[情報] NBA: Finley returns to Dallas as NBA …

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Web Posted: 10/09/2007 12:54 AM CDT Jeff McDonald San Antonio-Express News DALLAS - Officially, the Spurs still list guard Michael Finley at 225 pounds, the same weight at which he played last season. Finley的體重為225磅,和上個賽季一樣。 Those who know him, however, say Finley looks a little lighter than in June, when the Spurs broke for summer vacation. Twenty-two ounces lighter, to be precise. 當馬刺的暑假結束後,每個認識他的人都說他看起來比六月時還要輕,精確的說,輕22盎 司。 After the Spurs swept Cleveland to claim their fourth NBA title, Finley - a first-time champion at age 34 - absconded with the Game 4 ball and refused to put it down. He took it home and, for a few weeks after the playoffs, even slept with it. 當馬刺橫掃騎士並得到第四座總冠軍後,三十四歲才贏得第一座總冠軍的Finley霸佔了第 四戰的球而且拒絕將球放下。他將球帶回家,甚至在季後賽後的幾個星期內還和他一起睡 覺。 So it was a bit of a surprise that, when Finley reported to Spurs training camp earlier this month, the Finals ball did not report with him. 所以這有點令人意外,當在這個月初,Finley向馬刺的訓練營報到時並沒有隨身攜帶這顆 球。 No worries, Finley says. Though his most prized possession no longer resides under his right arm, it remains in a safe place. 「別擔心」Finley說。雖然他沒有一直抱著這顆他最珍貴的財產,但這顆球仍然在一個安 全的地方。 "You thought I was going to put it on eBay?" Finley said. "That game ball is going to my grave with me." 「你認為我會將他放在eBay上?」Finley說。「這顆球將會陪我一起埋葬。」 Finley's old friends in Dallas might not recognize him tonight, when he and the Spurs open the preseason against the Mavericks at the American Airlines Center. 今晚,當他和馬刺在美國航空中心對抗小牛開始他們的季前熱身賽,Finley在小牛的老朋 友應該不會和他打招呼。 An NBA championship looks good on him. NBA的總冠軍對他而言是好的。 It took Finley 12 seasons to earn his first one. He spent 81/2 of those fruitless seasons with Dallas, before the Mavericks - via a quirk in the NBA free-agent rules - essentially paid him to join the Spurs in 2005. Finley經過了十二個球季才贏得他的第一次,他在達拉斯浪費了八個半無效的球季,當小 牛在2005對他使用NBA free-agent 規則,他加入了馬刺隊。 If he were vindictive, Finley might have an "I told you so" or two for Mark Cuban, the Mavericks owner who signed off on his departure. But Finley isn't, and he doesn't. 如果Finley想報復,他可能會對將他解聘的小牛老闆-Cuban-說「就是這樣」。但Finley 不想也不會。 "He knows I have a ring," Finley said. "If he wants to see it, I'll show it to him. 「他知道我有一枚冠軍戒指」Finley說。「如果他想看,我會向他展示。」 Finley isn't expected to make more than a cameo appearance in his return to Dallas. 在回到達拉斯,Finley預期不會作出比露面更多的事。 He and the rest of the Spurs' cast of 30-something veterans - including Tim Duncan, Bruce Bowen and Robert Horry - are projected to play only sparingly tonight. 他和其他包括TD、Bowen和Horry在內的超過三十歲的老將,都計劃在今晚短暫上場。 As per his typical preseason plan, Spurs coach Gregg Popovich plans to allow his older veterans enough minutes to get in some conditioning - a schedule sure to be a hit with them. 按照他獨特的季前計劃,馬刺的教練Popo計劃讓他的老將們有足夠的時間去調整狀態,這 份計劃當然對他們是好事。 "You really don't need that much time when you talk about Fin, myself, Bruce and Tim," said Horry, who is set to endure his 16th NBA preseason slate. "We've been in the league a bunch of years. We pretty much have it down." 「你真的不需要那麼多的時間在談論Finley、我、Bruce和TD」持續他第十六個NBA季前的 Horry說。「我們都在這個聯盟好幾年了,we pretty much have it down(這句不會)。」 The Spurs will be especially thin at point guard, where Tony Parker and his two primary backups are expected to sit. 馬刺在控衛上將特別的薄弱,因為TP和他主要的兩個替補都預期不會上場。 At Popovich's urging, Parker has been withheld from most team drills so far in order to freshen him up after a busy summer that included work with the French national team. 在Popo的強烈要求下,為了能使自己更具有活力,TP在這個替法國國家隊打球的忙碌夏天 後,將會在多數的球隊訓練中缺席。 Reserve point guards Jacque Vaughn (pulled calf muscle) and Beno Udrih (broken finger) are injured. As a result, undrafted rookies Darius Washington and Anthony Lever-Pedroza will receive an extended audition in the Spurs' backcourt. 替補控衛Vaughn(小腿肌肉拉傷)和Udrih((指頭骨折)都受傷了,因此未簽約的新秀 Darius Washington和Anthony Lever-Pedroza將會在馬刺的後場得到上場的機會。 "Overall, it's the best opportunity to see the guys who aren't really on the team yet," Popovich said. "It gives them an opportunity to play and show what they have." 「大致上,這是觀察這些還未成為馬刺一員的球員最好的機會」Popo說「這讓他們有機會 去展現自己。」 Translation: Don't expect this to be one of those deadly serious Spurs-Mavs Southwest Division showdowns for which the two teams have become renowned. 翻譯:不要預期這會是一場於死亡之組西南組的馬刺和小牛這兩支有名球隊的決戰。 For Finley, however, the night should be somewhat sweet. 不管怎樣,對於Finley而言,這個夜晚將會是美好的。 He will reunite with old friends, this time as an NBA champion. After the game, he will scurry back to San Antonio and re-visit his pride and joy - the ball from Game 4. 他將會以NBA的總冠軍的身份和老朋友們重聚,在這場比賽後,他將會趕回聖安東尼奧, 並且再度探望他的榮耀和歡樂-這顆總冠軍第四戰的球。 Finley still has the ball on prominent display in the foyer of his home. For any visitor to the Finley estate, it is a must-see attraction. 在他家的門廳中,這顆球是最顯著的展示物。對每個拜訪者,這是最具有吸引力。 "It's like the Statue of Liberty, the Washington Monument - and the game ball," Finley said. 「這就像自由女神像,華盛頓紀念碑-還有這顆球」Finley說。 這是我第一次翻譯,有錯的請直接釘正 話說我潛水很久了 但還不知道怎麼填版友名單耶 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/09 20:47, , 1F
10/09 20:47, 1F

10/09 20:50, , 2F
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10/09 20:50, 2F

10/09 20:51, , 3F
10/09 20:51, 3F

10/09 21:01, , 4F
10/09 21:01, 4F
※ 編輯: WTHKING 來自: (10/09 21:04)

10/09 21:06, , 5F
翻的不錯唷 謝謝您啦
10/09 21:06, 5F

10/09 21:11, , 6F
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10/09 21:11, 6F
※ 編輯: WTHKING 來自: (10/09 21:21) ※ 編輯: WTHKING 來自: (10/09 21:21)

10/09 21:26, , 7F
10/09 21:26, 7F
※ 編輯: WTHKING 來自: (10/09 21:49)

10/09 22:12, , 8F
大推每位翻譯能者 ^^有你們真好
10/09 22:12, 8F

10/09 22:25, , 9F
10/09 22:25, 9F

10/09 23:28, , 10F
10/09 23:28, 10F

10/10 00:32, , 11F
10/10 00:32, 11F

10/10 00:55, , 12F
翻的很棒喔^^ 推一個
10/10 00:55, 12F

10/10 07:28, , 13F
10/10 07:28, 13F
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