Fw: [外絮] 馬刺敦奧內戰-鬼切對跑車的作戰計劃

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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1G5zpxmT ] 作者: lollygagger (chivalry's alive) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 馬刺敦奧內戰-鬼切對跑車的作戰計劃 時間: Tue Jul 31 21:26:14 2012 http://0rz.tw/CJIEr  Out of a fog — Ginobili ages well with his guys By Buck Harvey | The San Antonio Express-News columnist Updated 04:06 a.m., Monday, July 30, 2012 LONDON — Manu Ginobili says he's been giving his Argentine teammates a few tips about how to play Tony Parker. Go right up to him,” Ginobili said, “and go 'whooo!'”Ginobili blew air out of his mouth.“That should fog up his goggles,” he said. 鬼切說他已經密授他的阿根廷隊友,幾個對付法國小跑車的妙招:「就直搗黃龍到他面 前,然後哼哼哈嘻!」鬼切示範吹氣,「讓他的護目鏡起大霧,哈~」 That's the mood of a man who celebrated his 35th birthday Saturday yet felt considerably younger Sunday night. Ginobili and his longtime teammates crushed Lithuania, a rugged Olympic rival, and afterward they felt like new men. 這位週日剛過35歲生日的大叔,怎麼會這麼幼稚...我是說心情怎麼這麼好。這也難怪, 他和阿根廷一干老戰友才在奧運開幕戰大勝立陶宛,雖說兩方實力懸殊,贏球還是一件令 人神清氣爽的樂事。 They say they feel better about themselves as they prepare for the big game they have Tuesday. Then, Ginobili and Parker face each other for the first time outside of a Spurs practice. 這讓他們在準備迎戰週二的大敵時,多了一點信心。屆時阿根廷將出戰法國,這是鬼切和 帕克在奧運舞台首次相遇,上演馬刺的兄弟鬩牆、雙衛對決。 Ginobili was the only one of the half-dozen Spurs who smiled Sunday. Patty Mills and Australia lost to Brazil. Tiago Splitter won that game, but looked like he was still stumbling against the Oklahoma City Thunder in doing so. Then there were the French. Parker's goggles weren't as cloudy as his teammates . Parker and Boris Diaw are the only ones close to the level of the U.S. team. So this was about the NBA elite against an NBA bench. That's why Tuesday also will mean a lot to Parker. France needs to win a game. 今夏,有半打的馬刺球員代表國家拼奧運獎牌,在禮拜天的開幕戰中,鬼切是唯一贏球 的。Patty Mills 的澳洲隊不敵巴西。巴西的剔牙哥贏是贏了,但他好似還沒從nba 西冠戰輸給雷霆的陰影中走出,個人表現不佳。再來法國隊也輸了,不過帶著四眼新look 亮相的跑車,還有 Diaw 算不錯了,至少他們輸的是連板凳都是NBA大咖的夢幻隊。但 禮拜二這場阿法大戰對跑車意義重大,因為法國急需一勝來穩定軍心。 While that will be a Spurs first, what Ginobili did Sunday was far from it. Ginobili and his core of teammates have been doing this for a dozen years and longer. The four who grew up together — Ginobili, Luis Scola, Andres Nocioni and Pablo Prigioni — likely make up the oldest team in Olympic history. For Ginobili, it's a theme. All his teams are considered old. But compared to the Americans, for example, who think continuity is when four or five guys return from the previous team, these Argentines are rare. “I know one thing,” Scola said, smiling as he pointed to Ginobili. “I'm tired of playing with him.” 鬼切這邊的阿根廷,禮拜天一戰,把馬刺的團隊球風發揮得淋漓盡致。畢竟他和他那 些阿根廷同袍連打了三屆奧運,默契和化學效應驚人,流動順暢的圓令人目不暇給。 這四個阿根廷的愛國同心會,十二年組成了奧運鐵咖,有鬼切、四克拉、Andres No- cioni, Pablo Prigioni,雖可能成為奧運史上最年長的籃球隊,但這批人所傳承的經 驗、珍貴的默契實不可小覷。 「我覺得,」四克拉邊笑邊指著鬼切:「跟他打了那麼久的奧運,打到都膩了。」 