[新聞] 由於供應鏈焦慮,附加費進一步降低

看板Stock作者 (paul)時間2年前 (2021/10/18 11:02), 2年前編輯推噓-10(172724)
留言68則, 49人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
原文標題: CONTAINER PREMIUMS: Surcharges reduced further amid supply chain 由於供應鏈焦慮,附加費進一步降低 (請勿刪減原文標題) 原文連結: https://reurl.cc/2oYqmn 發布時間:18/10/2021 (請以原文網頁/報紙之發布時間為準) 原文內容: All-inclusive container rates for shipping from North Asia to West Coast North America were available at their lowest level in months as additional carrier options and a gloomy outlook on the overall supply chain resulted in a wide segmentation in the spot market. Container freight from China to Los Angeles/Long Beach was available as low as $7,800/FEU in the week ended Oct. 15 for shipment on smaller, atypical vessels, but most spot market offers from North Asia to the US West Coast were in the $8,000-$10,000/FEU range, with little or no premium service fees demanded on top of Freight All Kinds rates. Trade lanes from North Asia to the east coast of North America had fewer new entrants in the market for the longer voyage via the Panama Canal. There was also even less consensus on spot rates, with offers ranging from $11,000/FEU to $18,000/FEU in the week ended Oct. 15. Rates from Southeast Asia to West Coast North America were similarly offered in an expansive $8,000-$15,000/FEU range, while rates to East Coast North America were quoted from $13,000/FEU to $20,000/FEU. The lower offers were mostly for bulk or multi-purpose vessels than a fully cellular vessel, a freight aggregator based in Hong Kong said. Offers from major shipping lines were on the higher end of the spectrum with the expectation of better service, sources said. Shippers are increasingly anxious about paying record prices for container freight and still missing the year-end holiday shopping window, and the emergence of more charter carriers making ad hoc voyages to the US West Coast has added a discount segment for those shippers willing to risk their cargoes with new operators. "Shippers understand that the business is now port-to-port, with great difficulty going inland and they won't want to pay more when there are no guarantees," a US-based freight forwarder said. China's manufacturing PMI slipped into contraction in September for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic took shape, throwing cold water on some of the most bullish sentiment for container rates. The Chinese government has been rationing power to factories since September due to a fuel shortage that may or may not be resolved before shipping lines get through a backlog of export cargoes. "Many factories have had to cancel their shipments because of a lag in production," a Thailand-based freight forwarder said. "If this continues for long, the prices may remain low." If the shortage of power in China is resolved and factories return to full capacity, rates could rebound as soon as next month as shipments ramp up again in anticipation of outages around the Lunar New Year holidays beginning Feb. 1. Container rates from Asia to Europe continued their gentle bearish movements over the course of the week as demand continues to fall slightly following the securing of freight volumes ahead of the Christmas holidays. "Christmas has been and gone in terms of demand for the market and so volumes are coming down a bit at the moment," said a UK-based freight forwarder. "Even so, with the delays in the market, there could be a lot of crying children on Christmas morning because some shippers may have waited too late in the hope that rates fell further." Platts Container Rate 1 – North Asia-to-North Continent – was assessed at $17,000/FEU on Oct. 15, down $250/FEU from a week ago. 從北亞到北美西海岸的全包集裝箱運費處於數月以來的最低水平,因為額外的承運人選擇 和整體供應鏈的黯淡前景導致現貨市場出現廣泛細分。 在截至 10 月 15 日的一周內,從中國到洛杉磯/長灘的集裝箱運費低至 7,800 美元/FEU ,適用於較小的非典型船隻,但從北亞到美國西海岸的大多數現貨市場報價為 8,000 美 元- 10,000 美元/FEU 範圍內,除了各種貨運費率之外,幾乎不需要或不需要額外的服務 費。 從北亞到北美東海岸的貿易航線在通過巴拿馬運河進行更長航程的市場上新進入者較少。 對即期匯率的共識甚至更少,截至 10 月 15 日當週的報價從 11,000 美元/FEU 到 18,000 美元/FEU 不等。 從東南亞到北美西海岸的運價同樣提供了 8,000 美元至 15,000 美元/FEU 的廣泛範圍, 而北美東海岸的運價報價從 13,000 美元/FEU 到 20,000 美元/FEU。 一家總部位於香港的貨運聚合商表示,報價較低的主要是散裝或多用途船舶,而不是全蜂 窩船舶。消息人士稱,主要航運公司的報價處於較高端,期望獲得更好的服務。 托運人越來越擔心以創紀錄的價格支付集裝箱運費,並且仍然錯過了年終假期購物窗口, 而越來越多的包機承運人專門前往美國西海岸,為願意冒險冒險的托運人增加了折扣部分 。新運營商的貨物。 “托運人明白,現在的業務是港口到港口,很難進入內陸,而且在沒有保證的情況下,他 們不想支付更多,”一位美國貨運代理說。 自冠狀病毒大流行形成以來,中國 9 月份的製造業採購經理人指數首次出現收縮,這給 一些最看漲集裝箱運價的情緒潑了一盆冷水。由於燃料短缺,在航運公司解決出口貨物積 壓之前可能會或可能不會解決,中國政府自 9 月以來一直在對工廠進行電力配給。 “由於生產滯後,許多工廠不得不取消發貨,”一家泰國貨運代理說。“如果這種情況持 續很長時間,價格可能會保持在低位。” 如果中國的電力短缺問題得到解決並且工廠恢復滿負荷生產,由於預計 2 月 1 日開始的 農曆新年假期前後將出現停電,出貨量將再次增加,因此費率最早可能會在下個月反彈。 從亞洲到歐洲的集裝箱運價在一周內繼續溫和看跌,因為在聖誕節假期前確保貨運量後需 求繼續小幅下降。 “就市場需求而言,聖誕節已經過去了,因此目前銷量有所下降,”一位英國貨運代理表 示。“即便如此,隨著市場的延遲,聖誕節早上可能會有很多孩子在哭泣,因為一些托運 人可能等待得太晚了,希望價格進一步下降。” Platts Container Rate 1 – 北亞到北大陸 – 10 月 15 日評估為 17,000 美元/FEU, 比一周前下降 250 美元/FEU。 心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿20字 先前說的狀況果然應驗了 很多水手說 聖誕節過了還是要補貨啊!! 又不是過了聖誕節船就清空 這樣的說法有超大盲點 就是漲時只看利多 跌時忽略利空 聖誕節是歐美大消費季 先前運費漲成這樣 就是因為急著聖誕節出貨的商品一直運 當需求消失後 沒錯 聖誕節後還要運貨 10年後 20年後也一樣都要運貨 問題是運價跟獲利呢? 根據國外報導 由於供應鏈延遲 到了港也不一定進的了商店 所以廠商開始不敢發貨了 變成船商反而給予附加費優惠 「就艙位需求來說,聖誕節已經過去了,目前發貨量有所下降」 鬼故事還在上演 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1634526135.A.3A3.html

