖也是變態 所以我是...(默) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1496355767.A.631.html

06/02 09:12, , 1F
06/02 09:12, 1F

06/02 15:38, , 2F
06/02 15:38, 2F

06/03 03:03, , 3F
06/03 03:03, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1PC9EtOn (Scorpio)