[外電] 遲到總比不到好: 七六人關鍵時刻的進步

看板Sixers作者 (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間12年前 (2012/05/16 01:53), 編輯推噓4(511)
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NBA.com Staff Writer: John Schuhmann http://tinyurl.com/7fyeb9t Slowly -- finally -- 76ers learning how to win in the clutch Posted May 15 2012 10:12AM BOSTON -- Surprise, surprise. The Philadelphia 76ers, a team that has failed so many times in late-game situations over the last two years, out-executed the veteran and battle-tested Boston Celtics in a nail-biter playoff game. Scoring 17 points on their final nine possessions, the Sixers stole home-court advantage in the Eastern Conference semifinals with an 82-81 victory in Game 2 at TD Garden on Monday. 號外,號外。 兩年來在關鍵時刻打鐵連連,且看似沒有人能挺身而出的費城鋼人隊(誤) 在季後賽第二輪竟然以關鍵的小分差距, 拿下了已經被無數次的挑戰與證明其頂級執行力的東區強權綠衫軍。 七六人在Game 2的關鍵時刻, 以最後的九波進攻當中拿下了十七分(換算Ortg = 188.89)的超優秀表現, 在波士頓人的綠色花園拿下了極為關鍵的客場勝利。 In an intense environment, there were several moments when it looked like the Celtics had delivered the blow that would finally knock out their opponent. But the Sixers answered every challenge and evened the series by beating the Celtics at their own game. 在那個雙方殺得刀刀見骨的當下, 有好幾次看起來,運作良好的老將們用一次又一次優秀的戰術執行, 讓他們看起來幾乎已經把他們的對手逼入絕境。 但是七六人成功回應了對他們的每一次挑戰, 最終終於戰勝了綠巨人,拿下了這場比賽。 "Our young guys keep growing," Philly coach Doug Collins said afterward, "and they're really becoming men." 「小朋友們持續成長,而且他們真的慢慢變成真正的戰士們。」 -- Doug Collins Considering the Sixers' recent history in close games, the result of Game 2 was downright shocking. This is a team that was 7-17 in games decided by five points or less in the regular season. This is a team with no go-to scorer. And this time, the opponent wasn't the Rose-and-Noah-less Chicago Bulls. This was the vaunted Celtics, with the 17 banners, Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce and Doc Rivers. 如果你對七六人這近況有一定的瞭解, 那你一定知道七六人在關鍵時刻近身肉搏是多麼的悽慘, 那就更顯得 Game 2 的這場勝利是多麼的嚇人。 如果你不知道,這裡有個數據: 七六人在季賽時,當他們與對手比分差距在五分之內時, 那他們的戰績是悲慘的 7-17。 這是一個沒有溝凸蓋的球隊。 而這次他們不只是在近身肉搏當中, 擊敗了沒有風城玫瑰跟法國巨人的公牛; 他們今天擊敗的是擁有眾多的歷史與驕傲, 有著17個退休背號、實力與默契俱佳三巨頭、 並擁有場上控制欲望最強烈的教練 Doc Rivers 的波士頓。 But there were the Sixers, making countless big plays in the game's final minutes, most coming from their youngest and least-experienced players. Third-year guard Jrue Holiday answered a Ray Allen three with one of his own with less than two minutes to go. Second-year guard Evan Turner had two huge buckets in the closing moments, including an incredible drive and finish in the final minute. Turner and third-year guard Jodie Meeks each went 2-for-2 from the line to seal the victory. 但是今天的七六人就有如猛虎出閘一般, 在關鍵時刻做出了無數的 Critical Plays, 而這些卓越的表現卻大部分來自他們年輕且缺乏經驗的年輕人們。 三年級生Jrue Holiday在距槍響兩分鐘內, 以一個大號三分回敬了 Ray-Gun。 (*按: 應該是回應Avery Bradley,不是Ray) 二年級生Evan Turner在關鍵時刻命中了兩個關鍵上籃, 尤其是 40.4 秒的關鍵切入拉杆上籃。 而 Turner 跟三年級生 Jodie Meeks 都在 C's 的犯規戰術中 以各一次兩罰兩中幫助自己的球隊穩住陣腳並且贏得勝利。 The prime example of a young Sixer stepping up under playoff pressure is Lavoy Allen, the 50th pick in the 2011 draft. With veterans Elton Brand and Thaddeus Young struggling in the first two games, the 6-foot-9 rookie has become a major factor in the series on both ends of the floor. Allen had one of the biggest buckets of the night, putting his team up two in the final minutes with a 20-foot heave that barely beat the shot clock. The play was a bit of a miracle. Many would call it lucky. But it typified Allen's contributions in the first two games of the series, where he's acted as a release for the Sixers' offense. 但是最能夠顯現七六人今天年輕人超齡表現的例子, 則是頂住強大壓力的二輪50順位新秀,來自天普大學的 Lavoy Allen。 這位出生於Southern Jersey,在費城長大求學的在地年輕人, 在隊上的老將 Elton Brand 與 Thaddeus Young 在客場同時陷入掙扎時, 這位六呎九吋的菜鳥卻在攻守兩端同時成為了今天七六人贏球最重要的關鍵。 