
看板StarCraft作者 (奈落迦 冥府之眼)時間17年前 (2007/05/20 14:37), 編輯推噓15(15012)
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http://www.starcraft2.com/features/protoss/index.xml?tab=zealot Builds From: Gateway Armament: Psionic Blades Role: Assault Warrior 製造處:星門 武 裝:心靈刀刃 角 色:突襲戰士 For millennia the Templar caste of the Protoss have defended their people from threats both internal and external, dedicating their long lives to the pursuit of martial perfection. 神民種姓制度中聖堂武士這個階級在千萬年來成功地防衛著來自內外的威脅,將他們漫 長的生命奉獻在追求完美軍事技能上。 Zealots are peerless templar warriors who have yet to achieve the uppermost ranks of the Khala. 狂戰士們是聖堂武士裡尚未晉身高階卡拉之道的無雙戰士。 Ever eager for battle, zealots train constantly to attune themselves more closely to the Khala's disciplines and prove themselves worthy of advancement. 永遠渴望著戰鬥,持續而積極地訓練自己與卡拉聖典的教義同調並藉此證明他們有晉升 高階成員的價值。 They exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the protoss at war. 他們是神民在戰爭中強悍凶猛的例證。 The formidable physique of a zealot is further enhanced by cybernetic implants and their coveted power suit. 狂戰士強壯的肉體在植入神經機械與穿上令人垂涎的動力裝甲後變得更加強大。 Yet a zealot is far more than the technology he bears. 但他們的強大並不只來自身上穿戴的技術。 Each Zealot is trained for decades in hand to hand combat, tactics, pain tolerance and martial discipline. 每名狂戰士都經過數十年的肉搏、戰術、痛苦容忍與軍事紀律訓練。 Zealots are taught to hate their enemies with a white hot passion and to hunt them down without mercy. 他們被教導以白熱化的神聖激情去憎恨、毫不留情地獵殺敵人。 All protoss have some psionic ability and zealots focus their minds exclusively on the pursuit of war. 所有的神民都具有相當程度的心靈力量,而狂戰士們將他們的精神聚集在戰爭事物上。 Focus crystals in their heavy forearm units enable zealots to channel their strength of will into blades of pure psionic energy - their primary melee weapons. 動力裝甲前臂裝置中的聚焦水晶容許他們導引意志力化為純粹的心靈能量刀刃,成為最 主要的肉搏武器。 Using a limited form of precognition, zealots can even predict enemy movements striking, with deadly accuracy and dodging attacks by inches. 他們甚至能利用有限的預知能力預測敵手的動作,以致命的精準攻擊敵人並以毫釐之差 躲避攻擊。 Some Zealots have even developed the ability to turn their body into pure energy for a few microseconds. 某些狂戰士甚至培養出將身體短暫化為純粹能量的技能, This allows them to move at lightning fast speeds and strike suddenly against an enemy that thinks they are out of range. 讓他們能以閃電般的速度移動並突襲自以為在危險距離外的敵人。 In recent times the zerg invasion of the protoss homeworld of Aiur forced its evacuation to the distant dark templar world of Shakuras. 不久之前,異形侵襲了神民在艾爾星球的家鄉,他們被強迫避往暗影聖堂武士們遙遠的 國境,影櫻星。 The Templar caste as a whole, and the zealots in particular, seethe with shame at this dishonor. 聖堂武士階層,尤其是狂戰士們,全為這項恥辱羞愧地憤怒沸騰。 Many and loud are the voices raised demanding a return to Aiur, cradle of the protoss civilization. 要求返回神民文明發源地——艾爾母星的聲音多而有力。 The zealots have thrown themselves into an even more rigorous program of training in preparation for the glorious day when their services will be called upon once more. 狂戰士們為此投身更加嚴峻的訓練程序,以面對他們再度被呼喚去執行任務的光榮時刻。 -- 共襄盛舉,來初步翻譯一下,有誤請多多指正。 SC2 啊……該死,終於來了XD。(Hell, It's about time.) P.S.轉錄我自己在巴哈的文章 -- 奈落迦圖文創作站:冥府之眼 部落格 http://blog.pixnet.net/Naraka 鮮文網 http://www.myfreshnet.com/BIG5/profile/index.asp?userid=101167930 純文字 無名BBS BS2 P_Naraka 一雙眼,看得見很多東西……! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/20 14:41, , 1F
05/20 14:41, 1F

05/20 14:42, , 2F
SC3就叫做Back to Aiur吧
05/20 14:42, 2F

05/20 14:59, , 3F
05/20 14:59, 3F

05/20 15:02, , 4F
影櫻星 XDD
05/20 15:02, 4F

05/20 15:02, , 5F
05/20 15:02, 5F

05/20 15:08, , 6F
05/20 15:08, 6F

05/20 15:12, , 7F
05/20 15:12, 7F

05/20 15:38, , 8F
05/20 15:38, 8F

05/20 15:49, , 9F
05/20 15:49, 9F

05/20 16:49, , 10F
05/20 16:49, 10F

05/20 16:59, , 11F
05/20 16:59, 11F

05/20 17:00, , 12F
是以dark templar的設定與穿著推測
05/20 17:00, 12F

05/20 17:00, , 13F
05/20 17:00, 13F

05/20 17:01, , 14F
05/20 17:01, 14F

05/20 17:02, , 15F
我在猜這代應該就可以Back to Aiur了....不過
05/20 17:02, 15F

05/20 17:03, , 16F
怕就怕一代p結尾 資料片z結尾 這代換t結尾
05/20 17:03, 16F

05/20 17:03, , 17F
這樣就算back to Aiur事情也有變數XD~
05/20 17:03, 17F

05/20 17:15, , 18F
05/20 17:15, 18F

05/20 17:40, , 19F
05/20 17:40, 19F

05/20 18:13, , 20F
媽的 這是德來尼吧=..=
05/20 18:13, 20F

05/20 21:07, , 21F
Aiur翻譯成翁行星就好吧= ="..Shakuras之前看到怎麼翻忘記了
05/20 21:07, 21F

05/20 22:19, , 22F
05/20 22:19, 22F

05/20 22:58, , 23F
對Gateway是傳送門 我不知道哪根筋不對XD
05/20 22:58, 23F

05/20 22:59, , 24F
另外Aiur為什麼叫翁我是還沒搞懂過@@ Shakuras通常
05/20 22:59, 24F

05/20 22:59, , 25F
05/20 22:59, 25F

05/20 23:50, , 26F
聚焦水晶容許他們導引意志力化為純粹的心靈能量刀刃 所以..
05/20 23:50, 26F

05/20 23:51, , 27F
分尼克士 是意志力不足...才會變成 聖龍騎士 囉= =?
05/20 23:51, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #16J-o_vg (StarCraft)