[情報] Auto dealer — Duncan buys time

看板Spurs作者 (go O out)時間14年前 (2010/04/30 15:32), 編輯推噓19(19010)
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http://0rz.tw/ZYMNl Things were going well in the first quarter, almost too well, and Gregg Popovich had run out of ways to correct his team. So he settled on free throws. 第一節的一切都很美好,甚至有點好過頭了,Pop對他的球隊無可挑剔。於是,他動腦筋 到罰球上。 “The next guy to miss one,” he said during a timeout, “is buying me a car. ” 「下一個罰不進的傢伙,」在一次暫停中Pop說,「就準備買輛車給我。」 DeJuan Blair likely tensed up. After an accident earlier in the day, missing a free throw would have meant he'd need to buy two. Blair緊張了起來。在賽前的車禍後,一次罰球失手將等於他需要買兩輛車。 But Tim Duncan knew how to react. He'd already missed three free throws, so he leaned in and said to Popovich, “What color you want?” 不過(老大就是老大,)他知道該怎樣應付。Duncan在此之前已經罰失三球,所以他屈身 問Pop,「你要哪種顏色?」 What color? What make? Duncan would provide what was necessary, just as he's done for 13 years. He would defend the rim, get a double-double and stay on the floor far longer than aging men with sore knees should. 什麼顏色?什麼型號?(老大就是老大,)他能提供你所必要的,就像過去十三年來他所 作的。他會固守籃底,拿個double-double,並且在場上待得比任一個膝蓋酸痛的老人都 還久。 What followed didn't make up for 2006. 接下來的一切並不能彌補2006年。 But it sure helped Duncan forget the only first-round playoff loss he's ever played in. 但是的確能幫助老大忘記有他參與的唯一一次第一輪失利。(按:上一句應該是筆誤,應 該是講2009年輸給小牛才對) By the time it was over, Eddie Najera had made sure everyone would have something to talk about at his high school reunion. There will also be a few things to talk about within the Mavericks organization. 一切都過去了,Najera確保每個人都有話題在高中同學會聊。大家也將會談論小牛隊。 Dirk Nowitzki rallied the Mavericks after picking up four early fouls, and Dallas battled to the end Thursday. Still, there's no escaping the reality — that the same franchise that had earlier become the only No. 1 seed to lose in the first round in the best-of-7 era had done the same as the only No. 2. Dirk在很快領到四犯後讓小牛止跌回升,並努力奮戰到最後一刻。仍然得面對現實—同一 個王牌在遭受過老八傳奇後,被史上最強第七種子也賞一次老七傳奇。 But, as it usually is, such doom was also possible for the other side. Had the Spurs lost, that would have made two years in a row. With basically the same roster in place for next season, was this the end of an era built around the Hall of Fame power forward? 但是同樣的末日也可能降臨在另一邊。假設馬刺落敗,那將是連兩年首輪放暑假。下一季 的陣容基本上會跟今年相同,那(前述假設性的落敗)是否代表著圍繞著名人堂大前鋒建 隊的年代將要過去? Duncan and Tony Parker didn't have enough help last year against the Mavericks. This time they had enough, especially from Antonio McDyess. He was the partner Duncan had been missing. 老大跟TP在上一季面對小牛時沒有得到足夠的支援。這一季則不同,特別是有了Dice的幫 助。他是老大一直以來期盼的幫手。 Still, there was something that no one could help Duncan with. He can still play at a high level as he did in the first three games of the series. Then he averaged 26 points. 仍有些事情沒人能夠幫助老大。他仍能像頭三場般維持高水準的表現,平均得26分。 But when he plays heavy minutes, the knee hurts and the wear shows. Maybe the best thing that happened to him came in the blowout in Game 5. Then he played only 24 minutes. 但是當老大上場時間一久,膝蓋就會疼並顯露於外。也許對他來說最好的一件事就是在第 五戰被痛宰。是役他僅上場24分鐘。 So with some rest, Duncan responded, and that was clear from the beginning. He threw in a bank, spun for a drive and generally contested every Dallas possession. That's what the coaches still say about him: Duncan's genius is in his subtle positioning. 有了些喘息,老大就會回來,這從今天的開賽就表露無遺。他能打板得分、轉身切入並幾 乎抵抗了每一波小牛的攻勢。那就是教練們仍然津津樂道關於老大的部分:Duncan的天份 就展現在他巧妙的站位上。 But he'd already played 31 minutes by the end of the third quarter, and then the Mavericks did a tag-team on him. Erick Dampier had played the third quarter, and replacing him to play the fourth was a younger, fresher Brendan Haywood. 但是到了第三節末時他已經打了將近31分鐘,而且小牛也對他特別死守。Dampier打第三 節,第四節則由更年輕有活力的Haywood上陣。 Yet Duncan stayed on the floor, grinding for 43 minutes, and it was as if the Spurs had pushed their chips to the middle of the table. Had they lost, what kind of shape would Duncan have been in for Game 7? And had the Spurs somehow won that game, the next series would have begun with a long plane trip and one day's rest. 是時老大已經在場上待了43分鐘,彷彿馬刺打算在這把”梭了”。假設這把輸了,老大在 第七戰會是什麼狀態?即使贏了第七戰,下個系列賽將會以一個長途飛行及一天的休息展 開。 “How many millions is Timmy getting paid?” Popovich joked afterward when asked about that. “He should be playing 48 minutes.” 「Timmy一年領多少阿?」Pop賽後被問到時開玩笑說。「他應該要打滿48分鐘才對。」 But Popovich knew. He sent Ian Mahinmi to replace Duncan with 16 seconds left, and Mahinmi walked to the scorer's table too slowly. 但是玩笑終歸是玩笑。Pop在剩下16秒時把Mahinmi派上場去替換老大,而Mahinmi在走向 計分台時過於緩慢。 Popovich jumped up, as angry as he had been all evening. Pop馬上暴跳,憤怒得就像他一整晚那樣。 “Get in there!” he yelled, and Mahinmi did. 「給我快點過去!」他怒吼,Mahinmi馬上照辦。 Even though the next round doesn't begin until Monday, Duncan needs all the time he can get. Even 16 seconds worth. 縱使下一輪要等到週一開打,老大仍然需要盡可能的把握時間休養。即使是短短的16秒都 好。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iIvan 來自: (04/30 15:33)