With the Celtics' defense pressuring the perimeter, the rookie has found open spots on the baseline and has rewarded his teammates for getting him the ball. He's shooting 9-for-14 in the series, including 5-for-7 from outside the paint. Where Brand and Young have failed, Allen has flourished. In Game 2, Allen was just as important on defense. He pushed Garnett off the block, anticipated his post moves and contested his shots. Garnett is the leading scorer in the series, but has done most of his damage against Brand and Spencer Hawes. He has shot 14-for-19 with Allen on the bench, and just 5-for-13 with Allen playing. 當 C's 拿出了他們對於外圍球員頂尖的防守時, 天普王適時跳出來幫助了他的球隊,把握了他握得的空檔機會。 本系列他的命中率是 9/14,在禁區外更是驚人的 5/7。 當 Brand 與 Thad 隱形的時候,他適時且良好的彌補這個戰力空缺。 在第二戰時更顯現天普王在防守端展現同樣巨大的企圖心與影響力。 他成功的卡位與推擠成功讓 Kevin Garnett 大部分時間遠離禁區, 讓他沒辦法進行輕鬆的post-up,並勇於挑戰 #21 每一次的出手。 KG 目前為止是全系列當中雙方所有球員得分最多的, 但是他大部分的進球都來自於EB與Hawes防守時。 當天普王不在場上的時候,他的命中率是 14/19; 但當天普王脫下保暖衣秀出50號的背號在場上挑戰他時, 這位名人堂球員只剩下 5/13 的命中率。 Game 2 was a one-point game, but the Sixers outscored the Celtics by 21 points in Allen's 30 minutes on the floor. "He's one of those under-the-radar guys coming out of the Draft," Andre Iguodala said of Allen. "When you put them in a position to just do their job, they excel. And he's definitely giving us a boost." 這場比賽實際上是個緊湊的一分差比賽, 但,雖然Plus/Minus只能提供參考, 不過當天普王在場上的三十分鐘,+/- 是誇張的 +21。 「他是去年選秀的時候最被忽略的球員。 當你把他放在對得位置,並且賦予他明確的任務,他能做得非常完美。 而這樣的表現的確給予我們很大的幫助。」 -- Andre Iguodala *按: Andre Iguodala 在另外一個訪談將 Lavoy 視為近年二輪末的球員當中 最被忽視的球員,甚至他將 Lavoy 跟 Carlos Boozer 與 Paul Millsap 相提並論。 Allen is the guy that ESPN ranked 500th out of 500 players in their preseason rankings. After a solid rookie season and a couple of big games against the Celtics, Allen clearly can't be considered the worst player in the league anymore. Allen 曾經在開季的時候, 被 ESPN 評價為聯盟當中五百個開季名單球員裡面的最後一名。 但是當他完成了這個穩定輸出績效的球季, 並且在波士頓客場打出兩場好球之後, 他很明顯的打了ESPN眾「專家」的臉, 並且向世人昭告:他絕對不是聯盟最差勁球員。 So what are we to think of the Sixers now? Entering this series, the Celtics had been dominant at home, winning 16 of their last 17 games. But Philly came a Game 1 possession or two from winning here twice in two tries. 所以我們現在該怎麼重新認定七六人是什麼Level的球隊呢? 在這個系列開始之前,Celtics 在過去十七場主場作戰當中, 僅僅輸掉了一場比賽。 但是七六人距離在波士頓拿下兩場客場, 卻僅僅只有一到兩波攻勢的差距。 > (Lao Williams要不要出來面對? ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ ) Collins points to his team's April 21 victory in Indiana as the breakthrough game in terms of late-game composure and execution. The Sixers lost a fourth-quarter lead in that one, but made some big plays in overtime to beat a good team on the road. Doug Collins 對記者們指出: 4/21 在印地安納客場延長賽逆轉勝出的比賽, 是七六人在關鍵時刻執行力開始進步的轉捩點。? 七六人在第四節差一點點就把自己的勝利拱手讓人, 但卻在延長賽打出了令人尊敬的進攻, 並且在客場打贏了堅強的對手。 Iguodala feels like the Sixers' first-round experience -- they won in Chicago in Game 2 -- was critical as well. "I think the Chicago series really set us up for this series," Iguodala said, noting that the Bulls and Celtics were the top two defensive teams in the league. "We're keeping our composure, keeping our confidence. And it's going to be grind-out games." AI9則是認為第一輪第二場在客場的勝利經驗同樣也非常重要。 「我認為面對公牛的系列的確幫助我們對於第二輪準備得更充分, 芝加哥與波士頓是聯盟數一數二的防守球隊。 但是我們在比賽中已經能持續保持冷靜,並且維持自己的自信。 因此R1G2對我們來說是代表著我們已經能夠跨越關鍵時刻的障礙, 對我們來說是意義重大的一場比賽。」 Can the Sixers win this series? Now that we've seen them fight through an ugly game and out-clutch their opponent, it's certainly a more believable scenario. "All season long we couldn't win these games," Collins said. "Now our guys are believing they can do it. It is pretty special to watch." 七六人能不能再度贏得一個系列, 讓ESPN整排的專家再度跌破眼鏡呢? 現在我們知道他們在泥巴戰當中仍然可以以關鍵時刻的表現擊敗對手。 以目前的狀況來說,七六人似乎變得比之前預期的還要更有機會。 「我們整季都沒辦法贏得這些低比分差距的比賽, 但是這些球員現在相信他們能夠作到, 這讓狀況變得更加有趣了。」 -- Doug Collins -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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※ 編輯: willyt 來自: (05/16 12:19)
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