10/18 11:03, 2年前 , 1F
聖保羅一天三發文 水手小心了
10/18 11:03, 1F

10/18 11:04, 2年前 , 2F
航運崩是常識了 現在先知應該要預測什麼時候回20
10/18 11:04, 2F

10/18 11:04, 2年前 , 3F
10/18 11:04, 3F

10/18 11:04, 2年前 , 4F
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10/18 11:05, 2年前 , 5F
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10/18 11:06, 2年前 , 6F
10/18 11:06, 6F
去翻一下美國庫存數據 還有包括消費轉向服務業 時空背景早就不同了... 趨勢已經不一樣

10/18 11:06, 2年前 , 7F
10/18 11:06, 7F

10/18 11:06, 2年前 , 8F
10/18 11:06, 8F

10/18 11:06, 2年前 , 9F
10/18 11:06, 9F
※ 編輯: paulnorton4 ( 臺灣), 10/18/2021 11:07:49

10/18 11:07, 2年前 , 10F
真的蠻難看的了 而且你的連結文章到底在哪
10/18 11:07, 10F

10/18 11:08, 2年前 , 11F
10/18 11:08, 11F

10/18 11:08, 2年前 , 12F
整天發海運文 煩不煩
10/18 11:08, 12F

10/18 11:08, 2年前 , 13F
水手沒走光 看生氣的就是
10/18 11:08, 13F

10/18 11:08, 2年前 , 14F
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10/18 11:08, 2年前 , 15F
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10/18 11:09, 2年前 , 16F
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10/18 11:09, 2年前 , 17F
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10/18 11:09, 2年前 , 18F
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10/18 11:11, 2年前 , 19F
一堆還在噓 那就是繼續破底
10/18 11:11, 19F

