[問題] 請教一題關於撲克牌的機率問題

看板Statistics作者 (agnes)時間8年前 (2016/09/17 09:09), 8年前編輯推噓3(300)
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有一題關於撲克牌的機率問題想請教: Brenda從52張撲克牌中選五張牌,拿到四張紅心,一張非紅心。 她決定把那張非紅心的卡丟棄(discard), 然後從剩下的撲克牌中再選一張卡。 問:Brenda最後手上有五張紅心的機率。 英文原文題目: Brenda is dealt (from a well-shuffled deck) five cards. She looks at the cards and discovers that there are four spades in her hand, as well as one card of a different suit. Brenda decides to discard the card of a different suit and draw one card from the remaining cards to complete a flush in spades (all five cards spades). Determine the probability that she completes the flush. 我的想法是, 這個問題等同於問從52-5=47張牌中,抽中紅心的機率是多少?---> 9/47 但是又懷疑有這麼單純嗎@_@ 想集思廣益一下,謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Statistics/M.1474074550.A.A04.html

09/18 08:47, , 1F
09/18 08:47, 1F
好像行不通耶我覺得 假設要找算的是P(5紅心|4紅心,1非紅心), 那分母會是 P(4紅心,1非紅心|5紅心)*P(5紅心)這樣? P(4紅心,1非紅心|5紅心)看上去有點無法算的樣子~

09/18 18:19, , 2F
09/18 18:19, 2F
我也在想需不需要... 但是感覺上剛開始抽到"四紅心一非紅"是已經確定的事實, 像是條件機率裡面"given, condional on"那塊 ※ 編輯: agnes12 (, 09/18/2016 23:32:44 ※ 編輯: agnes12 (, 09/18/2016 23:35:41

09/19 16:06, , 3F
獨立事件 可直接算
09/19 16:06, 3F
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