04/30 15:36, , 1F
04/30 15:36, 1F

04/30 15:37, , 2F
TD TP表示:好多車要買Q..Q
04/30 15:37, 2F

04/30 15:40, , 3F
04/30 15:40, 3F

04/30 15:48, , 4F
04/30 15:48, 4F

04/30 15:50, , 5F
04/30 15:50, 5F

04/30 15:50, , 6F
04/30 15:50, 6F

04/30 15:55, , 7F
波波:超爽的 撿到十幾台車
04/30 15:55, 7F

04/30 16:02, , 8F
Mahimi: 不要這麼兇嘛~波波
04/30 16:02, 8F

04/30 16:08, , 9F
04/30 16:08, 9F

04/30 16:15, , 10F
原來波波最後跳腳的樣子 是在氣Mahimi
04/30 16:15, 10F
※ 編輯: iIvan 來自: (04/30 16:16)

04/30 16:17, , 11F
真相大白了! 我想說不是已經要贏了 Pop抓狂大吼 @@
04/30 16:17, 11F

04/30 16:18, , 12F
04/30 16:18, 12F

04/30 16:18, , 13F
原來是Mahinmi 難得上場要有鬥志跟活力阿!
04/30 16:18, 13F

04/30 16:20, , 14F
Mahinmi加油!就算沒啥上場時間 每天跟你練球的可是Duncan
04/30 16:20, 14F

04/30 16:21, , 15F
多偷學幾招阿! 能和老大練球不要浪費了自己的天分和機運!
04/30 16:21, 15F

04/30 16:22, , 16F
GO~SPURS~GO! 下一輪要和Nash見面了!
04/30 16:22, 16F

04/30 16:26, , 17F
04/30 16:26, 17F

04/30 16:57, , 18F
04/30 16:57, 18F

04/30 17:20, , 19F
TD好可愛 哈哈
04/30 17:20, 19F

04/30 17:25, , 20F
04/30 17:25, 20F

04/30 17:28, , 21F
04/30 17:28, 21F

04/30 17:40, , 22F
04/30 17:40, 22F

04/30 18:54, , 23F
04/30 18:54, 23F

04/30 20:58, , 24F
推PO總 太屌的言談了 = =
04/30 20:58, 24F

04/30 21:48, , 25F
04/30 21:48, 25F

04/30 23:45, , 26F
04/30 23:45, 26F

05/01 13:26, , 27F
Najera 那句意思不對,是在同學會談論
05/01 13:26, 27F

05/01 13:26, , 28F
05/01 13:26, 28F
※ 編輯: iIvan 來自: (05/02 20:57)

12/12 20:24, 5年前 , 29F
12/12 20:24, 29F
文章代碼(AID): #1BseUStP (Spurs)