[新聞] 投資人在等待FED的下一步已回收

看板Stock作者 ((雙馬尾傳教士))時間10年前 (2014/06/15 20:58), 10年前編輯推噓6(608)
留言14則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
1.原文連結: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/fed-focus-investors-seek-reassurance-090507571.html 2.內容: Humbler不負責任翻譯 MADRID (Reuters) - Investors will look to the Federal Reserve (The FED)for reassurance in the coming week, with little economic data to assuage their concerns over the strength of the global recovery, amid signs Iraq may be sliding into civil war. 馬德里(路透社)—投資人正在等待FED未來一周的行動以決定下一步,隨著少量的經濟數據出 現減緩了他們對全球復甦強度的關注,期間還有伊拉克可能因為內戰而崩毀。 The Fed, which wraps up a policy meeting on Wednesday, is expected to keep steadily reducing its massive bond-buying stimulus by $10 billion per month. FED在周三會對外說出政策,預計會持續減少購買公債每月100億的數量。 Financial markets will be listening out for any hints on when the U.S. central bank might begin raising interest rates. 金融市場會從中聽出美國央行任何關於升息的蛛絲馬跡。 "The Federal Reserve is preparing to move to the second step of the monetary policy exit. With the tapering of asset purchases virtually on auto pilot – QE3 is projected to end in late summer or early autumn – the focus is gradually shifting towards actual rate hikes," Unicredit said in an investor note. “FED正準備著手第二階段的資金撤離,隨著逐漸減少的債券購買,QE3預計會在明年夏天 結束,最快則是秋天,聯準會的重心已經逐漸轉向了升息上”義大利聯合信貸銀行在他投 資人手札說道。 It said the notion that U.S. monetary policy has reached a turning point could be strengthened if the Fed policymakers' median rate forecast for the end of 2016 stays at 2.25 percent, where it stood in March, up from 1.75 percent in December. 從他的觀點中,美國的金錢政策已經到了轉捩點,原因來自於利率預測的中位數,預計在2016年在三月開始起會維持在2.25%,較十二月的1.75% 增加。 The matrix of dots for when each rate-setter expects policy to begin tightening - and how quickly - will be keenly scrutinized, as will any comments about rate hikes or slack in the economy from Fed Chair Janet Yellen, who speaks after the results of the meeting are released. 所有的結果都將隨著葉倫在會議的談話後決定,無論是升息或縮減,還是之前預定好的計 畫何時或多快實施。 While the world's largest economy got off to a weaker than expected start this year, many analysts believe the underlying trend for growth remains solid. 因為世界最大的經濟較今年預估的來的低迷,大部分的分析師認為低利率來維持成長仍有 必要。 Global stocks are likely to stay on the back foot due to concerns over a growing radical Islamist insurgency in Iraq. U.S. President Barrack Obama said he didn't rule out air strikes to help Iraq counter the insurgency, but later said he needed several days to determine how the United States would react. 全球股市市場似乎因為伊拉克的內戰而卻步拉回,美國總統歐巴馬曾說他不會介入這場戰 爭中,但稍後的談話他又說他需要幾天的時間來考慮決定。 The escalating violence in Iraq drove oil prices to a nine-month high on Friday. 伊拉克的內戰導致原油價格周五來到了九個月來的高點。 BOE MINUTES 歐洲經濟摘要 The monetary policy outlook will also be in focus in Britain after Bank of England Governor Mark Carney stunned the markets by saying rates could rise sooner than financial markets expect. 經濟政策的觀察也聚焦在英國央行總裁Mark Carney上,他說升息會較市場預期來的快速 。 His comments, which put the British central bank out ahead of the world's other major policy guardians on the monetary tightening front, pushed sterling to near five-year highs against the dollar on Friday. 他的談話,代表英國央行將走出全球其他央行主要食型貨幣緊縮,推動了英鎊對美元周五 來到了五年來的高點。 The Bank publishes the minutes of its June policy meeting on Wednesday, which will be closely watched for signs of any further division among its members on rates, and several of its policymakers will be speaking during the week. 央行將在周三發行一個六月的會議紀要,他將嚴密關注其他歐盟成員間在利率的進一步行 動,以及其他的政策也將在會議中被討論。 