[棒球] 0813MLB一場推薦已回收

看板SportLottery作者 (Lionyo)時間10年前 (2014/08/12 18:15), 編輯推噓7(702)
留言9則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/1
0812洋基VS金鶯 洋基重點優勢與弱勢: Yankees are 4-11 in their last 15 vs. American League East. 洋基近15場面對美聯東區,戰績為4W11L Yankees are 2-7 in their last 9 road games vs. a team with a winning record. 洋基近9場客場面對勝率過半隊伍,戰績為2W7L Yankees are 1-5 in their last 6 after allowing 5 runs or more in their previous game. 洋基近6場,若前場被得分超過4分,戰績為1W5L Yankees are 1-6 in their last 7 games vs. a left-handed starter. 洋基近6場面對左投先發,戰績為1W6L (趨勢網,顯示沒有優勢阿..) 金鶯重點優勢與弱勢: Orioles are 4-0 in their last 4 Tuesday games. 金鶯近4場美國時間禮拜二比賽,戰績為4W0L Orioles are 10-2 in their last 12 home games with the total set at 7.0-8.5. 金鶯近12場主場,若總分盤開在7.0~8.5間,戰績為10W2L Orioles are 5-0 in Chens last 5 starts with 5 days of rest. 當金鶯先發投手為陳偉殷,若休息日為五天,戰績為5W0L Orioles are 9-3 in Chens last 12 Tuesday starts. 當金鶯先發投手為陳偉殷,若為美國時間禮拜二,戰績為9W2L 對戰趨勢: Yankees are 4-9 in the last 13 meetings in Baltimore. 洋基近13場於金鶯主場,戰績為4W9L Yankees are 1-5 in the last 6 meetings. 洋基近6場面對金鶯,戰績為1W5L 裁判趨勢: Home team is 4-1 in Davis' last 5 Tuesday games behind home plate vs. New York. 當主審為Davis時,若時間為美國時間禮拜二且面對洋基,主場近5場戰績為4W1L Yankees are 0-5 in their last 5 Tuesday games with Davis behind home plate. 當主審為Davis時,若時間為美國時間禮拜二,洋基近5場戰績為0W5L Home team is 24-9 in Davis' last 33 Tuesday games behind home plate. 當主審為Davis時,若時間為美國時間禮拜二,主場近33場戰績為24W9L 推薦: 金鶯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SportLottery/M.1407838502.A.ED7.html

08/12 18:20, , 1F
08/12 18:20, 1F

08/12 18:21, , 2F
完全不用分析 閉著眼睛也要買金鳥
08/12 18:21, 2F

08/12 18:21, , 3F
08/12 18:21, 3F

08/12 18:24, , 4F
08/12 18:24, 4F

08/12 18:26, , 5F
讓弱雞一棒也會贏啦 衝了
08/12 18:26, 5F

08/12 18:37, , 6F
08/12 18:37, 6F

08/12 21:53, , 7F
洋基根本要被當沙包打= =
08/12 21:53, 7F

08/12 22:11, , 8F
08/12 22:11, 8F

08/13 02:11, , 9F
08/13 02:11, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1JwUacxN (SportLottery)