[外絮] SLAM Top 50: Tim Duncan, no. 6

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板] 作者: hllwolfkhan (卸阿金老闆) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] SLAM Top 50: Tim Duncan, no. 6 時間: Fri Oct 23 00:28:04 2009 原文:http://www.slamonline.com/online/blogs/3-for-all-by-russ-bengtson/2009/10/ top-50-tim-duncan-no-6/ 翻譯:http://0rz.tw/biHCQ ============================================================================== Top 50: Tim Duncan, no. 6 The definitive ranking of the NBA’s best players. by Russ Bengtson The best book ever written on the nuts and bolts of writing was originally published in 1919. Called “The Elements of Style,” it focused primarily on usage and composition. It was 43 pages long. Later revised by New Yorker writer E.B. White, who added an introduction and final chapter, it expanded to 71 pages. But the key piece of advice—one that appeared in the original version and remained unchanged through all the revisions and editions—was a single, short sentence: “Omit needless words.” That’s all. Follow no other directive but that one, and you will become a better writer. At this point you’re probably asking what a slim, 90-year-old book on writing has to do with Tim Duncan. The answer is everything. Basketball, much like writing, is only as complicated as you make it. The basic rules of both are simple. In writing, it’s ‘tell the story.’ In basketball, it’s ’ score more points than the other team.’ Duncan has understood this since he entered the League, if not since he entered the world. As a rookie, Duncan averaged 21.1 points and 11.9 rebounds on 55 percent shooting. Last season, he averaged 19.3 points and 10.7 rebounds on 50.4 percent shooting. His career averages are 21.4, 11.7, 50.7 percent. If he’s on any sort of decline, it’s the most gradual of slopes. At 33 years old, Duncan is pretty much the player he’s always been. And if he’s relatively unaffected by age, it’s only because he was similarly unaffected by youth. It ’s not like he’s had to figure out how to play when his athleticism started to decline. He never used it even when he had it. Assuming Timmy ever had it in the first place. Related StoriesTim Duncan and His Knee Problems Top 50: Tony Parker, no. 15 Top 50: Manu Ginobili, no. 29 Good News for Tim Duncan’s Knee Tony Parker: Le MVP Candidate? In both writing and basketball, it’s easy to get carried away. To mistake complexity and creativity for real accomplishment. All the adjectives and adverbs and flourishes in the world don’t mean a thing if you fail to tell the story. And a killer crossover or an otherworldly vertical doesn’t matter much if you can’t shoot or play defense. Tim Duncan has made it abundantly clear that he wants to tell the story. With four championships and counting, he’s told it very well indeed. Notes ‧ Rankings are based solely on projected ‘09-10 performance. ‧ Contributors to this list include: Jake Appleman, Brett Ballantini, Russ Bengtson, Toney Blare, Shannon Booher, Myles Brown, Franklyn Calle, Gregory Dole, Emry DowningHall, Jonathan Evans, Adam Fleischer, Jeff Fox, Sherman Johnson, Aaron Kaplowitz, John Krolik, Holly MacKenzie, Ryne Nelson, Chris O’ Leary, Ben Osborne, Alan Paul, Susan Price, Sam Rubenstein, Khalid Salaam, Kye Stephenson, Adam Sweeney, Vincent Thomas, Tzvi Twersky, Justin Walsh, Joey Whelan, Eric Woodyard, and Nima Zarrabi. ‧ Want more of the SLAMonline Top 50? Check out the archive. ============================================================================== 1919年初版的《文體要素》(The Elements of Style)一書是最經典最暢銷的,這本只 有43頁的小冊子著眼于用法和寫作。後來經紐約作者E.B. White修訂,增加了引言與終章 ,加厚到了71頁。但最核心的意見,僅僅是單一的一短句:“少說廢話。”(Omit needless words.)就是這句,始出現于第一版中,而且歷經各次再版與修正,一點都沒 有變過。只遵循這一條,你就會成為一名更好的詩人。 這時你大概會問,一本90歲、71頁的作文書和Tim Duncan有什麼必要的聯系?答案包括每 一樣東西。籃球與寫作很相似,僅僅是心有多亂,事有多繁。共有的基本規則就是一切從 簡—寫作時,是“說事”;打球時,是“比對手多得分”。這點Duncan初入聯盟時就把這了 然於胸,要麼就早到他降生的時候。 新秀賽季,Duncan場均21.1分11.9籃板55%命中率;上賽季,Duncan場均19.3分10.7籃板 50.4%命中率;生涯數據是21.4分11.7籃板50.7%命中率。如果說他有什麼形式的衰退,那 衰退曲線就是幾乎沒有角度的平緩下降。在33歲的時候,Duncan他一如既往穩定。如果說 他沒有受到年齡的影響,那就只是因為他也沒有受到年青的影響(而不穩定)。好像他在 數據開始下降時也根本不需要去苦惱怎樣保持穩定一樣。現在他也不為此苦惱,因為 Timmy一開始就沒有考慮這些。 文章也好,籃球也罷,都很容易使人著迷、激動而誤認為真正成功所需要復雜性和創造力 。世界上所有的形容詞和副詞以及所有的華麗辭藻都不能在你失敗的“說事”時表達著什 麼;殺手級的交叉步或者外星人的彈跳也不能在你不能投籃或者防守的時候意味著什麼。 Tim Duncan也已明確的說明了他的故事。4次總冠軍,以及所奮鬥的第5個,他已經明確的 告訴了我們。 -- │ ╲╱ │ █◣◢█ █◣◢█ █◣◢█ █◣◢█ mysterio ╱     ╲ ◢ ◣ ███ 619 SPRS SPRS ◤ 9 ◥ WESTψ * * / \ FRANCE FRANCE │ │ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hllwolfkhan 來自: (10/23 00:28)

10/23 13:28, , 1F
這篇好短喔 > <
10/23 13:28, 1F

10/23 15:59, , 2F
公務員沒啥好介紹的= =
10/23 15:59, 2F

10/23 21:57, , 3F
10/23 21:57, 3F

10/23 23:04, , 4F
一路走來 始終如一
10/23 23:04, 4F

10/25 18:21, , 5F
有點短 看得不太過癮XD
10/25 18:21, 5F
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