The Bank's new Financial Policy Committee, which has the power to rein in an overheating housing market, meets on Tuesday, although the meeting minutes will not be published for a couple of weeks. 央行的新金融政策委員會(擁有抑制過熱房價的權利)將在周二開會,同時開會紀要 Meanwhile, the ECB's fight against deflation via interest rate cuts and measures aimed at stimulating lending to crisis-hit companies, means few expect further action from it for now. 同時,英國央行對抗通貨緊縮藉由存款利率減少和借貸給遭受金融危機的公司的手段,很 少人預估央行會有進一步行動。 "The ECB has bought itself some quiet time, maybe for the remainder of this year. It doesn't want to be pushed in to any additional movements before then," economist at Deutsche Bank Gilles Moec said. “英國央行現在在很尷尬的時期,或許到今年剩下的日子都會如此,他暫時都不會有任何 行動”Moec說。 There will be few key economic indicators from the euro zone, with the German Zew index for June in focus after better-than-expected industrial output data and rising confidence in the bloc suggesting growth is accelerating in the second quarter. 關於歐元區有些關鍵的經濟指標,德國的指數聚焦在高於預期的工業出口數字和第二季的 快速成長。 Bond markets will look to absorb debt supply from Spain, Germany and France after a heavy issuance last week including 9 billion euros of a new 10-year bond from Spain and paper from France, Italy, Germany and Portugal. 債券市場將期待西班牙 德國 法國 葡萄牙 將會釋出90億歐元的十年公債。 Yield-hungry investors will be watching for news of a possible debt sale by Cyprus just a year after it bailed in bank depositors and imposed capital controls. That would make it the last euro zone member that took financial aid to make a market comeback. 大戶投資者將注意塞浦路斯可能會有新的債券售出, The Bank of Japan publishes the minutes of its monthly policy meeting on Friday but is not expected to have moved from an optimistic viewpoint that the country is in the midst of a virtuous cycle of employment and output growth, analysts say. 日本央行在周五會議的摘要上指出,他對國內經濟仍保持樂觀,就業人口正在好轉,出產 量也在增加。 "There is some support to this theory. The unemployment rate remains very low and job offers to applicants ratios are moving steadily higher. Add to this the slight improvement in cash wages, and the firmer backdrop to the Japanese economy than that prevailing back in 1997," said ING in an investors note. “日本的言論是有根據的,非就業人口比率維持低檔,工作需用人數升高,工資小幅上揚 ,而且較1997年的日本它有更堅固的經濟基礎”ING的投資人報告寫道。 China will issue foreign direct investment data on Tuesday and house price figures on Wednesday. A slowdown in property inflation is likely to stoke fears about a deepening downturn in the sector. 中國將在周二公布外商投資指數以及在周三公布房市價格指數,房市的通膨減緩像是對於 房市進一步低迷的擔憂。 3.心得/評論(必需填寫): 這篇很難翻譯,很多地方翻的不好請見諒,有錯煩情告之,謝謝 現在勇敢大量進場的人是賭徒 -- 妹:哥,你覺得我今天要用甚麼髮型比較好? 我:雙馬尾雙馬尾! 這樣的妹妹你不愛嗎? http://ppt.cc/vkuT -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1402837121.A.15F.html

06/15 21:10, , 1F
06/15 21:10, 1F

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06/15 21:12, 2F

06/15 21:22, , 3F
econ data直譯經濟數據就好了
06/15 21:22, 3F

06/15 21:23, , 4F
是by $10b,不是 to $10b
06/15 21:23, 4F

06/15 21:25, , 5F
median rate forecast利率預測的中位數
06/15 21:25, 5F
※ 編輯: humbler (, 06/15/2014 21:25:57

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06/15 21:26, 6F
※ 編輯: humbler (, 06/15/2014 21:27:09

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06/15 21:30, 9F
※ 編輯: humbler (, 06/15/2014 21:38:36

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06/15 23:06, 11F

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06/16 01:34, 13F

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06/16 01:35, 14F
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