[礎寧] 周柔柔和包租婆的想念

看板Star-Clan作者 ( )時間16年前 (2008/11/13 20:44), 編輯推噓2(202)
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這是柔柔的 http://0rz.tw/5e53U 原文如下: 這小段是我6月從台灣離開的時候寫給她的一封信…簡短了一些… 從我來之前, 看星光, 我就說我最喜歡, 欣賞的是你, 因為聲音真的太棒了, 長的也很 有氣質, NICE. 然後認識之後, 就更喜歡你 !我很開心能有跟你合唱的機會. 你給我的感覺視沒有什麼不子在的壓力, 因為我知道如果我唱錯你不會笑, 就是…反 而會想著辦法幫助我! 結果….失敗…可是可是...我認為沒差, 沒有遺憾. 跟你上台很 榮幸,穿著那麼辣, 哇, 貴婦天候~ 我在台灣的最後幾個禮拜, 跟妳一起住, 真的好開心 !!妳要來美國找我噢!! 現在的情緒. 我寫了一封信給她, 這不是所有, 可是好了我就好好的念出來給她. Ivy, I wrote a letter to her, that I will read to her when it’s ready. Here are some of my feelings. Ivy, I still can’t believe what happened, still can’t fully grasp reality. What were you thinking? You, my beautiful sister, my supportive partner, my loving friend. You were always so optimistic, your happiness and charisma influenced everyone around you. You are one of my best friends from 星光. I loved being around you, I loved shopping with you and helping you pick out clothes that I would never wear, but you looked amazing in. I am so glad you had the chance to come and see Los Angeles, my home. There isn’t a song you sang that I thought was anything less than perfect. Your voice, absolutely breathtaking, moving, my dream voice. Why did you do this? Didn’t we talk about me going to Taizhong and visiting you, staying with you, going to watch you sing at your pub? I had it planned out already for the end of this year, what am I supposed to do now without you, silly girl. You’re better than this honey, I know the pressure must have been more than I could ever imagine, for someone as brave as you to do something like this. I want to slap you for ever imagining you’re not good enough, but I won’t have the chance anymore. Weren’t you scared? Who did you think about? It’s obvious how many people are left behind now that will cry for you, will think of you, will miss you. I was so happy when you sang the song Timeless, a song I introduced to you. Knowing that I influenced you in some way, choosing this song, I felt so proud. I know you’re in a good place, God will take care of you baby, you are an angel. I will miss you always, I will love you always, 柔柔. 翻譯- 礎寧, 我還是沒有辦法接受這個新聞, 這個事實, 沒辦法. 妳到底是在想什麼? 妳, 我美麗的姐, 支持我的戰友, 愛護我的朋友. 妳一直都這麼 樂觀, 妳的快樂跟人格美麗都影響到妳旁邊所有的人. 妳是我在星光裡面很好的一個朋友. 我很喜歡跟你在一起, 很喜歡跟你去逛街, 然後幫 你挑我永遠不會穿,超性感的衣服, 然後妳穿就比我好看太多了. 我真的很開心妳有機 會來到洛杉磯, 來到我家. 妳的聲音, 完美. 就是完美. 我所夢想的聲音. 妳怎麼會這樣做呢? 我們不是前幾天才說好, 我年底去台中找你, 跟你住, 去看你駐唱? 我都計算好啦, 我 現在該怎麼辦, 傻孩子. 我一定沒辦法想像妳所有的壓力, 還能讓這麼堅強的妳到這裡. 妳不怕嗎? 妳都在想誰? 妳家人的心痛…妳留下這麼多的人, 這麼多會為你哭的人. 妳那時選擇唱, ‘Timeless’ 我非常感動, 因為知道了你選擇我給你聽的我很喜歡的一 首歌, 我很開心. 我知道你現在去了一個好地方, 上帝會好好的帶領著你寶貝, 妳是個天使. 我永遠會想著妳, 永遠會記得妳. . 柔柔 ::There can be miracles, when you believe.:: [[我會放些我們的照片在一個相簿裡. ]] 這是我第一次面對一個死亡, 我認識的好朋友的experience. 我生活現在也很複雜, 真的很煩. 到底是什麼意思. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 這是包租婆的 http://0rz.tw/0854N 原文: 不捨想念 壹個傻念頭讓我們好難過 接到電話為之震驚 多希望是玩笑 腦海浮現出過去再星光的壹切 多麼開朗的你總面帶微笑 原來在笑臉背後藏著這麼多... .... 記得再捷運壹起搭車 邊走邊聊壹不小心跌了壹跤 站起身拍壹拍對著我大笑 卻沒有想到現在跌跤的妳 卻沒像當時壹樣站起身微笑 好不捨好不捨 難過的不知能怎麼形容 妳的好嗓音我還沒聽夠 不過會永遠記著你的笑臉 在天堂的妳 繼續熱愛的歌唱當個美麗天使 礎寧,我想念妳 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 礎寧 王建民剛回台 陳瑞昌還沒退休 2008亞職統一獅今天才贏球 妳怎麼捨得走咧? -- asdf -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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文章代碼(AID): #19724R1b (Star-Clan)