They've been through a lot. Eight years ago, they were overachievers wanting a medal of any color. Argentina had never claimed one in basketball. They were long-haired bangers who played the right way. And when they beat a U.S. team playing the wrong way in Athens, they won a lot of American fans and one gold medal. The expectations were reversed in Beijing. Ginobili carried his country's flag during the opening ceremonies, and he did so with a sore ankle. Everything seemed different, and they began by losing the opener to the same Lithuania team they manhandled Sunday. 這些阿根廷漢子共同經歷了許多事。八年前,從來沒有贏過任何奧運籃球獎牌的阿根廷, 就靠他們,爆冷贏了美國夢幻隊,一舉摘金。 想當年雅典奧運,他們都還長髮飄飄,操的是團隊球風,打得各自為政的夢幻隊登時不 敵,圓了金牌夢,也贏得了眾多美國球迷的喜愛。 到了北京奧運,帶著世人的深切期待,鬼切披著阿根廷的國旗昂首於開幕典禮上,但其實 踏的是一個有狀況的腳踝。一切感覺都跟四年前的雅典不一樣,他們在開幕戰中敗給了這 禮拜天的手下敗將立陶宛。 “Losing was not that important,” Ginobili said then. “But it was emotionally important.” They see today the same way. They know how these Olympics work, and that there is such a thing as momentum. Every game can change your belief, especially a group that leans on each other as Argentina does, and they went into Sunday needing to find something. “We were committed to this game,” Scola said. How they played said that, too. Ginobili and Scola combined for 53 points, with Ginobili adding four steals and six assists. And afterward, Scola explained why it was important. “So we could go to sleep,” he said, “thinking differently about ourselves.” Ginobili said the Olympics “can help you forget about aches, and your age,” and he had seemingly forgotten all of it. He pumped his fist twice in this game, and he called the win “huge.” 「輸球不是重點,勝敗仍兵家常事。麻煩的是會影響到隊上士氣。」鬼切於當年敗戰後 表示。 現在他們還是看重球隊氣氛。這些奧運老手熟知奧運賽事的眉眉角角,更深明士氣之重要 。每次輸球都可能動搖信念,尤其對阿根廷這樣講究互信互賴的球隊來說,所以禮拜天的 開幕戰,他們似曾相識的又碰上立陶宛,當然想把四年前失落的給找回來。 「我們真的是拼了。」四克拉說。 從他們的表現看也是如此。鬼切、四克拉兩個你切我砍拿了 53分,鬼切再添 4抄捷 6助 攻。賽後四克拉解釋這場勝利為什麼那麼重要。 「在奧運拔得頭籌之後,晚上超好睡的啊!」四克拉:「這定心丸一吃,這裏也不酸,那 裏也不痛了,感覺超年輕的你都不知道。」你在賽中不是握了兩次拳,還激動地說這場勝 利「意義重大」嗎,我了的。 But Scola said beating France is as critical, “like a Finals,” and that's where Ginobili and his inside information comes in. He admitted he hasn't seen Parker in his goggles yet. Given that, he isn't sure if his plan would work. “All I know is,” Ginobili said, “I won't be the one chasing him.” 接下來對法國,四克拉認為一樣是惡鬥難免。「會是決賽的等級。」這時鬼切的秘密情報 就奇貨可居了。 Scola 承認他還沒看到跑車的蛙鏡,這表示,他也沒把握鬼切的鬼點子行不行的通。 鬼切則頑皮道:「本人只提供點子,要我去執行這哼哼哈氣的任務,哈,門兒都沒有!」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/31 21:29, , 1F
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07/31 21:31, 2F

07/31 21:31, , 3F
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07/31 21:31, , 4F
黑曼巴都退居二線惹 白曼巴還要堅苦作戰...
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Scola:我依然長髮飄飄阿 一二樓跟我想的一樣
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雖然有點對岸口吻 不過翻的好棒!
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07/31 22:00, , 11F
鬼禿:壞人你們當 我們還要當隊友
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07/31 22:24, 13F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: ponkd (, 時間: 07/31/2012 22:24:50

07/31 23:52, , 14F
TP: 你敢哈一口氣我就拔你十根頭毛!!
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文章代碼(AID): #1G5-gpA4 (Spurs)