[外電]Sixers suffer major collapse

看板Sixers作者 (打死不退的七六人)時間18年前 (2006/03/09 20:44), 編輯推噓12(1203)
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Sixers suffer major collapse 七六人重重跌了一跤 By PHIL JASNER jasnerp@phillynews.com http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/sports/basketball/14053999.htm Posted on Thu, Mar. 09, 2006 BOSTON - Here we were again, at the intersection of opportunity and abject frustration. The 76ers have been in this very place so often this season, they must feel it's a second home. 我們又來到了機會和挫敗的十字路口了。本季七六人老是待在這個地方。他們一定覺得那 就像第二個家一樣。 They could have beaten the Boston Celtics. They were up seven points with 2 minutes, 20 seconds remaining. All they had to do was finish the job, and they would have been two games above .500, going in to tonight's game against the Denver Nuggets with a chance to climb three above for the first time since Nov. 16. 早就該擊敗賽爾提克了。終場前2分20秒,他們還擁有七分的領先。所有他們需要做的只 是結束工作,然後帶著比五成勝率多二場的戰績面對今晚的對手丹佛金塊,將有機會自11 月16日以後首次比五成多三場勝績。 Guess what they did. 猜猜他們幹了什麼好事? This wasn't like Sunday, when they spent most of the game climbing uphill and blew a chance to win in the final minute against the Indiana Pacers. This was a collapse. A major collapse. 這不像禮拜日,他們花了大半場比賽追回比數,而在最後時刻失去了擊敗溜馬的機會。今 天這場讓他們摔了一跤,很重的一跤。 This was a 104-101 loss to the Celtics that never should have been. As reporters waited to meet with Maurice Cheeks afterward, they could hear the Sixers coach shouting expletives in the coaches' room adjacent to the locker room in TD Banknorth Arena. 以104比101輸給了從不該是這樣的賽爾提克。當後來記者等著訪問 Cheeks 時,他們可以 從球員休息室旁的教練休息室聽見七六人的教練在咆嘯咒罵。 He had enough reasons. 他有足夠的理由。 The Sixers seemingly took control of the game by driving to the basket and drawing fouls. But, inexplicably, rather than continue that way, they began launching jump shots. The trouble was, the Celtics' Paul Pierce dropped in two huge three-pointers in the final 1:21, finishing with 31 points, giving him 30 in 13 of the last 14 games, a franchise first. 七六人似乎藉著切入賺犯規控制了比賽。奇怪的是他們沒有繼續這麼做,他們開始跳投。 而更糟的是 Pierce 在最後的1分21秒投進了兩記大號三分,全場得到31分。最近的14場 比賽,有13場得分超過30分。他是賽爾提克的第一王牌。 The Sixers, on the other hand, shot 37.5 percent, with John Salmons the biggest offender at 1-for-12, including 1-for-6 in the fourth quarter. Allen Iverson had 32 points, but did it on 10-for-31 shooting. He was 3-for-9 in the fourth quarter. 相反地,七六人只有37.5%的命中率,糟糕的 Salmons 投12中1,包括第四節6投1中。AI 得了32分,但是31投10中,第四節9投3中。 Chris Webber? The starting power forward was held out for the final 12 minutes, 52.4 seconds. Webber呢?這個先發大前鋒在最後的12分52秒都坐在板凳上。 "That's never happened," said Webber, barely able to get the words out. 「這從來沒發生過,」Webber勉強說出這幾個字。 Asked what the experience was like, he replied "difficult." 被問到這個經驗像什麼,他回說「太難以想像了。」 Asked whether he had gotten an explanation from Cheeks, he said "no." 被問到是否從 Cheeks 那裡得到解釋,他說「No」。 "If I was a player of his caliber and I was a player with what he has on his resume and who he is, most importantly, to this team, I would be upset not playing a whole quarter," Iverson said. "If I was in his shoes, I'd feel the same way. I might be a little worse. It's just something we've got to deal with. Hopefully, it doesn't get out of hand and we just move on to the next game." 「如果我是他這種水準的球員,而且我知道我擁有什麼能力,最重要的是我也知道在隊上 該扮演什麼角色,對於一整節都沒有上場會感到很迷惘。」小艾說。「假如我發生這種情 況,我也會有一樣的感覺,可能還更糟一點。這是我們應該要處理的事。希望這不將失控 ,我們就只是繼續面對下一場比賽。」 But the bigger issue with Webber and all of the players was crystallized when Webber said, "no excuse for this one." 但是當 Webber 說「無法饒恕」時,這個問題巳經凍結了。 Cheeks told reporters that he didn't go back to Webber, "because of the guys at that time playing well, [and] when [the Celtics] started making their run it was too late to put him back in the game." Cheeks 對記者說他沒有把 Webber 放回場上是因為「當時在場上的球員打得很好,而當 賽爾提克開始強力反攻時,再要把他放上去巳經太遲了。」 