10/18 11:11, 2年前 , 20F
10/18 11:11, 20F

10/18 11:12, 2年前 , 21F
哭啊 不是說塞港嗎 怎麼不必收附加費了
10/18 11:12, 21F

10/18 11:12, 2年前 , 22F
所以推文 就不會破底==?
10/18 11:12, 22F

10/18 11:13, 2年前 , 23F
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10/18 11:13, 2年前 , 24F
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10/18 11:14, 2年前 , 25F
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10/18 11:14, 2年前 , 26F
可以桶了嗎 發整天的
10/18 11:14, 26F

10/18 11:14, 2年前 , 27F
這麼有時間什麼不去跑外送呢 笑死
10/18 11:14, 27F

10/18 11:15, 2年前 , 28F
整天以為在噓的水手 真的看不下去在那邊亂板
10/18 11:15, 28F

10/18 11:16, 2年前 , 29F
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10/18 11:20, 2年前 , 32F
10/18 11:20, 32F

10/18 11:22, 2年前 , 33F
Highlight 啦 打錯字嗚嗚
10/18 11:22, 33F

10/18 11:22, 2年前 , 34F
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10/18 11:23, 2年前 , 35F
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10/18 11:45, 2年前 , 39F
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10/18 11:47, 2年前 , 40F
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10/18 11:48, 2年前 , 41F
10/18 11:48, 41F

10/18 11:48, 2年前 , 42F
在低位 海運短長皆空沒錯 但不要亂傳謠言啊
10/18 11:48, 42F

10/18 11:48, 2年前 , 43F
10/18 11:48, 43F

10/18 11:48, 2年前 , 44F
10/18 11:48, 44F

10/18 11:49, 2年前 , 45F
10/18 11:49, 45F
※ 編輯: paulnorton4 ( 臺灣), 10/18/2021 11:54:35

10/18 11:54, 2年前 , 46F
您這樣不累嗎? 沒買也沒空 卻一直努力在預測航運
10/18 11:54, 46F

10/18 12:04, 2年前 , 47F
10/18 12:04, 47F

10/18 12:09, 2年前 , 48F
10/18 12:09, 48F

10/18 12:15, 2年前 , 49F
說一下好了 原文的premium應該是買倉費的意思
10/18 12:15, 49F

10/18 12:15, 2年前 , 50F
10/18 12:15, 50F

10/18 12:15, 2年前 , 51F
10/18 12:15, 51F

10/18 12:16, 2年前 , 52F
但連這些都不知道的話還是不要玩船 多空都是
10/18 12:16, 52F

10/18 12:19, 2年前 , 53F
大利多啦! 空軍的大利多
10/18 12:19, 53F

10/18 12:28, 2年前 , 54F
我信你了 感謝
10/18 12:28, 54F

10/18 12:33, 2年前 , 55F
看得很膩...大家都會看了不用一直講 丟臉
10/18 12:33, 55F

10/18 12:49, 2年前 , 56F
這咖好急喔一直發文!很怕被嘎嗎 笑死
10/18 12:49, 56F

10/18 12:49, 2年前 , 57F
10/18 12:49, 57F

10/18 12:49, 2年前 , 58F
足q4行情 利多一次補上 快買船票唷~
10/18 12:49, 58F

10/18 12:50, 2年前 , 59F
快點去放空 嘴砲仔
10/18 12:50, 59F

10/18 13:11, 2年前 , 60F
10/18 13:11, 60F

10/18 13:16, 2年前 , 61F

10/18 14:28, 2年前 , 62F
見好就收吧 漲會漲過頭 跌一樣也會
10/18 14:28, 62F

10/18 14:42, 2年前 , 63F
建議去送外賣,還可以賺一點錢 滾
10/18 14:42, 63F

10/18 15:07, 2年前 , 64F
10/18 15:07, 64F

10/18 15:20, 2年前 , 65F
10/18 15:20, 65F

10/18 16:06, 2年前 , 66F
有道理 老美今年補完貨就永不叫貨了 航運下去吧~
10/18 16:06, 66F

10/18 17:08, 2年前 , 67F
10/18 17:08, 67F

10/18 19:21, 2年前 , 68F
10/18 19:21, 68F
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