[轉錄][音樂] Star Wars

看板StarWars作者 (Libertango)時間16年前 (2008/05/24 13:07), 編輯推噓4(400)
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http://yenchin.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Moosebutter%20-%20Star%20Wars.mp3 其實不是星際大戰的音樂 不過歌詞內容跟星際大戰有關,有看過電影的人應該聽得出來裡面的梗~~ 然後所有的旋律都是電影配樂,歌詞及配樂出處附在下面 可以先試試看能聽出幾首^^ 提示:全部都是John Williams的作品 雖然說會去記電影配樂的人好像不多 不過這幾首還滿經典的^^ [第三類接觸] You must use the force! (repeated) [法櫃奇兵] (Long time ago, far far away) (Long time ago, far far away) Kiss a wookiee, kick a droid Fly the Falcon through an asteroid 'Til the Princess is annoyed! This is spaceships, it's monsters, it's Star Wars, we love it! Come and help me Obi Wan! X-Wing Fighter and a blaster gun Dance with Ewoks, oh what fun! This is spaceships, it's monsters, it's Star Wars, we love it! [超人] Get in there you big furry oaf! I couldn't care less what you smell! I take orders from only me Maybe you'd like it back in your cell your highness? Your worshipfulness, your highness, your worshipfulness! No one cares if you upset a droid (nobody cares if you upset a droid!) That's because droids don't tear your arms out of sockets! I suggest a new strategy, let the wookiee win. That's because nobody cares if you upset a droid! [E.T.] Now we listen to Luke whining (one more season, one more season...) I was gonna go to Tashi Station for power converters. Now I guess I'm going nowhere. It just isn't fair! [大白鯊] Wookiee! Wookiee! Wookiee! Wookiee! Wookiee! Wookiee! Someone move this walking carpet! (Wookiee! Wookiee!) Someone move this walking carpet! Someone move this walking carpet (Wookiee! Wookiee!) Someone move this walking carpet (Kiss your brother, kiss your brother...) Princess Leia Well I guess you don't know anything about women! (Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy?) [侏儸紀公園] Luke, I'm your father (that's not true!) It is useless to resist (My hand!) Come with me my son we will rule! (I'll never join you!) Search your feelings it is true! So you have a twin sister who Obi Wan was wise to hide? (is that Leia?) If you will not turn then perhaps she will Give in to your hate. You are mine! [法櫃奇兵] (Long time ago, far far away) (Long time ago, far far away) Kiss a wookiee, kick a droid Fly the Falcon through an asteroid 'Til the Princess is annoyed! This is spaceships, it's monsters, it's Star Wars, we love it, it's true! Episode three! (coming to you) 2005! So let's go stand in line, 'Cause it's almost the time (Join the dark side!) May the force be with you all (John Williams is the man!) 第一次PO文 有問題請板主D吧~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/24 13:47, , 1F
05/24 13:47, 1F

05/24 22:20, , 2F
05/24 22:20, 2F

05/29 18:51, , 3F
每一首都超熟!! 小時候聽到大的, 快笑死了
05/29 18:51, 3F

05/30 17:06, , 4F
太有創意了 聽了會心情愉快的歌
05/30 17:06, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #18Dw9qDU (StarWars)