At the same time, the Sixers were without starting point guard Kevin Ollie for the last 17:41 because of a sprained right ankle. Ollie was limping badly afterward, with the ankle swelling up. 同時,最後的17分41秒 Kevin Ollie 也沒上場過,因為他扭傷了右腳踝。後來 Ollie 的 腳踝整個腫了起來,一跛一跛地離開。 Salmons wasn't limping, but he clearly was hurting. He was still in his uniform, sitting at his cubicle after virtually all the other players had showered and dressed. Salmons 沒有掰咖,但是他明顯受到打擊。在大家都沖過澡並換好衣服後,他還是穿著球 衣坐在他的位置上。 "I was terrible," he said. "I said the last game was my fault. I'll definitely take it for this one. I had the ball a lot down the stretch and tried to make some things happen. It's our season, man." 「我好糟糕,」他說,「這場比賽是我的錯。我是這麼認為。在那段攻勢裡很多球我沒處 理好,而且讓一些事發生。老兄,這是我們的球季欸。」 He was absolutely correct on that. If there's a hard way to try and get something done, the Sixers will find it. 毫無疑問他是對的。如果努力地嘗試並且獲得成果,七六人將找到勝利。 Asked whether this loss hurt more than Sunday's 94-93 loss, Kyle Korver said "both hurt a lot." 被問到這場敗仗是否比禮拜日以94比93輸球傷害更大,Kyle Korver 說「傷害都很大。」 "This is a different hurt," Korver said. "But both hurt. I can't say what hurts more. This is tough to swallow." 「不一樣的傷害,」Korver 說,「但是都受創了。沒辦法說哪個傷害比較大,都一樣讓 人難以接受。」 This one slipped through the Sixers' fingers, as the saying goes, like sand through the hour glass. 勝利悄悄地從七六人的手指中溜走,就像諺語所說的「沙在沙漏裡流動。」 "It got away when Pierce hit those two threes," Cheeks said. He hit two threes, two big threes; he hit one coming down the floor, then hit another one when they set a little double-screen for him right in front of me [at the Sixers bench], and that's where it got away. We obviously didn't score. We didn't score down the stretch of that game. It looked like we had that game in hand once again, and obviously Paul was the difference, at least down the stretch." 「當 Pierce 投進這兩個三分球,勝利就溜走了,」Cheeks 說,「他投進兩球,兩個大 號三分。他在快倒在地上時投了一個,然後在雙擋的掩護下從我面前投進另一個,而勝利 就在那裡跑掉了。我們顯然沒有得分,在那段攻勢裡沒有反擊。我們看起來就像勝券在握 了,但是 Pierce 不這麼想,所以發起這段攻勢。」 Pierce was terrific, heating up late (12 points in the fourth quarter) to record his first triple-double of the season, adding 12 rebounds and 10 assists. It was the fifth of his career, sixth counting the postseason. Pierce 很可怕,很慢才熱機完畢(第四節12分),達成本季第一次大三元,包括12籃板10 助攻。這是他的生涯第5次,連季後都算進去的話是第6次。 "I told the guys in the locker room, that had so little to do with coaching the fourth quarter," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said. "It was all them." 「我在休息室裡告訴這些傢伙,第四節有很多細節要注意,」賽爾提克的教練 Doc Rivers 說,「一切都掌握在你們手中。」 Rookie forward Ryan Gomes was right behind Pierce, scoring a season-high 29 points and taking 11 rebounds. 菜鳥前鋒 Ryan Gomes 獲得本季新高的29分11籃板。 "Sunday's over, today is today," Cheeks said. "You have to move on. This is current. I'm a little upset because we had a nice little lead, [but] Pierce thrives in those situations and he looks forward to [them]. He made shots he had to make." 「禮拜日巳經過去了,今天是今天,」Cheeks 說,「現在你要往前走。我很煩躁,因為 我們取得小小的領先,但是 Pierce 在這時手感熱了起來。他投進了他必須投進的球。」 -- 只能說加油吧~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/09 22:13, , 1F
03/09 22:13, 1F

03/09 22:14, , 2F
03/09 22:14, 2F

03/09 22:15, , 3F
03/09 22:15, 3F

03/09 22:21, , 4F
翻譯辛苦了~ 出門時還領先5分 誰知道....
03/09 22:21, 4F

03/09 22:22, , 5F
又是 0.500 ...整個 囧rz
03/09 22:22, 5F

03/09 22:31, , 6F
LBJ, PP本記得第一次大三元好像都是對我們?
03/09 22:31, 6F

03/09 22:32, , 7F
Webber加油 挺你...
03/09 22:32, 7F

03/09 23:32, , 8F
ebber加油 挺你...
03/09 23:32, 8F

03/09 23:39, , 9F
辛苦了 不過postseason是季前熱身賽吧 ^^"
03/09 23:39, 9F

03/09 23:58, , 10F
03/09 23:58, 10F

03/09 23:59, , 11F
03/09 23:59, 11F

03/10 00:01, , 12F
03/10 00:01, 12F

03/10 00:06, , 13F
03/10 00:06, 13F

03/10 00:32, , 14F
Webber 下一場大爆走吧!!
03/10 00:32, 14F

03/10 00:55, , 15F
03/10 00:55, 15F
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